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Climbing Parnassus?

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Would you consider Climbing Parnassus a must read for a parent who would like to give their children a Classical education? What will I come away with after having read this book?


I'm also looking at Who Killed Homer as I've seen that one recommended here as an easier read.


Which would you recommend? Also, is Climbing Parnassus as hard a book as a lot of the reviews here say it is? :tongue_smilie:

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I think I'm a minority here as someone who did not like "Climbing Parnassus". I thought it was poorly written and that really distracted me, considering its message.


Personally, I think Doug Wilson's books on Classical education are much better and are must reads. I also like Dorothy Sayer's "The Lost Tools of Learning". And then there is always "The Well Trained Mind"!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Would you consider Climbing Parnassus a must read for a parent who would like to give their children a Classical education? What will I come away with after having read this book?


I'm also looking at Who Killed Homer as I've seen that one recommended here as an easier read.


Which would you recommend? Also, is Climbing Parnassus as hard a book as a lot of the reviews here say it is? :tongue_smilie:


I didn't love it. I didn't finish it. Ymmv,

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I'm in the middle of it. I am not a patient reader and this is not a skimming book. Thus, I find it hard. Not being particularly well-educated myself, I find it trying to slog through unknown references and SAT words.


So far, I've enjoyed what I have read. This book is my reading to-do list.


I say yes, it is a must read if you want to step up your game.

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I think I'm a minority here as someone who did not like "Climbing Parnassus". I thought it was poorly written and that really distracted me, considering its message.


Personally, I think Doug Wilson's books on Classical education are much better and are must reads. I also like Dorothy Sayer's "The Lost Tools of Learning". And then there is always "The Well Trained Mind"!



Climbing Parnassus was the most over-rated book I've ever (attempted to) read. I can't stand Doug Wilson. And I flunked Henty too.


But I've been here for years, so no one will ban me for my tastes. Besides, I loved TWTM. :)

Edited by Kristine out of lurking
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It could have been a much shorter book.


I hated this book. Tracy Lee Simmons is a pompous a**.


A "short" version of the book:


For a person to be considered "educated" they must know Greek AND Latin. I (Tracy Lee Simmons) am an educated person. YOU, however, are NOT!


YOU are only kidding yourself if you think YOU could be as awesome as ME.


Don't even try! Your efforts are futile, and I won't aid your efforts in delusion by offering practical advice for learning ancient languages or classical culture, because I (Tracy Lee Simmons) would be wasting my precious breath. Hot-air that could be better used comparing myself to the enormously well educated people of the classical tradition, which does not include YOU, poor simpleton.


Whadda you think? Have I captured the flavor?


Bill :tongue_smilie:

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I hated this book. Tracy Lee Simmons is a pompous a**.


A "short" version of the book:


For a person to be considered "educated" they must know Greek AND Latin. I (Tracy Lee Simmons) am an educated person. YOU, however, are NOT!


YOU are only kidding yourself if you think YOU could be as awesome as ME.


Don't even try! Your efforts are futile, and I won't aid your efforts in delusion by offering practical advice for learning ancient languages or classical culture, because I (Tracy Lee Simmons) would be wasting my precious breath. Hot-air that could be better used comparing myself to the enormously well educated people of the classical tradition, which does not include YOU, poor simpleton.


Whadda you think? Have I captured the flavor?


Bill :tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol: Got any recommendations of books/authors you have liked, Bill?? :bigear:

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So far, I've enjoyed what I have read.


I say yes, it is a must read if you want to step up your game.



That's how I've felt about it.


I come away from it not with a how-to list but energized that this classical homeschooling venture is possible and worthy of the effort -- an effort which will require more of me as the years go by. So it's good for me to find works that are interesting and compelling.

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Ha! :lol:


I hated this book. Tracy Lee Simmons is a pompous a**.

A "short" version of the book:

For a person to be considered "educated" they must know Greek AND Latin. I (Tracy Lee Simmons) am an educated person. YOU, however, are NOT!

YOU are only kidding yourself if you think YOU could be as awesome as ME.

Don't even try! Your efforts are futile, and I won't aid your efforts in delusion by offering practical advice for learning ancient languages or classical culture, because I (Tracy Lee Simmons) would be wasting my precious breath. Hot-air that could be better used comparing myself to the enormously well educated people of the classical tradition, which does not include YOU, poor simpleton.

Whadda you think? Have I captured the flavor?

Bill :tongue_smilie:

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I hated this book. Tracy Lee Simmons is a pompous a**.


A "short" version of the book:


For a person to be considered "educated" they must know Greek AND Latin. I (Tracy Lee Simmons) am an educated person. YOU, however, are NOT!


YOU are only kidding yourself if you think YOU could be as awesome as ME.


Don't even try! Your efforts are futile, and I won't aid your efforts in delusion by offering practical advice for learning ancient languages or classical culture, because I (Tracy Lee Simmons) would be wasting my precious breath. Hot-air that could be better used comparing myself to the enormously well educated people of the classical tradition, which does not include YOU, poor simpleton.


Whadda you think? Have I captured the flavor?


Bill :tongue_smilie:



When I first read CP, I was feeling very ignorant and getting into the true meaning of the whole classical thing, and I was impressed with CP....now, a good couple of years later, I can completely relate to Bill's comments.

I think a good writer is more like Susan Wise Bauer- well educated but not flaunting it with huge words and flowery language. Not showing off how well she can write to an elite audience.....writing so that people can access her knowledge. Clear, warm and inviting writing that inspires you to further educate yourself, rather than making you feel like a dolt. In retrospect, I think Simmons was intellectually arrogant and superior...but I doubt he'd care what anyone thought.

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I felt like I was sitting at the foot of Mt. Everest and I had never climbed a hill.


I like instructional, inspirational books, but when they are sooooooo out of the realm of possibility for a person (of few dollars and 24/7), they become firestarters. I have enough discouragement throughout the journey, you know?

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