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Help name my baby

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I want a Biblical name that is very uncommon, yet not something that is so strange that no one will be able to remember, pronounce, or spell it.


I like Levi, but don't want people to think I named my baby after pants.


I have always loved Silas. Just a good name! I tend to be attracted to names due to their stories. I could never do a Saul because of that. Solomon - maybe. I really love love love the story of Ruth and Boaz and so we considered Boaz but we had a girl and so that was out! :) It didn't go with our names anyway, but I have always just loved his *character* in scripture so I was drawn to the name. I like Levi and it doesn't make me think of jeans. :D Jesse is a good one and so is Isaac. Oh, and I will not be offended if you don't like my name choices! To each his own. ;)

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Okay, Saul is out. I don't really like the person Saul (later called Paul) in the Bible. Solomon reminds me of the king with a lot of women. Does it do that for you too?


Jesse Issac and Nathan are too common. i want a name which is uncommon with people of all ages.


Elias, Malachi and Azariah are too unusual. Malachi and Azariah will seem to be names I made up, like when kids are named "K'Twan"


Eli sounds lile it is short for Elijah which is too trendy. Caleb is common with little kids.


I love Amos, and wanted to name my last son that, but it reminds my husband of several imprisioned s*xual deviants of the same name. These criminals live in foreign country and are not famous, so you (and I) have never heard of them.


Barnabus, Cornielius and Linus sound nerdy.


What about Abel? My mom said it reminded her of Cain and she hated it. I like it, though.


Josiah sounds good. I know a boy named that. It isn't common though, right?


I will put Levi back on my list of possible names if you are SURE it won't make people think of pants.

Edited by Caribbean Queen
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I like Abel. I don't think I've ever known anyone named that. However, I do know people named Cain. Can't get behind that name.


Too bad about Amos; I like it, too. Asa?


I don't think of the jeans when I hear Levi. I don't think most people will automatically go there, but I'm sure some will. You can't find a name no one will find something to say about.


I still like Seth and Silas - and Josiah. It's hard to find one that's uncommon, but doesn't sound made up to people unfamiliar with the Bible.


Good luck. Keep us posted.



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I like Silas and Josiah. I do know an adorable little Josiah, but I don't think it is a common name. Levi doesn't make me think of jeans.


About Darius, I would pronounce it with "dare" at the beginning if I didn't know better. You might want to avoid that choice if you are opposed to that pronunciation. ;)


I love Abram. :001_smile: What are the names of your other children?

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I love Abram. :001_smile: What are the names of your other children?


My husband picked the name for my first son and it isn't a Biblical name.


My daughter who is pictured in my avitar is named Eve. That name is surprisingly uncommon, yet it is "normal." Everyone has heard of it, can spell it and say it. I am very happy with that name.


I am not happy with how I named my son Abram. "Abram" is not in story Bibles or sermons and so most people seem to have never heard of it. People here call my son "A bra 'am." They leave a breathy silence where the H is. I suppose they think when I call him Abram I am slurring his name, which is really Abraham. Even his father and grandmother say his name wrong. I don't want to pick another name which is tough for people to understand.

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Okay out of this list, which ones do you like, or not like?








Also how do you think Josiah is pronounced? I would think it is Joe Zie Yah. I could see people using the S sound instead of Z. I could also see people leaving out the Y sound. Do you think that could difficult for people to say?

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Sorry, I got a little lost in the thread. Is it "Able" or "Abel"? I think "Able" is, well, weird, since it suggests one's nimbleness/ability. (Whereas Abel reminds me of the first murder victim.) I'd prefer that spelling.


Josiah sounds Amish to me.

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Silas - 1

Seth - 3

Josiah - 2

Levi - 5

Abel - 4


Also how do you think Josiah is pronounced? I would think it is Joe Zie Yah. I could see people using the S sound instead of Z. I could also see people leaving out the Y sound. Do you think that could difficult for people to say?


I dated a guy named Josiah many moons ago. He pronounced it jo-SIGH-ah. He was very annoyed by people who called him Jo-ZIGH-uh. I think your kid would get called Jo-ZIGH-uh a lot. Whether that bothers you depends on how you feel about correcting people. All three of my kids' names get mispronounced. I don't mind so much because we know what their names are and so do they.



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Has anyone said Zebulon yet? It is an awesome name. It is biblical and the name of an explorer.


That is a good name, and Zeb is a good nickname. I went to school with twins named Zebulon and Zedrick, Zeb and Zed. That was kinda dumb, but Zebulon is a good name nonetheless.


