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If your school table is your dining table, what do you cover it with?

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A tablecloth? Place mats? Nothing? Our table would look very nice if it didn't have a nice big swollen spot in the middle from an unspotted and melting popsicle :glare: Plus, it's highly visible in our main living area, and it just looks unfinished when there's nothing on it. But the tablecloth makes it hard to write and DD4 is always pulling it askew, either accidentally or intentionally, while the placemats seem to always have goop on them and such a pain to wash (if I try to wash and dry normally, they come out all bunched up and shrunken. Gah!


Does anyone have some "outside the box" solutions here?



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I just keep a vase of flowers in the middle and hope it draws eyes more so than the ever present piles of books cluttering it.


But you know, a table cloth before and after school hours sounds like a pretty good idea. I had never really considered it before. I like it. That way all the books would actually have to find a home.

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I have a tablecloth, but I have it covered with clear plastic, which is smooth to write on, and easy to clean. I have the plastic held taut with bungee cords underneath. To attach the bungees, I rolled the edges of the plastic around a piece of bamboo skewer, and clipped with 1-inch metal clip (for paper), then I hooked the bungee hooks into the wire loops on opposite clips.


I have pictures. If you'd like to see them, PM me with your e-mail addy, and I'll send them to you.

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When we use a table cloth, it's usually one of those flannel-backed, vinyl ones that wipe clean easily. I got tired of sliding table cloths and I duct table my table cloths to the underside of the table for a tight fit. No one sees the duct table except for DD8 who rolls around under the table alot still.

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We just got an Amish made table about 2 months ago. I didn't want a cloth tablecloth because I wanted to see my table but it had to be protected because I want to keep it nice. I started looking into vinyl tablecloths and my mom found a place where I could buy clear vinyl by the yard. I bought a lightweight (12 gauge) intending to use it as a tablecloth and some 30 gauge that I wanted for special projects if I was worried about spills (think high school chemistry). It turns out the 30 gauge worked beautifully so we use it for everything. It's easy to clean, I can see the table, and the kids can easily do their homework on it. (I mention the gauge in case anyone is interested because although stores may sell these most are somewhere between 3.5 and 8 gauge so they are pretty flimsy)


It's the perfect solution for us.

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we just buy cheap vinyl tablecloths - they clean up well if we are doing messy stuff, and we can get them cheap enough at Wal-mart so we change them with the seasons when they get worn out.

If company is coming over - I do have some nicer cloth tablecloths that I will put on.

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I would love to offer a suggestion but for the most part we never clean off the books, we just shove them to the middle so we have room to eat. We're moving to a larger house with plenty of room for a library that I'll have the school room in, though, and I still plan on having it so covered with books that no one sees the table. ;)

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