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Sunday School Candy Rewards? (cc)

Does your church give candy rewards to your kids for coming to church or for doing th  

  1. 1. Does your church give candy rewards to your kids for coming to church or for doing th

    • Yes, candy rewards
    • No candy. But another type of reward (Please elaborate!)
    • No candy or other type of reward.

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we used to give out candy for answering correctly or to a winning team or for spending 12 weeks memorizing something. At one time we were giving out Bible bucks for things like bringing your Bible, memorizing verses, etc. and after they had saved some up they could "buy" something (toys) from the Sunday School store.


Our current church does not give out candy at Sunday School, but they do get candy bars at AWANA for certain achievements and the winning team gets some sort of junk food treat.


Now that I'm a parent and there are so many candy receiving opps, I'd rather they didn't give out candy at church, because it just gets to be too much from all the sources totaled. I don't have an issue with it in an of itself per se.


Curious as to your reasons for asking.

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No, but I think my kids do tend to view the cookies at fellowship hour as their reward for attending.:tongue_smilie:




My kids fell in love with our church the first time we visited because of the lavish spread for "coffee hour" after the service. We wouldn't have become members if it hadn't otherwise been a great church, but having the children excited about going (for whatever reason!) didn't hurt.

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The 7-10 yos get candy, etc. for scripture memorization (b/c that is their teacher's thing) but we (3-6yo teachers) decided we did not want to do that. When my 3-6yos learned their books of the Bible (all of them, in order), I went out and got them a coloring book, markers, and a neat pen from the Dollar Tree. I am pretty much not "for" rewards (other than verbal praise) in general but not against it completely...:tongue_smilie:

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we used to give out candy for answering correctly or to a winning team or for spending 12 weeks memorizing something. At one time we were giving out Bible bucks for things like bringing your Bible, memorizing verses, etc. and after they had saved some up they could "buy" something (toys) from the Sunday School store.


Our current church does not give out candy at Sunday School, but they do get candy bars at AWANA for certain achievements and the winning team gets some sort of junk food treat.


Now that I'm a parent and there are so many candy receiving opps, I'd rather they didn't give out candy at church, because it just gets to be too much from all the sources totaled. I don't have an issue with it in an of itself per se.


Curious as to your reasons for asking.

My kid's enthusiasm for church attendance and doing the weekly homework seems to be truly only in receiving the candy reward(s) for the week.


Our church offers a great, fun kids program. But I feel the candy rewards are actually distracting the kids the real message being presented. Instead they're getting the Gospel of Candy Rewards, i.e., Pavlov Experiment.

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No, ours doesn't give out candy as rewards at all. The kids will get a (usually) healthful snack during Sunday School, but that's as far as food goes. We discussed it in our planning meeting last summer and decided it wasn't fair to award for attendance because that's up to the parents and kids whose parents don't bring them each week shouldn't be penalized for not being able to come.

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Yes, my church gives candy, sometimes stupid plastic trinkets, as rewards.


I. hate. it.


Like CalicoKat, I feel that it brings about a consumer mentality and is downright distracting.


Similarly, I was saddened as an adult to see that AWANA has a program of earning AWANA dollars to shop for junk at the AWANA store. AWANA had been the highlight of my week for many years when I was growing up--seeing the loads of candy dispensed every. single. week. in addition to the AWANA store saddened me a great deal. I don't think it does anything good at all for our children.

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Oops. I voted yes because the whole question is cut off. No, no candy as rewards for attending. Yes to candy as rewards for games, contests, etc. (Not large amounts--one Skittle for the first person at a table to find a Bible verse, with the winner being ineligible the next round till everyone wins or a candy bar at the end of a longgg time of Bible memory. )The candy is minimal, but it makes it fun for the kids and they learn a lot.

Edited by Laurie4b
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Our Wednesday night program (similar to AWANA) does, our Sunday School doesn't, for the most part. I would rather they didn't, and I won't in my class, but the program is otherwise sound and my kids love it for reasons beyond the candy, so it's not the hill I'm willing to die on.

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Yes. In addition to other things (i.e. birthday, some crafts...last week part of the craft was red gummy fish).


I spoke to our children's minister to ask that my children (well, really it's just the younger three) not receive candy. The only exception I'll make and allow is the little treat for their birthday. We try to avoid food colorings and HFCS in our home. My kids LOVE these fruit chews so I bought a box for the SS teachers to use as an alternative. It wasn't a problem at all. She keeps several other alternatives for children who are diabetic or have other allergies.

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The kids in our CCD classes do get play money ("Cath cash") for attendance. About 3x per year they get to redeem it for prizes. The prizes include little toys, statues, rosaries, etc. At the level I teach (kinder) I am not a stickler for attendance - I freely hand out the cash on prize day (it is the parents not the kids who are responsible for attendance).


The whole thing is geared toward the younger kids. Older kids (ex: 6th graders) typically use their "cash" to buy presents for their younger siblings, and they still have fun with it.


We hold CCD classes before Mass, and there is a time of fasting for one hour before the Eucharist; so we do not encourage eating during CCD.

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Yes. In addition to other things (i.e. birthday, some crafts...last week part of the craft was red gummy fish).


I spoke to our children's minister to ask that my children (well, really it's just the younger three) not receive candy. The only exception I'll make and allow is the little treat for their birthday. We try to avoid food colorings and HFCS in our home. My kids LOVE these fruit chews so I bought a box for the SS teachers to use as an alternative. It wasn't a problem at all. She keeps several other alternatives for children who are diabetic or have other allergies.

I couldn't quickly find the ingrediants listed for these. They don't have HFCS or food coloring?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Not the church specifically, but various teachers and other people do hand out candy to the kids.


I rarely buy candy and my kids get more than enough. :-P It used to bother me, on principle, but I gave up being bothered by it. My kids enjoy it, and some teachers just like giving out candy as rewards. I think a couple of older people in our church think my kids must be candy deprived because we are the only family with small kids that homeschool, lol.


However, my kids have to tell me whenever they get candy and have permission to eat it.

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Does your church Sunday School program automatically give out candy rewards to your children for church attendance?




There are churches/fellowships who give out candy as a reward for showing up that day? As in, the person passing out the candy directly communicates that the candy the kids are receiving is a reward for coming? They actually say 'Hey kids, you get this piece of candy because you came today. And if you come next week, you'll get a piece of candy then, too!'?


If we went to a fellowship that did that, we wouldn't go back.

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