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Where is my waffle iron and the lid to my rice pot?

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I feel your pain! Awhile back, I lost the drip trays that go with my Foreman Grill (which I use constantly). They were missing for months and I couldn't figure out where they went.


One day, one of my kitchen drawers was stuck and I had to take it out in order to put it back on the tracks correctly. And lo and behold, I saw my drip trays! They had somehow slipped out of the drawer and were sitting in the space behind it for about 3 months!!


That probably wouldn't happen with your waffle iron, but it could happen with a lid for a rice cooker (if you were keeping it in a drawer somewhere).


Good luck!

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The surest way to find them is to go out and purchase replacements ;)


But they won't actually show up until you have used the replacements, so that you can't return them.


Seriously, if you don't recall unpacking them and everything has been unpacked, I bet they are sitting in a far corner of the kitchen cabinets of your old house. Call the new owners.

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Well the last time I couldn't find my rolling pin, it was under my dd10's bed. Then last week I couldn't find my measuring spoons...a few days later I found them in the van.


Are there any helpers who might have used them for some other impractical reason and forgot to put them back?

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Seriously, if you don't recall unpacking them and everything has been unpacked, I bet they are sitting in a far corner of the kitchen cabinets of your old house. Call the new owners.


that is exactly where our missing phone was when we moved. In the kitchen at the old house. New owners loved it. ( we moved 700 miles and lived in temp housing with our stuff in storage for 3 months. It was way tooo late to call and ask for the phone back!

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The surest way to find them is to go out and purchase replacements ;)


This really works. I lost my favorite cookbook when I moved, and had to pay $40 for a new (used) one.


Two weeks later, the original showed up in a box of books I didn't even realize was in our bedroom. I thought it was a box of DH's papers and his general junk.

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... with my cutting board that I haven't been able to find since mid-December when we moved.


...and my crock pot...

Seriously. my full-size crock pot. Can't find it anywhere. Too big to be stuck behind a drawer. Too big to be sharing a latte...it would have to have its own...:glare:

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...and my crock pot...

Seriously. my full-size crock pot. Can't find it anywhere. Too big to be stuck behind a drawer. Too big to be sharing a latte...it would have to have its own...:glare:


If it's any help, there's no trace of them in our puzzle and game cabinet. However, yesterday I did discover where I hid the Easter candy.:rolleyes:

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Check anywhere you have unpacked boxes - they probably got shoved in a box that was mislabeled, or else there wasn't enough space left in the kitchen box and the movers found a space in a nonrelated box.


All my Pyrex stuff was in a box in my garage labeled "gardening". Since we moved in in November, I didn't find it til April! I also found some random stuff in one corner of my attic.

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My waffle iron is back in my loving arms!! It is smaller than I remember (:D). Hubby had not noticed it in the kitchen over there. The lid....is more ominous. He says "it has been floating around so much, I'm not surprised it is lost...." and he keeps talking about it. To paraphrase a Huxley novel: hubby talks for the same reason a squid shoots ink.

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