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Dh was officially laid off today and our house was relisted.

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It has been on the past 6 months with 10 showings, we relisted with a different realtor. Dh has also been job hunting since July with no offers. He'll be home with us. We have no clue when or where we are going or what we are doing with our stuff when it does sell. Dh's grandpa slipped on ice last week and broke his shoulder, arm, and leg. They have been unable to operate on him. My boys in their young age have already had to deal with losing their grandpa, now our heart aches for great grandpa. Just a lot on our plate right now. I'm taking a board break while we try to remain strong and work through this.


:grouphug::grouphug: That is a lot. Do keep us updated, okay?

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They actually sent them all home last week but paid them until yesterday. Friday my dh had an unexpected hernia operation.


I am trying to make my motto "live one day at a time" and not fret to much about all the what ifs.


I will pray for you and your family.


I have three kids 12, 13,13 who are old enough to feel all the stresses we feel. We are trying hard to maintain some sense of normal while we wait God's leading and direction.

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