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The duct tape on warts thingy

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I think I have a wart, I don't even know because I never had anything like it before. It's on the side of my right hand. I really don't want to pay the doc to prescribe something and I seem to remember reading here that duct tape works when applied like a band aid.

Has it really worked for you and for how long does it have to stay on?

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We tried that when my son had a wart and even after a week nothing had happened.


We found the best to be the freezing stuff or the medicated pads that you put on the wart with the special bandaid over to work best. You can get either one at Walmart or the local drugstore.

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Another vote for duct tape here. We used it on both kids and seemed to work. We put it on sporadically for maybe a week or two. Apparantly what it does is causes localised irritation to the skin which sets off the body's immune system to attack the wart. It took a few weeks for the warts to go.


The pediatrician suggested it rather than freezing it off because apparantly that can leave scars.

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I think I have a wart, I don't even know because I never had anything like it before. It's on the side of my right hand. I really don't want to pay the doc to prescribe something and I seem to remember reading here that duct tape works when applied like a band aid.

Has it really worked for you and for how long does it have to stay on?




I used duct tape on my kids plantar warts. It took a few weeks. At night I would soak a small piece of cotton in apple cider vinegar and put that on the wart and cover with duct tape. During the day I used just the duct tape. I was treating my kids during the summer so the duct tape often came off during the day. If it hadn't then it probably would not have taken as long.

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Apple cider vinegar has worked well on a wart that's on my hand. The jury's still out about the ones on my feet!


I'm doing a combination of ACV, duct tape and 40% medicated pads. I see progress, but it's not a quick fix. (Had the ones on my feet frozen twice--hobbled for six weeks. No more of that!)

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I missed this thread as I've NEVER heard of such a thing.


We've gone through box after box after box for a wart that's been on my son's hand for a couple of years now. Has it been there too long for the duct tape to work because it's bigger? I'd say it's about the size of a small pea.


Wow - am I thankful for this board! I learn something new all the time here!

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I missed this thread as I've NEVER heard of such a thing.


We've gone through box after box after box for a wart that's been on my son's hand for a couple of years now. Has it been there too long for the duct tape to work because it's bigger? I'd say it's about the size of a small pea.


Wow - am I thankful for this board! I learn something new all the time here!



I believe it will work on any size wart. I would imagine that a larger wart would take longer.

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do you do that WITH duct tape??? Do you get the milk weed outside or buy an herb? We won't have weeds for 2 months!


I never thought of milkweed. I wonder if I can get some concoction at the natural food & herb place since I don't know what it looks like in its natural state. I have heard that people use milkweed for a variety of skin issues.

Well, for now I have the duct tape covering the thing and I can certainly try the Apple Cider Vinegar tonight.

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My dd had warts on her hands, they were spreading because she would put lotion on her hands then rub the backs of her hands together. She had them for months! She started eating a lot of potatoes and bananas and I applied a tincture of black walnut and something else, I forget what, they were all gone within a week. We would cover them with band aids and she wore white cotton gloves.

Plantars warts: 2 of my sons had these on the bottoms of their toes, of course, and we used the same stuff, black walnut tincture and up the intake of bananas and potatoes.

We preferred this over all the warnings on the wart removal :blink:product labels.

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Wow, another use for duct tape! We used it on my son's very large crevasse in his foot per his dermatologist's orders (he told us we could use meds if we preferred, but this was safe and effective), and it took about a month but it worked and the crevasse never returned.

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I think I have a wart, I don't even know because I never had anything like it before. It's on the side of my right hand. I really don't want to pay the doc to prescribe something and I seem to remember reading here that duct tape works when applied like a band aid.

Has it really worked for you and for how long does it have to stay on?

We have had it work. It depends on how big the wart is as to how long it will take. The thing is you need to be sure air is sealed out from around the wart and if it starts to come loose take it off and put another one right back on. You might also want to take Vit. C and B complex to boost your immune system as warts are a virus.

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We used duct tape along with a topical wart cream from the dermatologist for DS's warts. It worked well for the first month. After that, DS developed a sensitivity to the glue in the duct tape and developed a rash. We had to stop using the duct tape. His warts were reduced about 65-70% in the month we did that treatment. The dermatologist wants us to continue the duct tape method once the irritation goes away.

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