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Read any odd books lately?

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I mean highly imaginative books like "Alice in Wonderland". And it doesn't have to be lately. I'm reading a strange but interesting book right now called "Un Lun Dun" by China Mieville. It is about an alternative unLondon with a strange landscape and population. It is British. Which leads to another musing - why are so many of these books British?



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The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers. Picture this - ancient Egyptian tomb raids, Werewolves, a beggars guild, insane clowns, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and time travel. Anyone who can weave these things into a fascinating and seamless story is a genius in my book. I've heard Declare is even better, but I haven't read it yet.


Another favorite of mine is The Last Coin by James Blaylock - a good friend of Tim Powers.

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The Gallery of Regrettable Food. The commentary is sometimes in rather bad taste, but after all, this is satire, and it's often very funny. I found it in the library.

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The Gallery of Regrettable Food. The commentary is sometimes in rather bad taste, but after all, this is satire, and it's often very funny. I found it in the library.


I love this book! Here's a link to the website for those who dare...http://www.lileks.com/institute/gallery/

I was just looking for my copy the other day and couldn't find it.

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Not necessarily *so* odd, but here are 3 favorites that came to mind immediately:


The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly


The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke (also, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, but I had a harder time getting through this for some reason)


The Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake - a classic!


Oh, also, Kelly Link definitely fits the bill. Here are two of hers that I've read: Stranger Things Happen & Magic for Beginners

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Not necessarily *so* odd, but here are 3 favorites that came to mind immediately:


The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly




This is one of my favs as well!


One I read last year, some would say is odd, but I loved it was Kafka On the Shore by Haruki Murakami.


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I thought the ubiquitous Diary of a Wimpy Kid was odd when I previewed it for dd (after ds told me not to bother, it was *that* bad—shoulda listened to him, he knows from good books! :001_smile:), but it falls far short of "oddly imaginative". I thought it was oddly awful. :D

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"Sum" by Eagleman. Subtitle is something like "40 Tales of Afterlives." It is forty different scenarios of what happens in the afterlife. In some scenarios there is a god (God), in others there is not (or God simply doesn't give a hooey). Quite amusing. It is an adult book, but my 11-year-old liked it too.



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The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul by Douglas Adams (of the Hitchhiker's Trilogy fame). London with the old Norse gods running amuck, but losing power badly because no one believes in them anymore. Thor, for instance, really, really needs to get back to Norway but has to resort to Heathrow and commercial airlines. OK, that description does NOT do this book justice: it's a very odd book, and very hilarious. I laughed hysterically. :001_smile:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Foucault's Pendulum. I'm 5 chapters in and I'm still not sure what's actually going on. Not to mention you need to keep a dictionary on hand when you read a book by Umberto Eco. It's a challenge that I'm not giving up.

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Only Begotten Daughter by James Morrow
Oh, I love James Morrow.


I'm currently reading The Cloven Viscount and just finished The Nonexistent

Knight by Italo Calvino. Highly unusual. :)

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