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Two go home on Idol tonight.

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I agree....Andrew and Aaron. I really like Andrew, but no one else seems to. He's a little boring, though.


On the other hand, Aaron my stay just because of the teen girl voting contingent. If that happens, I think it will be Andrew and Siobahn going home.


I wish it were Tim and Aaron. I don't like either of them. My favorites are Crystal, Lee and Mike.


Who does anyone else like?

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I have not been watching it, but my kids tease me like crazy. 'Oh, they are all so good! Why does any young person have to loose?"


And then they giggle like mad, knowing Mom is a hopeless Kumbaya kinda person. lol


Last week my youngest said , 'You are just like Ellen" as she was telling me about it. :D

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I'm a Crystal fan. I actually hope Katie goes tonight (although I doubt it.) I live in CT and if you watched the local news, you'd think nothing happened in this state except Katie on Idol. :glare:


I happened to be in Middlebury, CT for work last month and every sign in front of every church I drove by had a "Katie is our Idol" (or something similar) message in front of it. I hadn't even realized she was from there until I saw it on display EVERYWHERE in that town! I can definitely see why you'd be sick of it by now.

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Who should go home:

Katie & Aaron

I just don't see what the judges see in Aaron - He is just too young. He has no life experience to back up the lyrics of which he sings, and comes across as an old-fashioned teeny-bopper who should be singing on a Disney series built around him. But then again, I was no fan of Archuletta, either...he drove me nuts, and still does.


Who will go home:

Katie & Andrew

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I wish they'd just go ahead and send four home this week ;): Andrew, Aaron, Katie, and Siobahn.


My daughter and I are hoping Tim sticks around a little longer. With this year's group being so weak overall, at least he provides a little comic relief. :tongue_smilie:

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Someone knows someone on the inside. :D


Ooooh - I want in!! :tongue_smilie:


I'm just fine with the results and I was glad to see that Ryan Seacrest was coherent and professional tonight (what was up with him last night - seemed like he was kicking a few back between commercial breaks or something??!)...

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Ooooh - I want in!! :tongue_smilie:


I'm just fine with the results and I was glad to see that Ryan Seacrest was coherent and professional tonight (what was up with him last night - seemed like he was kicking a few back between commercial breaks or something??!)...

:iagree: Ryan was weird Tuesday night!


BTW: Tim was my fav this week and Adam was back!!! yay!:D

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So it was Andrew and Katie. Hate to see anyone's dreams squashed, but I can't say I'm sorry.


Nooooooooooooo- A spoiler alert would have been nice! :001_smile:

We are 2 days behind here, so the 2 go home tomorrow night ( Fri)


If this is the case then- Im happy with that result, as I wasn't keen on either Andrew or Katie.

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Was it just me, or did it seem like the Idols who were safe kinda gave Tim the cold shoulder when he came back to the seats? I didn't see anyone clap him on the back or even smile at him. I think they are sick of seeing him continue week after week. He looked embarrassed.

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Was it just me, or did it seem like the Idols who were safe kinda gave Tim the cold shoulder when he came back to the seats? I didn't see anyone clap him on the back or even smile at him. I think they are sick of seeing him continue week after week. He looked embarrassed.


I think Tim continues to be astounded he's even there. I wonder if the others ever thought he "deserved" to be there.

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