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Snowpocalypse Check-in! How goes it for YOU?

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I will upload photoes as soon as I get out of my pj's--may be a while!:D


We have an estimated 16 inches and it's coming down still--5-10 more expected. Lots of tree limbs down, and one big tree fell inches from my son's jeep in the driveway. That's the second time in a month that his car narrowly escaped being hit--in early Jan, the ground was saturated and our basketball hoop fell about 2 inches from his bumper!


It's really beautiful out here--and less trees mean more sun later in the year, so I'm not upset about the trees! lol


Dh cancelled all church activities--including church itself on Sunday. (I think he didn't want to write a sermon--he's such a slacker...NOT! lol)

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The official total was 20 inches at the airport around the corner about an hour ago. It is still coming down here. My son is preparing to go out and clear off the heater unit in the backyard and the satellite dish. He intends to shovel but I am not sure how well he will fair with that.

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Dh is outside here at the e.s.h. helping the normal maintenance people shovel walks.


The occupancy here is rather quite high as more than a few families checked in last night from Centreville where they lost power.


DH is incredibly concerned about losing power at our house and pipes freezing - of course, he has a rather heightened level of water phobia -- I'm afraid that my attitude is that we are not there and there is nothing we can do about it. DH was over there yesterday and he took precautions to keep pipes from bursting (turning off water, etc).


I am sure we will be able to get there tonight or tomorrow and check on things.


We had snow cream last night - I used Paula Deen's recipe and it was actually excellent - we all loved it, and it did taste like creamy ice milk. I am going to get dinner in the oven now in case we lose power so at least we will have something cooked.


Hope others out there are doing well.

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Please pray. We cannot get in touch with my mother. Her power is out out and she is not answering her phone. She no longer has a wood stove in her house and the power company says power will not be restored until Tuesday. I only know these things because my brother lives next door to her. I asked him to PLEASE walk down and find out why she is not answering her phone.

DH is incredibly concerned about losing power at our house and pipes freezing - of course, he has a rather heightened level of water phobia -- I'm afraid that my attitude is that we are not there and there is nothing we can do about it. DH was over there yesterday and he took precautions to keep pipes from bursting (turning off water, etc).
It is supposed to be 18 degrees tonight, so I am very concerned about the pipes at Mom's house. Assuming she is fine, my brother will be working on plans to try to provide heat for her house. I'm too far away to have any chance of getting there today.
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It's finally snowing here in the Triangle, but it's going to change to rain this afternoon. Yuck.


However, my hometown had 40" the last I heard, on top of what they already had on the ground, and it's still snowing. It was coming down 3" per hour last night! This region gets the most snow of anywhere in the eastern half of the US other than the White Mountains of NH, but my mom's husband said this is the most snow he's ever seen in 74? 75? years of living there. My mom said it's way past my brother's hips, and my brother is 6' tall.


In 2003?, Good Morning America visited my county because they got the most snow from the blizzard that hit the Northeast that year - it was 50-some inches. This is worse than that storm according to my mom. I sooooo wish I were there for this, although I'm sure if I lived there, I'd be sick of the snow. To put it in perspective, a friend posted on facebook, "My husband has been plowing this crap for four hours!"

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Please pray. We cannot get in touch with my mother. Her power is out out and she is not answering her phone. She no longer has a wood stove in her house and the power company says power will not be restored until Tuesday. I only know these things because my brother lives next door to her. I asked him to PLEASE walk down and find out why she is not answering her phone.It is supposed to be 18 degrees tonight, so I am very concerned about the pipes at Mom's house. Assuming she is fine, my brother will be working on plans to try to provide heat for her house. I'm too far away to have any chance of getting there today.


Will pray!

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Spending the weekend in my hospital workplace. Need I say more? No one: nurses, docs, patients, or ambulances is going anywhere right now. Off to sleep.


My oldest sister works at GBMC. She works weekends - I wonder if she took clothes and planned to just stay there. Or if she didn't and is stuck there anyway.


