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Tell me about labor and delivery after bedrest...

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I am about 35 weeks pregnant. This has been the roughest pregnancy I've ever had: exhaustion, asthma, a strained ligament, sinus infections. All these have had me totally wiped out and sleeping tons more than usual. Carrying a load of laundry from one end of the house to the next leaves me exhausted. I've been running my household from my bed. Practically speaking, I've been resting so much I'd say I was on bedrest.


So what impact should expect this to have on my delivery? I'm a little nervous about how I'll hold up during labor, especially with the ligament that has given me trouble.


Has anyone out there had a great, trouble free delivery after bedrest? Or should I be expecting the opposite?

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I was on 6 weeks of bedrest with my last one. When I say bedrest, I mean flat on my back only aloud to get up to pee and take a short shower. I had him in 42 min, no meds, 2 pushes. Very easy labor. I would say bedrest alone wont be the glitch in having a good or bad labor!


My bad labor I was 1 week overdue and up on my feet trying to walk this kid out. The labor was awful!

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I have awful deliveries for 4 of my children. with my 5th, I had total bed rest for 20 weeks. because I live 1 hour from the hospital, as soon as I had the first twinge of labour I started heading to hospital. They took me straight to the delivery room. I said I would be a while as the pain wasn't very bad. In fact it was like a mild period pain. They said they could see the baby's head crowning. It was the most pain free delivery I had ever had, and from start to finish only took 1 1/2 hours.

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I was on bedrest for about 8 weeks with my last two pregnancies. I was allowed up 10 minutes each hour as long as I wasn't having contractions. I gained more weight with those pregnancies (and haven't lost it, but that's a whole 'nother thread.)


The labor and delivery was no different than my other two pregnancies. I did them all natural and they were the same as the others. I do have to say that I overdid after I got home because I was so sick of being in bed and feeling like I was not taking care of my other children for so long that I couldn't rest. I also had horrific post-partum depression after baby #4, but I don't think that had anything to do with the bedrest.


In a nutshell, I don't think bedrest had anything to do with difficulty of labor & delivery, but do take care of yourself after the baby arrives even if it means resting in the dreaded bed. And if you find yourself in bed for days on end, brush your hair daily or within a few days you will discover you can't get a brush through it. Don't ask me how I know. :glare:


Amber in SJ

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My labor/delivery after bedrest was very easy. Then again I was only 29 weeks so that might have something to do with it :) She did (does) have a big head though!!


I had a far easier delivery with her than my DS though - I did have bedrest with him but was off bedrest for 2 1/2 weeks before he was born. In both cases it was hospital bedrest on mag sulfate.

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I was on bedrest w/all 3 dc (2wks ea/girl, 6wk/ds). With all 3 it was required because of premature labor so when we got the the actual delivery, it was easy.


In your case, only your past experience will tell. If you can do some exercises (yoga/pilates/ballet types) in bed, I would think it would help.

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I was on bedrest for about 8 weeks with my last two pregnancies. I was allowed up 10 minutes each hour as long as I wasn't having contractions. I gained more weight with those pregnancies (and haven't lost it, but that's a whole 'nother thread.)


In a nutshell, I don't think bedrest had anything to do with difficulty of labor & delivery, but do take care of yourself after the baby arrives even if it means resting in the dreaded bed.

:iagree:I don't think it affected labor and delivery too much... but the combination of almost starving and then being put on bed rest has left me very weak. I have had major post partum depression because caring for a large baby and then a toddler is very difficult when you are so exhausted and weak. All muscle tone that I ever had was gone and I have more fat. Baby will be three in April.
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I was on bedrest for several months and my delivery wasn't much different than the next one. Total bedrest doesn't make one so exhausted. You'll get through the delivery. :) It just might take a little time to get your general health back on track. Spring is coming!

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I'm so sorry you're having a rough go of it. :grouphug:


Is this ligament you mention a round ligament? Have you considered chiropractic care?


Has your doctor checked your thyroid levels? Has your hemoglobin/hemocrit also been checked? Both of those can lead to extra exhaustion. If your thyroid levels are off that can lead to other pregnancy-related health issues (i.e. PIH, PTL).

