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Help! Sugar binging and can't stop! What helps reduce/remove sugar cra

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I just went off cold turkey. I did it about a month a go. Of course the first 3-5 days are bad!!!! But after that I really don't want it. I remember how it makes me feel. I did have a 1 piece of cake for my birthday and it made me sooooo sick. It's a great incentive to avoid it. I don't eat anything with sugar in the first three ingredients. Best wishes!




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I disagree with the previous 2 posters :) I do think going cold turkey off sugar can be good, but not necessarily when you are in crisis. If you can,great- if you cant, well, dont give yourself a hard time.

And, carbs are sugar- they just take your body a few extra minutes to break down. Its true that wholegrins take longer, and they are better than refined sugar and flour, but still, if you are in a sugar binge risis, I think you need a different balance.


Protein and fat will both help balance sugar cravings. They are the other 2 major food groups (sugar is a carb). So- a steak, tofu (if vegetarian), vegetables, coconut oil, butter, something fried, a handful of nuts...these type of foods provide a counterbalance to sugar- they also sustain you longer so your blood sugar gets a chance to balace out.


Sugar is addictive, and it also often represents something emotional- so maybe find a different emotional outlet...go for a walk, a run, (since these produce happy hormones) watch a funny movie, cry, journal etc


Another thing that can work immediately is to eat something salty.

Also, eat regular meals, and enough food to satisfy you.

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Help! Sugar binging and can't stop! What helps reduce/remove sugar cravings?

Thanks so much in advance. Warmly, Lori D.


I find that protein helps tremendously as do good fats. Keeping some healthy protein around is very helpful. I happen to like eggs a lot and keep a carton of egg whites available to cook up for a quick omelet. I will also sometimes buy some frozen precooked chicken so all I have to do is nuke it if I'm craving. I also eat a lot of avocados, nuts, and olive oil. I've found that those two things help a whole lot.

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Green smoothies really help me reduce cravings for sugar. One of my favourite simple recipes is a couple handfuls of baby spinach, two bananas, frozen blueberries and water. When I drink this consistently in the mornings my sweet tooth is a non-issue.


I also like to have healthy alternatives for my chocolate fix. Raw chocolate pudding is *amazing* and easy: 1 avocado, 2 bananas, 3 pitted medjool dates, 2 tblsp cocoa powder, 1-2 tblsp of peanut or almond butter, and enough milk (rice, cow, soy, coconut) to blend. I often make this with more liquid so it's more of a chocolate shake. Totally awesome, extremely healthy, and the good fats really help with cravings. (I also freeze this in popsicle molds for my kids for a homemade pudding pop. Yum!)


If you're craving chocolate in particular, you might look at a magnesium supplement.

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If you just want to "cut back" on your sugar intake, you can try substituting with a natural alternative (like agave nectar), but that won't help if you're cutting out sugar for weight reasons (I think it has just as many calories as sugar). Also, there was a time in my life that I had to cut way back on carbs for health reasons, but I did indulge in a very small piece of dark (70 %) chocolate once a day (small meaning 1/2 ounce). It was a challenge for me to see how long I could make that little square last- with very small bites that just melted on my tongue, I could make it last almost 20 minutes! Dark chocolate doesn't make you crave more like milk chocolate does (at least not for me).

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South Beach phase 1.


No sugar (including honey/maple syrup/agave etc.), no fruit of any kind, no grains of any kind (even whole grain), no orange veggies (carrots, squash, sweet potatoes)


Do eat: Lean protein, green veggies of all kinds


Limited: low-fat dairy, dried/canned beans, tomatoes, nuts


There's a longer list, but that's it in a nutshell. After two weeks, add back in limited amounts of whole grains, fruit and the orange veggies. Sugar and white carbs stay on the no-no list.

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Green smoothies really help me reduce cravings for sugar. One of my favourite simple recipes is a couple handfuls of baby spinach, two bananas, frozen blueberries and water. When I drink this consistently in the mornings my sweet tooth is a non-issue.


I also like to have healthy alternatives for my chocolate fix. Raw chocolate pudding is *amazing* and easy: 1 avocado, 2 bananas, 3 pitted medjool dates, 2 tblsp cocoa powder, 1-2 tblsp of peanut or almond butter, and enough milk (rice, cow, soy, coconut) to blend. I often make this with more liquid so it's more of a chocolate shake. Totally awesome, extremely healthy, and the good fats really help with cravings. (I also freeze this in popsicle molds for my kids for a homemade pudding pop. Yum!)