ETA: I wonder if you two happen to know each other? She works in L&D.

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Please pray. We cannot get in touch with my mother. Her power is out out and she is not answering her phone. She no longer has a wood stove in her house and the power company says power will not be restored until Tuesday. I only know these things because my brother lives next door to her. I asked him to PLEASE walk down and find out why she is not answering her phone.It is supposed to be 18 degrees tonight, so I am very concerned about the pipes at Mom's house. Assuming she is fine, my brother will be working on plans to try to provide heat for her house. I'm too far away to have any chance of getting there today.


Praying --:grouphug: please keep us updated!

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No one: nurses, docs, patients, or ambulances is going anywhere right now. Off to sleep.


Thanks for being there .... I'm off this weekend, but did have to send a lady with a broken hip to the ED this morning at 3 a.m. --- felt so bad for the ambulance drivers, as I hear the roads are just awful!


We're at about 25" and it's still coming down really hard.


Stay safe and warm.

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Wow, it's sticking really well to the trees. I don't mind snow too much, but having the trees bowing under the weight is scary and it's STILL snowing. Last report I heard it will fall through Sunday?!?


RegGuheert, I hope your mom is okay. Can she stay with your brother? :grouphug:

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Will pray!
Praying --:grouphug: please keep us updated!
RegGuheert, I hope your mom is okay. Can she stay with your brother? :grouphug:
Thanks for your prayers! Mom is fine. Apparently her hard-wired phone no longer rings. I'll need to replace that next time I get a chance.


Mom is now at my brother's house. They have a wood stove and plenty of wood, so at least it is warm. She will stay with them tonight. They also have a generator, but my brother does not have it set up, yet.


The heat situation is more severe. Her house is down to 50 degrees now. They are looking at using an old kerosene heater and/or an electric generator and a couple of electric heaters. Unfortunately, they only have five hours' worth of gasoline and have not found anyone with kerosene, yet.

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Thanks for your prayers! Mom is fine. Apparently her hard-wired phone no longer rings. I'll need to replace that next time I get a chance.


Mom is now at my brother's house. They have a wood stove and plenty of wood, so at least it is warm. She will stay with them tonight. They also have a generator, but my brother does not have it set up, yet.


The heat situation is more severe. Her house is down to 50 degrees now. They are looking at using an old kerosene heater and/or an electric generator and a couple of electric heaters. Unfortunately, they only have five hours' worth of gasoline and have not found anyone with kerosene, yet.


The kids and I walked into our house last week so I unpack and clean and one of the subs had turned off the 'oil burner switch' and the temp was 42 degrees. I turned the furnace on, took the kids to lunch, and we returned a coupld of hours later to a toasty 46 degrees. By the time the temp got to 50 degrees, it almost felt tropical. Which was interesting, b/c the week prior, we had walked into find the temp at 55 and it was freezing!


Glad your mom and your brother and the family are good! Having been in that kind of situation, I know how worrisome it is.

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Thanks for your prayers! Mom is fine. Apparently her hard-wired phone no longer rings. I'll need to replace that next time I get a chance.


Mom is now at my brother's house. They have a wood stove and plenty of wood, so at least it is warm. She will stay with them tonight. They also have a generator, but my brother does not have it set up, yet.


The heat situation is more severe. Her house is down to 50 degrees now. They are looking at using an old kerosene heater and/or an electric generator and a couple of electric heaters. Unfortunately, they only have five hours' worth of gasoline and have not found anyone with kerosene, yet.

Great! We're all using propane or woodstoves, and it's amazing how toasty a house can get when it's closed up (insulated with an absurd amount of snow) and has a good fire going.

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Thanks for all your prayers! Mom called this morning and reported that power was restored at 9:00 AM and she is back in her house. My brother had found some kerosene and had put the kerosene heater in the house overnight. Pipes appear to have made it through the 4 degree temperatures.


It seems may need to make a little more preparation for Mom for electrical outages in the future to provide a means of heat and better communication.


Thanks again!

