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Facebook: has anyone's format changed?

Guest Katia

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This is just so weird. My dd logged on to her FB account, and the entire format of her account has changed. She commented, "not again". So I looked and it is really different and hard to navigate.


Then, I checked her privacy and account settings, and many of them had been changed....grrr....so I changed them back. This was earlier this afternoon.


So, I was thinking "when would mine change", only, it hasn't. It is still the same as it's always been. I logged on to my dh's account and his is the same as mine; like it's always been.


My question is: why would dd's account/page format be changed and not ours? Could this mean she has been hacked? Do I need to delete her account?


I really love FB as it's a great way for me to stay in touch with friends and family that live all over the country. But, if they are going to constantly change it and by doing so change our privacy settings, then I'm not so sure I want to continue with it, kwim?


Has anyone else seen a change today? Anyone?

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Thanks for all the quick replies. I was really concerned.


Yes, it is quite befuddling. (what a nice way to put it) Both dd and I were lost trying to find all the things that are so easy to find on the other pages.


I wish if FB were changing things, or even just trying it out, that they would have posted a notice to those people and LET THEM KNOW. :glare: I didn't even trust sending a note to them, since I didn't know what was going on.


Thanks goodness for the Hive!

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Mine changed this evening... but I was expecting it. The games I play on there have been saying for quite a while now that there were Facebook changes coming.


Well, that was nice of FB, but not everyone plays the games. Neither dd nor I do any of the applications. We just visit/keep up with our friends and relatives. For those of us that don't play the games, wouldn't a nice notice on our home page be beneficial? Wonder why they didn't bother with that this time? Last time there was a big change, it was on our home page every time we logged in. Hmmmm.......

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My mom's layout changed, as well as one of my sisters. The layouts for my other sister and I have stayed the same. Facebook usually changed the layout slowly, and not everyone at one time. I'm not sure why.....maybe they are trying it out on some folks to see what sort of feedback they receive about it.

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What privacy setting controls news feeds? I have way too much on my home page. I just want to be able to skim other peoples' updates not every little thing they have done.

Then I think what you want to look at is the Status Update page rather than the New Feed page. I think :)

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Ugh. Mine changed this afternoon. I hate it. It is not easy to navigate, and you have to go through every single option available for privacy settings, because they have changed quite a few of them; some options that were available are no longer available and FB took the liberty of making all the new settings at 'Everyone'. Wasn't that thoughtful of them?

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What privacy setting controls news feeds? I have way too much on my home page. I just want to be able to skim other peoples' updates not every little thing they have done.

You know you can hide the games and such that people do, right? Click in the upper right area of the post--it's blank, you won't see anything until you move your cursor over it. After your cursor is over it, it should say "Hide". Click that, and you can choose to hide that particular application (or hide the person themselves--I suppose you could do this if you want to ignore someone but not unfriend them).

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You know you can hide the games and such that people do, right? Click in the upper right area of the post--it's blank, you won't see anything until you move your cursor over it. After your cursor is over it, it should say "Hide". Click that, and you can choose to hide that particular application (or hide the person themselves--I suppose you could do this if you want to ignore someone but not unfriend them).


Right, but you have to do this one application at a time -- forever. I wish I could click "Don't ever show me any games again!"


And, yes, my fb page changed. I now have a newsfeed that tells everytime one of my friends comments on someone else's status, etc., and no option for only status updates. I'm a pretty big fan of the FB concept. But even I am getting sick of their constant changes.

Edited by Cindyg
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I wish I could click "Don't ever show my any games again!"

I agree.


And, yes, my fb page changed. I now have a newsfeed that tells everytime one of my friends comments on someone else's status, etc.,

Mine was like that before, though. I don't see a difference there. I saw (and now still see) when so-and-so and so-and-so become friends, and when so-and-so becomes of fan of something, and so on. I didn't/don't see when a friend comments on someone else's status (if that person is not one of my friends). I did/do see when a non-friend comments on one of my friend's status'. None of that bothers me. I haven't looked to see if that can be changed. We had a newsfeed before the change, in addition to our wall.


Are you talking about something else?

Edited by gardening momma
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Mine was like that before, though. I don't see a difference there. I saw (and now still see) when so-and-so and so-and-so become friends, and when so-and-so becomes of fan of something, and so on. .... We had a newsfeed before the change, in addition to our wall.

Are you talking about something else?


There used to be an option to see Status Updates only. I no longer have that. :(

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