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What is family cloth?

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OK. Second question: How does this help the environment? Do MORE laundry, use MORE hot water, use MORE detergent & bleach, and run MORE laundry through the dryer?


Unless, of course, year-round, we wash our family cloths by hand, run them through a wringer, and hang them out on the clothesline?


I'm failing to see how this saves the environment. :bigear:

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OK. Second question: How does this help the environment? Do MORE laundry, use MORE hot water, use MORE detergent & bleach, and run MORE laundry through the dryer?


Unless, of course, year-round, we wash our family cloths by hand, run them through a wringer, and hang them out on the clothesline?


I'm failing to see how this saves the environment. :bigear:


I found my own answer (scroll down for the comparison). Thanks, all, for putting up with my astonishing eco-ignorance....



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I thought it was what my kids refer to as "The Family Rag." which is a dishtowel I use to wipe their hands and sometimes their faces after dinner or after they have washed (nothing below!!) when I do not have paper towels or paper napkins.


The other end! EEEEEWWWW!!! Sorry!! I guess if too dry or ineffective were a problem (which it is with little ones sometimes,) I would use baby wipes or make my own wet wipes, (Which I have done in the past.)


You can google search home made wet wipe"s



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We use that--and we also cloth diaper, use mama cloth, and cloth napkins and rags. :001_smile: It all goes into the same hot wash together and comes out the same clean, and I think it's less gross to have two thick, squishy layers of cloth (like sherpa or velour or sometimes flannel) than a thin layer of TP, lol--no wet fingers :ack2: and no rolls of TP in my toilet anymore!! We do have TP for guests and dh though. He has digestive issues and doesn't use it.

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Sorry, just trying to get my head 'round this. Where I live in a rural area(read "the boonies")everyone has septic systems. Since the "system" breaks everything down by anaerobic whatsit, what difference could not using tp make? Besides the cost of the tp itself and the extra laundry(water cost,time etc.). I think I'd be tempted to go this route http://www.totousa.com/Default.aspx?tabid=226

the water for this and the laundry would probably even out.

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UGH!! Even the third world tribal people my husband grew up with knew everyone needed their OWN banana leaf!!

I think the name is a bit misleading. The threads I've read on the subject lead me to believe that there is a small stack of cloths in the bathroom and after one use the cloth goes into a hamper or bucket. No sharing.


the extra laundry(water cost,time etc.).

I can't imagine that the cloths are so big or that there are so many that a family will do an entire extra load of laundry.

I would guess that they are similar to cloth napkins, and are just added to an existing load.

When we made the switch from paper napkins to cloth at all of our meals (4 people, 3 meals a day, plus a few extra if my teenager grabs one each time he snacks) we didn't have any increase in our laundry. They just get washed with the dish towels and sponges that I already do.

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UGH!! Even the third world tribal people my husband grew up with knew everyone needed their OWN banana leaf!!


:lol::lol::lol:THAT is hilarious!:lol::lol::lol:


homemade wet wipes = 1/2 viva paper towel roll, 1 1/2 c. boiling water, 1 T baby wash, 1 T baby oil, 1 t alcohol (op.); SOO easy & SOO cheap! and JUST like baby wipes

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We're using cloth diapers for the first time on our third child, and I love them! I am seriously thinking of switching to mama cloth when my periods return, and using "family" cloth for myself. (I'm the only female, so it would just be for me, for #1. I think we'd have to still use TP for #2!)


Since we're on a septic system, maybe using less TP will make it not need to be pumped as often?


I'll admit, I am not the most eco-conscious mom. Financial reasons have led me to these cloth decisions. That, and DS's diapers are so soft, and his skin is so rash-free in cloth that I can't help but think how much more comfy cloth pads would be for me. :001_smile:

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I can't imagine that the cloths are so big or that there are so many that a family will do an entire extra load of laundry.

I would guess that they are similar to cloth napkins, and are just added to an existing load.


Yeah but you've got to admit that what's on them is a bit different. I wouldn't wash these with regular laundry any more than I'd wash cloth diapers with my face towels.


And yes, I did use cloth diapers. And yes, I have cloth moon time pads. They all get their 'alone time' in the washer.