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Heather, all my bloodwork was fine at the beginning of my pregnancy, but I haven't had it checked since this extreme exhaustion has hit. Hmmmm...I'll talk to my midwife about it on Tuesday.


Yes, it is a round ligament. I slipped and caught myself before I quite fell and that ol' ligament just did something wiggy on me. It's never been quite the same since then. I didn't know chiropractic care could do anything about that. I thought I should just rest it. What can a chiro do for a ligament?



I'm so sorry you're having a rough go of it. :grouphug:


Is this ligament you mention a round ligament? Have you considered chiropractic care?


Has your doctor checked your thyroid levels? Has your hemoglobin/hemocrit also been checked? Both of those can lead to extra exhaustion. If your thyroid levels are off that can lead to other pregnancy-related health issues (i.e. PIH, PTL).

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Since the extreme exhaustion is new, it's definitely worth mentioning to her.


Yes, chiropractic care should be able to help with that pain. If you caught yourself in a fall you could have also knocked your pelvis out of whack too (how's that for medical lingo? lol) so an adjustment would be beneficial even if for that reason alone.

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When I got really out of breath easily, I ended up being low on iron, definitely get checked!


I was on bedrest for 9 months and my labor was 45 minutes and perfect! The problems came afterwards. I could not stand up to cut produce, as my calf muscles had shrunk. I could not carry the baby up the stairs; I had to sit and rest a few times. It took months for me to be able to resume normal daily chores.


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I was in bed & on the couch for the last 2-3 weeks of my pg with L, because I had the flu. At 33 wks gestation, dh took me to the ER because I was in excruciating pain. By that point, I had developed a severe case of pneumonia and pleurisy.


L was born within a few hours of my hospital admittance. Labor started off as Braxton-Hicks-ish contractions 5 min. apart, and progressed rapidly from there. Total labor was 40 min.; 20 min. of this actually felt like labor. The labor was my easiest (as far as just labors go) and my hardest (because I was sooo sick, and had no support).


The hardest part was the recovery--not from labor, from the pneumonia. Small tasks, or even just walking a short distance would cause shortness of breath for several months afterwards.

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I had 6 weeks of bed rest for premature labor. Baby was then born after only 45 minutes of painful labor, with only a few minutes of pushing. I was one happy mama!


The only trouble was afterwards -- I felt like a million bucks, so got up out of bed on my own at one point. I came very close to fainting, and was read the riot act by the nurses. ;)


Good luck to you for a smooth delivery. I'm sure it feels like the day will never come...:grouphug:

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Can I remind you of what my g-ma's DR said... that worked for her... After the baby, stay in bed 9 days, and you'll not have "female" problems later in life... So.... 9 babies later... it worked for her. Make sure that you give yourself that week after the baby to heal... even though we all know you'll wanna get up and go... especially after being in bed so long. If you can have the midwife~DR do serious stretches when you're in labor... and can stand... even with one person on your right... and one on your left... it should go faster:-)


Here's to a short healthy delivery!


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So I had some testing done today: hematocric and hemaglobin=normal, oxygen saturation=normal, blood pressure=normal, blood sugar=normal, lungs sounded a bit rough, but not too horribly wheezy. The only thing that was off was my heart rate, which was pretty high (at least to my pediatrician husband who is not used to treating pregnant ladies). I can't find the parameters for maternal heartrate anywhere on line.


Even with not feeling that hot, it's been so comforting to read that I'm not automatically doomed to a horrific delivery, though I will be prepared for a slower return to vitality.


It's killing me to rely so much on my kids and husband.

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You don't have to answer these here but just to consider.....How high was your pulse compared to your baseline? Normal during pregnancy can be between 80-100. Have you had plenty of water? Dehydration can cause pulse to rise from baseline.


If you didn't see your mw today, it's still worth mentioning to her. It's not normal to feel this way during pregnancy (as I'm sure you know ;)).

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I was on bedrest with my youngest dd from 29 weeks until my water broke at 36 weeks. They had to induce actual labor and it took 7 hours but only 2 pushes and dd came out...doc actually bobbled her when he turned around after putting on his gloves because she slid out much more quickly than he expected. I was up and walking down to the NICU to see my new baby the next morning without any pain or problems. Also had no difficulty with my overall health.

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