I still like Silas very much.



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Hmmhmm. I am also leaning towards Seth or Silas.


Awesome. So do I win a prize or something if you choose the name I recommended?:D;)


Do we need to move on to middle names for Seth?


Seth Thomas (NOT doable if your last name begins with a "D"!)

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I like your list. I think Seth would be my favorite. with Silas close behind. I have a friend from Kingston, and she would pronounce Seth so it would sound more like Set. I don't know if I'm imagining that, and if I'm not, if it'd make a difference to you.


It wouldn't occur to me to use a z sound in Josiah. I had never heard Elijah pronounced with a zh sound until a few years ago, though so I may not be the one to ask :lol:


Keep us posted,


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Seth Roman?


I don't know.. sounds odd to me...


I'm trying to picture a kid with a first name of German, or French or English, or Greek....


But I have known girls named Asia and India, and Roman is not that unusual.. just... I don't know...


It's kind of like naming a kid after a city to me.


I know people do it, it's just not what I would do.


Then again, many places are named for people to begin with so I guess it all circles around...

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We have a Levi and love his name -- I don't think of jeans everytime I say his name. ;)


BOYS: Levi, Ike (fr. Isaac), Mathias ...


GIRLS: Tirzah, Jemima, Eve, Keilah ...


We have a Levi too... we only think of jeans when someone with a thick Texas accent says his middle name too (Levi James):lol::blushing:.

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I have a friend from Kingston, and she would pronounce Seth so it would sound more like Set. I don't know if I'm imagining that, and if I'm not, if it'd make a difference to you.


Keep us posted,




OH MY GOSH! I can't believe I didn't think of that. Yes, people from the Caribbean will pronounce that "Sef" or more likely "Set." They don't ever make the TH sound in Seth. I could deal with "Sef" but I don't like "Set." Sigh. Seth is out.


Goodness, it's hard to pick a name! I really want


1. An uncommon name. Ideally you would not know anyone who has this name.


2. A name everyone can pronounce and remember. That means it can't be something the average person has never heard before. It also can't have too many tricky sounds or be easily confused with another name.


3. A name that doesn't remind people of a sandwich, a murder victim, or any other undesirable thing.


4. A Biblical name. I may need to give up on this one, though.

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Well then I like Honor.


Or good ol fashioned Timothy.


I dislike names that get auto shortened to Tim Tom bob Joe moe ...


Aaron isn't too common. No one ever spells it right.


I rarely come across another Toby/Tobias.


Same for Mathias.


I like Henry. Don't know why, but I do.


There's still Silias, which I like. But not as much as Seth.


You could use a last name as a first maybe?


Davis instead of David.

Reagan if u were a fan of him like my cousin



Oh! How about Charles? You don't hear that one much these days.




Francis? (dh insist that is a girl name tho)

Nolan ?








Stephen?? Was that already discounted?

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We have a very cute little boy at church named Titus. I love the name!


We have a Titus Alexander. He's a tough kid and I don't expect him to put up with much teasing. :D A couple from our church recently had a Tytus, too.


My vote is for Levi or Silas. Levi did not make me think of jeans but it might now. :lol:

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Honor doesn't sound like a boys name. I don't want a pretty word used as name. I know a girl named Flame and that is my least favorite name ever.


Henry, Charles, George, Stephen, Aaron and Timothy sound ordinary to me. They are not common among babies, but I want a name that is uncommon period.


Ignatius! Oh my, no. It shouldn't be something people think I made up. People shouldn't react like, "What? Ignatus? Ignation? Ignatius? Am I saying that right? What made you name him that?"

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Ok I can see all of that except ignatius. That happens to be a very old once common name that absolutely no one I have ever met would think was made up. It's not as common as Xavier, but it is no where near made up.


Not that any of that means you have to like it.


I've heard Honora as a girl version of Honor, but no girls named Honor.


I would stick to Seth.

Maybe Silias.


Errol used to be a bit common. Errol Flynn.



Oh. Here's some others.



Jeremiah (was a bullfrog)




Bede is old English for "prayer" (pronounced like bead)

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I don't guess you'd want an Adam since you have an Eve. I do like it, though. I can't come up with anymore bible names. However, my son is named Clay. I don't know of any other boys his age (7) with this name. I think it's a great name, but then I am incredibly biased!!:D


Some others: Alec, Conrad, Ellis, Reid, Rhys, Scott



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