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How does Rescue Remedy work?

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Interesting. I've heard it can be used with infants--perhaps it just makes mom feel better/calmer/more able to cope! :D (even though you give it to the child)



Well, I recently saw (on a PBS program) that the power of the mind plays a huge role in how our bodies respond to medicine. Just the act of 'doctoring' someone by administering 'something' to them that's out of the ordinary can cause them to get 'better'.


It was very interesting. Also, if someone believed they were taking a medicine, the blood levels of that medication in their body was higher than that of someone who believed they were taking a placebo. People who believe they are taking a medication AND believe that it can cause side effects actually experience more side effects than someone who believes they are taking a placebo, or who doesn't believe the side effects are very likely. I can't remember the name of that program though. Wait, I think it had Alan Alda in it, so that may help if anyone is interested in looking for it. :)

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We use Rescue Remedy and love it. I also use homeopathics and they work for us, though they don't work for my sister.


Dh is a research scientist and develops pharmaceuticals. He teases me about my 'weed extracts', but he appreciates that we don't have any prescription meds on a regular basis.


If memory serves, Dr Bach developed the Flower Remedy theory (don't know if it was original to him) that different flowers have different 'energies' which affect/alleviate negative emotional states in people and animals. Rescue Remedy is a combination of 5 Flower Remedies which correspond to emotional or physical shock and trauma. Sounds far-fetched, but in Donald Rumsfeld's immortal words, there are things that we don't know we don't know!


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From the Bach company I've only used the Rescue Remedy, the little pastilles, as well as drops and ointment. All worked at calming, it had an effect that I did not anticipate. The drops make me nod off, the pastilles calmed my children to an absolute compliance and quiet, the ointment soothes a hurt. I know people that used the drops or pastilles for their dogs during flight, fireworks and other upsetting times and it worked.

I just asked my daughter about her experience with the pastilles and she said "oh the little things that make you cheerful?"


I have read about the other flower extracts/essences they sell but have not tried any...couldn't figure out which psych/mental problem I have the worst. . . . .:lol::lol::lol:

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We've used Rescue Remedy for years, at times when there was nothing else I could quickly think of to help the situation. It has worked extremely well in our family. My children do not understand the placebo effect, but still have been calmed from hysterical crying after the death of a pet, been calmed before major dental work, after a car accident, etc., a few minutes after taking it. Here is a link to free downloads from the Bach Center that may describe how they work:


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It works for us here. I first encountered it when I was on bedrest with my second. I was in a panic because I just couldn't handle the thought of spending 5 weeks laying in bed. I had an emergency appointment with my midwife. There I was a crying, anxiety-filled mess. She interrupted my freaking out, saying open your mouth, and dropped a few drops under my tongue. I had no idea what she was giving me, why, or what it would do. I few minutes later I was letting out a big sigh of relief and feeling quite calm again. Can't be the placebo effect when you don't know what you are being given or why, can it?


I did the same thing to a friend in the middle of a crisis. Worked for her too.

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Chris, I can only tell you my experience. I was give Rescue Remedy by my midwife while I was in hard labour and having a difficult time concentrating. I was way stressed out and panicking. She gave me RR (I didn't know what it was at the time...I was quite out of it!) and immediately I could cope with the contractions. My husband's face said it all. His jaw was on the floor. He said the difference in my demeanor was like night and day. So, all that being said...it obviously worked for me! Oh...this happened not just once but each time I was in labor with this midwife...6 times.

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Dh is a research scientist and develops pharmaceuticals. He teases me about my 'weed extracts', but he appreciates that we don't have any prescription meds on a regular basis.


Well then your husband must know that many of our pharmaceuticals have their "roots" in those weeds! ;)


The placebo effect doesn't explain why BFR works so well for our dog (she gets panicky during thunderstorms). Haven't tried it on any of the bipeds in the house though...

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The placebo effect doesn't explain why BFR works so well for our dog (she gets panicky during thunderstorms)


Exactly. Wasn't RR originally used for animal rescue?


I've used the spray before. Since I am very sensitive to alcohol, I can say for me, it's the -OH. If I sprayed ~ 10 sprays at once on my tongue, I would also need a brief (like 5 minutes) powernap.

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