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What do you do when...

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I either crawl into bed and watch a movie or go get some exercise. I also pray, even though I don't have the words. I try to stay away from sugar and high carb foods in general. This happens to me more often then I like now that I'm in my mid-forties. :tongue_smilie:

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I usually try to get AWAY. Leave the house and go for a walk or just go eat lunch by myself or something. Usually if I can get away for an hour or two the bad mood blows over.

If I can't get away I set ds loose in the backyard and forget trying to do anything productive. I just eat chocolate and avoid human contact :).

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Honestly, I go eat chocolate :blush:. Or engage in some retail therapy :tongue_smilie:.


But if I'm trying to be a bit more constructive, I try to do something to break me out of my mood - something different but still useful. Getting outside is good, but I often resist that when I need it the most :glare:.


I hope you feel better :grouphug:.

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avoid human contact :).





I HAD to do this yesterday! I would like to do it today, but I cannot. I do have THAT look on my face. I pull out of the driveway really fast, too.


And, I use the word HATE alot! ALOT!!!!!



And, I sit and hang out here ALOT!!!!! It's not the REAL world, but I can deal with HERE!


I know how you feel -- :grouphug:

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It's funny you ask that now. I noticed in the past year that oh, once a month or so, when I login to my regular message boards I start poking around in threads I know will annoy me. Then I argue with people in it. I really don't do it consciously, it's more like I get AF and then I'm like, OH, that's why I was arguing with so many people online! I always do it following the rules of the forums--I engage in civil discourse for the most part I think, I am just more argumentative than usual. I don't think this counts as troll behavior, at least I don't intend for it to be!


On a side note, I am really looking forward to menopause.

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Grump and grouch at everyone. Pout. Eat a bunch of junk food. Good old-fashioned temper tantrum.


Oh, wait...were you looking for something constructive?


I try to go outside. Taking a walk or weeding the garden work well.


I felt like crawling out of my skin on Friday. I really wanted to scream and kick someone, for no particular reason. (But I didn't.) Instead, I took the kids for a 20-minute walk. They were entertained enough by running and jumping that they left me alone. I also ran into a friend, and when she asked me how I was feeling, I was honest. I said, "I hate the world, and I want to kick someone. No reason, just woke up like this." Saying it out loud helped me laugh about it a little. By the time we got back I felt mostly human again.



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I'm feeling like that today too. And much of yesterday. I'm trying really hard not to do permanent psycological damage to people I love. Or at least people I "know" intellectually that I will love again as soon as this mood passes. Grrr.



Also, I think it's not fair that when I'm in a "mood" everyone else is cranky too. Any other member of the family can be snitty and everyone else just ignores it and gets on with life, but if it's ME, nobody can function or take responsibility for their own emotional state. It's just not fair. I am tired of being the center of the universe. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Oh, right, we were talking about what to DO about it, not just having a whine fest. Well, I like to think that what I do about it is get more exercise, fresh air, and sunshine, do something nice for myself, take a break, etc. What I often wind up doing, though, is staying up until 2 in the morning because that is the only way I can get a few hours of blessed solitude, and then I'm cranky again the next day because I didn't get enough sleep. If I'm not careful it becomes a vicious cycle. And I cannot tell you how irritating it has been the last two nights (mornings?) when I've done this, only to finally go upstairs to bed and find my dh lying there awake WAITING for me because he "can't sleep without me there". It makes me feel like my hours of solitude were somehow tainted because I wasn't really alone with nobody needing me for anything like I thought I was--because he was lying up there "needing" me. How's that for petty? Maybe I'd better go for a walk before this gets any worse.

Edited by MamaSheep
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Kick the cat. Kidding...but that's how I describe those moods.


For me, a nap helps. Or going out for coffee with SpecialMama. Or phoning someone that will both listen, then give me sympathy or a kick in the butt, whichever is required (and is loving and smart enough to know the difference).

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you are in a mood and everything is negative and you want to go looking for trouble?


I feel like...gosh, I don't really know how I feel.


Well, I used to come here and look for someone to argue with. Now, I try to stay away from message boards when feeling that way. A nap is the best thing for me in that situation. If I can't have one, I usually grump along until bedtime.:lol:

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I try and find things that make me laugh. I could send you a picture of our cats that I took this morning. You know that three-headed dog in Greek mythology-can't think of his name. You know, like in Harry Potter...Cerebrius or something like that. Anyway, our cats have a competition going about who can sit on Swimmer Dude during the read-aloud. One cat was already stretched out on my son. The other cat came an laid right on top of the first cat but facing in the opposite direction. So we have this disturbing photo of a two headed cat with there being a head on each end. We call it a "Cowbuttliarus." That's a cross between "Cowboy Bob" and "Butler.":D


Did I at least distract you? Get a good movie or get out in the sun if you have any. Stand in front of the mirror with your kids and see who can make the worst faces. If they are older, you can have a Shakespearean "sling" fest. Hang in there!:grouphug:

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Kick the cat. Kidding...but that's how I describe those moods.


For me, a nap helps. Or going out for coffee with SpecialMama. Or phoning someone that will both listen, then give me sympathy or a kick in the butt, whichever is required (and is loving and smart enough to know the difference).



I like our cat so that won't work.



I used to go hit tennis balls against the wall -- that was very cathartic.


I used to curry my horse for hours whenever I was stressed. I miss my horse. Maybe I should go visit Remudamom.

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Call off the day, make some iced tea and sneak off with a book that's probably bad for you, but you'll enjoy. Take a nap and when you wake up, start all over again by hugging everyone.


Seriously, that's what I do. And when I do it, they know to stay far, far away until I wake up from my nap.

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