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WE are doing fine. I had the weirdest power outage yet. My alarm was set to go off at 6:30 am and it did and immediately shut off. I thought that was really strange since I didn't even have a chance to shut it off and dh is in Australia. I get up and finally get to the kitchen were my oven light is blinking and showing almost the exact time that it still is. We must have had a electric trip at 6:30 right when my alarm clock was ringing.


SO far we have dug out almost to our trucks front door. THe snow is very heavy. I didn't want anyone doing too much and I can't do it at all. My snow removal goal for today is a path to the cleared driveway that a neighbor did with his blower. WE won't be getting out for a few days since the street is completely not plowed and the snow is deeper that my trucks wheels.

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We are lucky b/c our power comes from the main road in town where everything is underground. Our road itself is practically cleared but the main roads in town are terrible!!! Apparently many of the main roads heading north in VA are still in bad shape. They cancelled school Mon & Tues so far but with 5-8 inches coming Tuesday night there is no way we will go back this week. Then we move on to a week of late openings b/c of refreezing every night-ugh. It would be so much easier if they were all homeschooled right now!

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Nope-Bayview is my hospital. But I have a friend who used to be an L&D nurse at GBMC-she is a rape counselor now in their ED. I wish I DID work there sometimes-it's closer to home for me.


I knew it was a long shot, but you never know. I used to live 10 min from GBMC and my first two kids were born there. :001_smile:

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Are VA/DC/Baltimore areas expecting more snow on Tuesday? My mom got 40 inches this weekend, and could get another foot on Tuesday! (Latest forecast is now saying up to 16") I sooo wish I could be there for this. I love getting snowed in for a couple days at my mom's so I can just sit by the fire and read a good book. OTOH, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it all winter long! But anyway, I was wondering how widespread this next storm is going to be.

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Yep, we're looking for more on Tuesday. We lost power on Friday afternoon and just got it back last night at 1:00 AM. But now our phone is out. We're having fun, but it does make you realize how much of peoples' days had to go toward just cooking, hauling wood, drying things out, etc. Time to pull out "The Long Winter" and snuggle by the fire for a bit!

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Are VA/DC/Baltimore areas expecting more snow on Tuesday? My mom got 40 inches this weekend, and could get another foot on Tuesday! I sooo wish I could be there for this. I love getting snowed in for a couple days at my mom's so I can just sit by the fire and read a good book. OTOH, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it all winter long! But anyway, I was wondering how widespread this next storm is going to be.



There is a winter weather advisory-thingy for 5 or possibly more inches for VA/DC/Baltimore. The storm is expected, however, to dump most of its snow further north of those three areas -- NYC, for instance.



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Power was out for 10 hours Sat, 11 hours yesterday, and for about 2 hours this morning. I am grateful that it comes on from time to time so I can at least make some meals and take a shower. I think the snow is beautiful but the power outages are driving me nuts. We're supposed to get more tomorrow so I hate to say I'm not too optimistic this power's going to last.:glare:


I'm so ready for spring..

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Rt 29? I'm supposed to go up on Thursday, I hope they can get it cleared after tomorrow's storm.

From what I understand Rt 29 isnt great either. The main road through Warrenton(29 bypass) is like driving on snow mogols-HUGE bumps everywhere! With the snow they are expecting Tuesday night is will be a roll of the dice!

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They are now calling for 10-20 inches more in Fairfax County between Tuesday and Wednesday!!!! ARRRRRRGH!!!! :eek: We already have HUGE mountains of snow where we piled it from shoveling yesterday and today. I don't know where we will put all this new snow!! Plus, the roads are barely passable now!



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Here's a good website to check on road conditions.




29N around Charlottesville is in good shape. Up in Madison, as of yesterday they cancelled school for both Monday and Tuesday. But, I would guess that they already have 29N in decent shape.


From what I understand Rt 29 isnt great either. The main road through Warrenton(29 bypass) is like driving on snow mogols-HUGE bumps everywhere! With the snow they are expecting Tuesday night is will be a roll of the dice!


Thank you!

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