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When my young child wonders if ps would be more fun...

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I remind him that....

a) your teacher would not allow you to have a burping contest with your brother while writing your spelling words (which is what he's doing right now):glare:

b) your teacher would not allow you to do your reading upside down on the couch.

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Your teacher would not allow you to.....


.....stand and do a dance while writing in your math workbook (sometimes with accompanying singing).

.....take a break from schoolwork altogether when you're getting frustrated.

.....go to the store with your mom just because you feel like it.


And this is only our first week :)

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.... head on over to the park during the day because it's finally sunny and somewhat warm.


.... run around to release energy whenever necessary.


.... have your favorite snacks at your fingertips whenever you feel hunger or thirst.


.... go out to lunch with your dad in the city just because he feels like having us visit him.

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.... head on over to the park during the day because it's finally sunny and somewhat warm.


.... run around to release energy whenever necessary.


.... have your favorite snacks at your fingertips whenever you feel hunger or thirst.


.... go out to lunch with your dad in the city just because he feels like having us visit him.


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: The first and last especially. Those are my favorite reasons.

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.....let you make a movie with your friends based on techniques you have been learning on the internet


.....do your maths on the whiteboard because you don't want to write in your book


.....wear your spiderman costume and insist that everyone call you "Spidey"


.....wear your iPod and sing loudly while you do your history


.....take a break from your Latin to help Mum make bread for the joy of dough on your hands


.....tell her your answers instead of writing them down


.....do your writing outside on the trampoline in the sun


.....take a field trip to the 3 beaches that takes the WHOLE DAY, play in the mangrove mud, and finish off with a swim and an icecream


Yep, it's a rough life being a homeschooled kid :D

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Chose the order of your lessons.

Have math game day all day.

Be asleep when the school bus picks up all of your friends--for at least two more hours.

Become best friends w/your siblings b/c you're around them all the time.

Decide what you can specialize in. If science is your thing, you get to spend more time on it.

Go to a co-op once a week for a taste of school, but return to the comfort of your home the other days. Unless of course you're involved in homeschool gym, homeschool brownies, homeschool choir...



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Forge an orc knife in the coal boiler, using all the cool blacksmith tools in the shop.


Drop everything to have the satisfaction of saving triplet lambs.


Include showing dressage in your school plans.


Spend an afternoon at county court, listening to hearings


Drive to Denver to work on a US Senator's election campaign.


Learn AutoCAD with Dad for a Scout merit badge.


Learn to drive at 8yo so you can feed the cows.


Pack up your schoolwork, visit the US Mint and spend the weekend with your big sis, hanging out with all her grad school music nerd friends whilst they sing you Happy Birthday in 4 part harmony in 3 different languages!

Margaret's school is more fun than mine. :D Do you have room for 3 more students?

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Your teacher wouldn't....


have a tickling war with you, just because.


Drop school to enjoy the early spring weather


Take you on a field trip on Sunday and then on Monday as well


Use your stilts/scooter/riding car in the classroom


Count teaching the theme music to Jaws to your 2 yr old sister as Music ;)


And she REALLY would not take you to Tim Horton's to buy hot chocolate and tim bits to snack on during math (or to the bottle depot first to have enough $$ for said snack lol)

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And she REALLY would not take you to Tim Horton's to buy hot chocolate and tim bits to snack on during math (or to the bottle depot first to have enough $$ for said snack lol)




Dd and I have Starbucks school on Mondays when ds goes for an ABA therapy session. I can't say it's our most productive day, but dd loves it and it's nice to have girl time together.

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***write out the answers to your math problems in the dirt pit next door.

***do science read-alouds in a tent in the backyard.

***write the entire contents of your reader on a white board, just because you prefer not to practice reading from an actual book

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~Get up at 9:30am and start school after breakfast.


~Do night school if life dictates.


~Not have homework!


~Chew gum, drink water, eat a snack...whenever you feel like it (on your scheduled 15 minute breaks, that is ;))


~Skip everything but the basics every Thursday in order to go to fun classes another town over. Of course, said trip always includes a fun meal out and maybe even a cookie.


~Lay on the couch with your dog while you read History.


~Take a break to go play with the chickens in your yard.


~Visit and play with your mamaw twice a week around noon.


~Take a run to McDonalds on a whim to have a playdate with a friend in the middle of the day.


~Have you sit in her lap while you read your chapter book to her


~Bring Pikachu to the school table..as long as he just "watches"


~Wear your pj's to class every day

Edited by Tree House Academy
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