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Our Barnes and Nobles is going out of business

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Sorry you're losing a bookstore! It's always a sad day when that happens.


Our nearest B&N is 45 minutes away, so I do most of our book shopping online, but I'd hate it if they closed! There's something so satisfying about being able to walk in and physically pick up and look at a book! Then there are the shipping charges.... *sigh*

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Sorry to hear you're losing your B&N!


I haven't heard anything about B&N closures (or their reasons for closures) so not sure whether it's a regional thing or not. We have two in our town and they're always packed, so I'm assuming they're doing ok here and will stay.


And although there's always the online option, I agree that it can't replace the experience of just browsing in the book store. I've spent many happy hours in one of their comfy arm chairs with a Starbucks coffee in one hand and a good book in the other. I'd miss it if they left!!

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At least you have another option. In our town the only bookstores are Walmart, Target and Kmart, along with the college bookstore. Have you ever looked at what these stores carry?


(whining like a little baby and stamping my foot)


I am getting ready to go to the Big City 45 miles away so I can visit Borders this morning.

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Funny you should say that Dragon Academy!! Yes, I have looked at what these carry. I was looking for a quilting magazine last week in Target. Our magazine rack is across the isle from the computer games. So, I took a look. THe magazines are pretty standard stuff. But the books are mostly dime store romance and such. Pretty poor selection. Great dvd selection though. Guess no one reads anymore!


By the way, I just heard this week that our state is now 49th for education. I have not confirmed that, but I think we were 48th last time. So, seriously, I guess no one reads down here!

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I would have never guessed it but this area of TN must have a serious book reading population. We have three major libraries (not just branches but different systems), a B&N, a Borders and a BAM, oh and a half priced books store. I hardly ever use the bookstores though because I can't stand to pay bookstore prices for books. I can almost always get a book cheaper from Amazon, Sam's, Costco, Walmart, Target, Krogers or the Half Priced Bookstore so I would imagine that cuts into regular bookstore business quite a bit.

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We have a BN and a Books a Million. Now we will only have the BaM. Is this common throughout the US or just a local thing?


There are two within a 20 minute drive from here--both thriving as far as I know, but we're in a university dominated area, so maybe that makes a difference.

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Our Waldenbooks closed down a few months back, leaving us with only a B&N now. We do have several used book stores and college bookstores, but it's nice to go somewhere and know they'll have some books your looking for.


I haven't heard anything about B&N closing branches. Ours is always busy and usually with a long line.

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Shucks! I have not heard about our B&N closing but I was looking for two new releases (books) just last week and they have very few new items on the shelf.

I had to order online. I hope they won't have to close their doors. Our library is not exactly expansive, I suppose we'll always have amazon.com.

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We only have a BAM, they're okay, but certainly not on the level with Borders or B&N. The coffee shop in BAM has two outlets for computers:glare: which is a big PITA for our writing group. The shop we used to use closed. :glare: BAM here seems to have a good selection of magazines, but they had the same copy of WTM on the shelf for over 2 years. :confused: I go there to socialize, but it doesn't give me the same AH! feeling as a B&N or Borders.

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By the way, I just heard this week that our state is now 49th for education. I have not confirmed that, but I think we were 48th last time. So, seriously, I guess no one reads down here!


Where do you go to get the reports of where states rank in education? I have always heard my state is near the bottom, yet some of the schools around here have made great achievements. (some are awful, it just depends on what district they belong to)

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Oh, I'm so sorry!


Next city over had a Waldenbooks (owned by Borders) for probably 20 years and it recently closed. Our local Borders store has drastically cut it's music section. Probably only 1/4 remains. They've filled the kids section with toys and kits :glare:. They've also cut their hours. I pray they don't close. That is my hang out.


BTW, I'm doing my best to support them and keep them in business ;).

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Our B&N just expanded in a new location, and I have another one about 20 minutes away that is only about a year old. We also have a BaM, but I much prefer B&N. I'm on my way there in about 1/2 an hour for some peace & quiet (and a cup of Starbucks). Sorry yours is closing!

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I live in the PNW that is full of book stores and coffee shops. I have only seen 2 book store closures here and they were small Borders, one that was in a mall directly across from a huge, beautiful, 2 story BnN and the other in another mall.


I don't know if more Borders have gone out, but I haven't seen any BnN leave. They are always very, very busy here.

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This is why I primarily buy from original curriculum providers - I want to keep them in business. (I will admit that I am buying a Latin program from someone on the board to see if it is something we want to use).


I honestly believe that the Wal-Marts, Targets, BaM, Half Price Books, etc. and secondary market are putting the primary markets under a huge amount of pressure.


Yes, the economy sucks. Yes the US is a capitalistic system and only the strongest survive. Yes, I think a large portion of society is "dumbing down" (the romance novels mentioned above) are perfectly fine with that being the "book selection".


Cities are broke, financially. Library resources are being cut. Public schools (in general) are reliant on their teachers and parents to make sure kids have basic materials that were once provided by the district. It's like an editorial I read recently that said all great empires have a bell curve existence, and the United States has hit its apex and is now on the other side.




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