If you're craving chocolate in particular, you might look at a magnesium supplement.


Oh you are a woman after my own heart, Melanie.

I make green smoothies most mornings, similar to yours, for the whole family.

For myself, I am also making a daily chocolate smoothie with various ingredients- raw cacao powder, home made almond milk or water or coconut water, sometimes banana, sometimes honey, bee pollen, maca powder, mesquite powder, raw cashews, a bit of coconut oil...and a handful of greens often too because you can't taste them :) This is a Super Smoothie and full of nutrition- I am doing a raw food diet and rather than feel deprived, I feel spoilt! And...no sugar cravings.

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Help! Sugar binging and can't stop! What helps reduce/remove sugar cravings?

Thanks so much in advance. Warmly, Lori D.


There are certain medications that mess with glucose metabolism that will also cause what you are discussing.




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Oh you are a woman after my own heart, Melanie.

I make green smoothies most mornings, similar to yours, for the whole family.

For myself, I am also making a daily chocolate smoothie with various ingredients- raw cacao powder, home made almond milk or water or coconut water, sometimes banana, sometimes honey, bee pollen, maca powder, mesquite powder, raw cashews, a bit of coconut oil...and a handful of greens often too because you can't taste them :) This is a Super Smoothie and full of nutrition- I am doing a raw food diet and rather than feel deprived, I feel spoilt! And...no sugar cravings.


Peela, I went about 90% raw for a while when I was pregnant (I hadn't intended so high raw, but the baby obviously wanted it!) and I felt so amazing! It is absolutely the best eating experience I've ever had, and I ate *loads* of 'treats'. All that fresh fruit, smoothies, raw pies and cookies, chocolate pudding, yummy salsa... Really, it's amazing how you can take all these things that are supposed to be off limits, take the raw version, and thrive!!


I really want to get back on the raw bandwagon. Maybe I need to start poking around on some raw forums again and get inspired. (Are there other raw foodies here?) It sure would be a lovely side effect to lose a few pounds before our vacation this month. :)


Oh, and I forgot the bee pollen in my raw chocolate pudding. I'm having that daily right now to boost my immune system as the kids have all been sick, and I'm really hoping to avoid it. Yes, chocolate pudding to boost the immune system. Hee hee.

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I can tell you that the only way I have ever been able to give up sugar is to do it cold turkey. They first few days, to a week are difficult. My calorie consumption goes up during that period. But when I get through it I can eat far fewer calories and there is no refined sugar. I quickly start to lose weight.


During the period I am trying to wean myself off of sugar I have plenty of almonds, popcorn, fruit and cut vegies around. Also, lean protein helps to keep me satisfied and not hungry.


Hope this helps.




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Green smoothies really help me reduce cravings for sugar. One of my favourite simple recipes is a couple handfuls of baby spinach, two bananas, frozen blueberries and water. When I drink this consistently in the mornings my sweet tooth is a non-issue.



:iagree: My sisters and I all swear by green smoothies to control the craving for sweets. I make mine with frozen mango, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, either spinach or kale, and water.

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Peela, I went about 90% raw for a while when I was pregnant (I hadn't intended so high raw, but the baby obviously wanted it!) and I felt so amazing! It is absolutely the best eating experience I've ever had, and I ate *loads* of 'treats'. All that fresh fruit, smoothies, raw pies and cookies, chocolate pudding, yummy salsa... Really, it's amazing how you can take all these things that are supposed to be off limits, take the raw version, and thrive!!


I really want to get back on the raw bandwagon. Maybe I need to start poking around on some raw forums again and get inspired. (Are there other raw foodies here?) It sure would be a lovely side effect to lose a few pounds before our vacation this month. :)


Oh, and I forgot the bee pollen in my raw chocolate pudding. I'm having that daily right now to boost my immune system as the kids have all been sick, and I'm really hoping to avoid it. Yes, chocolate pudding to boost the immune system. Hee hee.


I'm not aware of other raw foodies here but if there are, please speak out!

(I am not 100% raw but fluctuate between about 60% and sometimes 100%).

I LOVE my guilt free raw chocolate! I have been eating it freely and still losing weight!

The key for me is not to try and go too extreme all at once.... just to enjoy it. And, it is such a fun way to eat! My rather conservatively paletted family beg for some of my raw foods now.

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My experience has been that drinking plenty of water, eating five fruits and vegetables a day, and eating 50 grams of protein or more help to reduce sugar cravings. Eating every two to three hours has also helped. Exercise is helpful as well. When I exercise I naturally drink plenty of water.

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