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Thanks for the prayer, keep it coming but I was able to make a mortgage payment......

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Addding up my paycheck, one week of unemployment from DH and help from some kind, generous family and friends, I made a mortgage payment yesterday!


I'm still in the "trial phase" of our loan modification. They aren't accepting my paystubs/letters (I don't get paid traditionally) so I need to find a CPA to write a profit/loss statement. :confused:


I don't have any $ left for other bills but I will have a poker paycheck next week and we'll get 2 weeks of unemployment on Friday. I am due child support, but can't rely on it being paid.:001_huh::glare: The only thing due to be cut off before then is my phone (internet and tv with that:lol:). And my van is overdue, I plan on making a partial payment on that.


I did sleep better last night having made the mortgage payment!

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Addding up my paycheck, one week of unemployment from DH and help from some kind, generous family and friends, I made a mortgage payment yesterday!


I'm still in the "trial phase" of our loan modification. They aren't accepting my paystubs/letters (I don't get paid traditionally) so I need to find a CPA to write a profit/loss statement. :confused:


I don't have any $ left for other bills but I will have a poker paycheck next week and we'll get 2 weeks of unemployment on Friday. I am due child support, but can't rely on it being paid.:001_huh::glare: The only thing due to be cut off before then is my phone (internet and tv with that:lol:). And my van is overdue, I plan on making a partial payment on that.


I did sleep better last night having made the mortgage payment!


Joanne~ PTL! I'm sure you've done this, but retailers and such used to make "payment plans". I don't know about now with the financial crisis we are still seemingly faced with, but that may be worth checking into.


:grouphug: and prayers! Sheryl <><

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I don't know how you've financed your van, but, several years ago when we were having financial difficulties, we spoke to the finance company (Ford Credit) and they agreed to allow us one month of no payment, and just tack it on to the end of the payment schedule. So, instead of the car being paid off in June, it was paid off in July.


Can't hurt to ask!

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I'm still in the "trial phase" of our loan modification. They aren't accepting my paystubs/letters (I don't get paid traditionally) so I need to find a CPA to write a profit/loss statement. :confused:



I don't know all the details of your employment situation, but while you may not be employed in the traditional sense, it doesn't sound like you are self-employed.


I can give you a sample Profit/Loss statement that I had to do for our lender. We are self-employed, so some categories won't apply to your situation. But, maybe you can use it to work up one yourself based on your income and job related expenses. A good accountant can do one for you, but since your already short on funds, I doubt you need the added expense.


I'll see if I can PM this to you. I did ours from January 1, 2009-November 30, 2009 because I didn't have December yet. You should be able to do the whole year.

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I don't know how you've financed your van, but, several years ago when we were having financial difficulties, we spoke to the finance company (Ford Credit) and they agreed to allow us one month of no payment, and just tack it on to the end of the payment schedule. So, instead of the car being paid off in June, it was paid off in July.


Can't hurt to ask!


Toyota, definitely, will do this.


And you can pay very, very little on medical bills, as well.

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Don't let the medical bills burden you. If they go to collections it will not affect your credit nor will there be any finance charges or late fees. The only thing would be that you would need to find new docs until you got that cleared up with the current docs.


:grouphug: Glad you made the mortgage payment!

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Be sure to communicate with your debt companies. Let them know that you are in a very tight situation and see which ones might allow you a few months grace or significantly reduce payments for a while. And don't hesitate to take full advantage of any social services for which you are qualified. You have paid into this system all your life (or I have and I hereby authorize YOU to take advantage of what I have paid in!:D)


When we relocated from Florida to Ohio, we had several months of downtime between the lapse in our old insurance coverage and our new coverage. We signed our toddler dd up for a CHIPS program (Children and Infant health insurance program). I felt that with her unsteady little legs it was way too likely that she might have a bad fall and require medical care. Dh and I did without during that time. So don't forget to check into that for your dc. And various county health departments often have low/no cost health care available, so don't forget that.


I wish you the very best. You are strong and capable and will pull out of this eventually. Don't be discouraged. As of today, you have a fresh, new sheet of paper on which to write your life for the coming year. It won't be perfect, but it may very well be better.

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When we were unemployed there was a program where the Fed Govt paid all the taxes on our phone bill. It brought our monthly home phone bill with no extras (caller Id, Voice Mail etc) down to $14 a month. If it's a cell you're talking about, I guess that would be different. We were on that program for two years even though we notified them when we were employed again. It was actually VERY helpful. We were automatically signed up through the LIHEAP program that also paid for our heat through the winter. I don't know if that one is Federal or not, but it's worth looking into what your state has.


BTDT twice. Stay strong, God will provide!




PS Medical bills that get sent to collections DO accrue interest and extra charges. However, sometimes the state will help pay for those or help you file forms to hold them off. The other thing is, medical bills usually bring your total income down when you're applying for assistance. That might work to your advantage if you're trying to get food stamps or other assistance.

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They aren't accepting my paystubs/letters (I don't get paid traditionally) so I need to find a CPA to write a profit/loss statement.


You don't need a CPA. A P & L is simply a statement of income, with expenses incurred in earning that income subtracted from it.


PM me if you need help with this. I am an accountant.



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