And I golly well hope that these things are washed after every use. Now that I've learned that some people don't wash a table napkin after every use, I have to wonder about this....... :001_huh::lol:

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Yeah but you've got to admit that what's on them is a bit different. I wouldn't wash these with regular laundry any more than I'd wash cloth diapers with my face towels.


Oh, excellent point.



And I golly well hope that these things are washed after every use. Now that I've learned that some people don't wash a table napkin after every use, I have to wonder about this....... :001_huh::lol:



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I can't imagine that the cloths are so big or that there are so many that a family will do an entire extra load of laundry.

I would guess that they are similar to cloth napkins, and are just added to an existing load.

When we made the switch from paper napkins to cloth at all of our meals (4 people, 3 meals a day, plus a few extra if my teenager grabs one each time he snacks) we didn't have any increase in our laundry. They just get washed with the dish towels and sponges that I already do.

Okay, I put cloth napkins in with my other laundry,no problem there. I do not put my cloth pads(the few that I use) in with other laundry and would certainly not put cloth wipes in with other laundry:ack2:. To my mind that is like putting cloth diapers in with everyone else's laundry. Unsanitary! Maybe I'm just being OCD.

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Well, TP irritates my bum when I need to use it for that reason. I thought about switching to cloth, but what I did at the time was use a sports top water bottle to clean myself, dried my bum with a washcloth, and all was well. I recently ordered and installed a 'bidet' in the master bathroom http://www.amazon.com/Luxe-MB320-Double-Nozzle-Attachment/dp/B001KKRCGE/ref=pd_sim_hi_3

My bum is much happier now, as am I. I really like being actually clean, with no TP lint left behind and without irritated skin.

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Well, TP irritates my bum when I need to use it for that reason. I thought about switching to cloth, but what I did at the time was use a sports top water bottle to clean myself, dried my bum with a washcloth, and all was well. I recently ordered and installed a 'bidet' in the master bathroom http://www.amazon.com/Luxe-MB320-Double-Nozzle-Attachment/dp/B001KKRCGE/ref=pd_sim_hi_3

My bum is much happier now, as am I. I really like being actually clean, with no TP lint left behind and without irritated skin.

I'd seriously rather a bidet than the extra load of laundry. I think the amount of water would be about the same an no electricity.

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:iagree:Or the toilet seat bidet thing I posted above. It might even save me some head scratching and bleaching when laundering dc undies.

Are you always able to get warm water with that? My hot water heater is in the basement and we only have one bathroom in the house - on the second floor. I wonder if I'd be done before I got to the warm part.:lol:



Yes, an express elevator to the second floor would be a blessing some days.

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Probably not. I just didn't think through the issue completely.

(I was one of those terrible disposable diaper users, and feminine products haven't been part of my life for years).


I'm one of those! My dh grew up taking care of his cousin who is severely mentally retarded. They had to replace their washing machine MANY times b/c of washing out sheets, towels, clothes, etc. smeared w/poop (what she did when she was bored, angry, etc.) so he is fully against cloth diapers b/c he is convinced we will have to do the same.


Anyway, so far, my kids have been potty-trained by age 2 and I buy diapers only when they are on sale & I have a coupon so considering cost, I am spending the same amt. buying disposables vs. buying the new-fangled cloth diapers, covers, etc.

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Are you always able to get warm water with that? My hot water heater is in the basement and we only have one bathroom in the house - on the second floor. I wonder if I'd be done before I got to the warm part.:lol:



Yes, an express elevator to the second floor would be a blessing some days.

:lol: I think it plugs into the wall and warms the seat as well as the water. There are times in the dead of winter that I would really appreciate a warm potty seat. They also make them with remotes. I had wonderful visions of practical jokes:rofl: (Me outside the door with remote in hand. Unwanted guest enters bathroom, lifts lid on toilet. I push button!):lol::lol:

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Are you always able to get warm water with that? My hot water heater is in the basement and we only have one bathroom in the house - on the second floor. I wonder if I'd be done before I got to the warm part.:lol:



Yes, an express elevator to the second floor would be a blessing some days.

The one I got does not heat the seat, you just hook it up to the hot water line under the bathroom sink. My bathroom water takes a minute or two to get hot, thankfully my toilet is right next to the sink. So, I can just turn the water on to get it warm if I need warm water. On the very cold days I do need to get it warm before use, but on the warmer days I haven't needed to do that.

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