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Let me tell you about our exciting field trip...

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So the kids and I headed out to the bank today. All those homeschooling books tell us to take them along on our everyday errands, because these are great learning experiences for preschoolers. I got my first paycheck in 4.5 years and was quite thrilled to take it to the bank (not to mention I needed to get the money in there before we reached financial ruin--LOL).


So, we pulled up to our quite little bank in our sleepy little town and when I pulled up to the drive thru they turned the "open" sign off and turned on the "closed" light. But, wait a minute this is the middle of the day on a Wed. I think to myself this must be one of those crazy federal holidays. But, I just couldn't think what holiday it could possibly be. I looked through the window and saw people inside. So they were open. I decided to get the kids out and head on inside. Usually, I would not think of hauling them into the bank. But, today I wanted to give them some new experiences and let them ask the teller for a lollipop. I was going to talk to them about money and show them how I fill out the deposit slip.


I started to pull into my parking space and another car pulled in in front of me. So I backed up to get another space. When suddenly a police car pulled in and started motioning with his hands for us to get away, get away. Then about 10 marked and unmarked police cars surrounded us. The bank was in the process of being ROBBED. 2 men armed, masked and dressed in camo. Oh my.. how scary. But, on the bright side we learned alot today. We had a community helper lesson on police officers, a character lesson on stealing, and we learned about the media as the new crews pulled up and we later watched on TV.


A little too exciting for me and the kiddos! I think next time we will just go to the park.


Laurel T.

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Thanks for the responses. I think today will revolutionize the kiddo's "imaginative play." I just hope they catch the guys.


Laurel T.


Oh my goodness!!! All that drama and they couldn't get their hands on the guys?


And yes, ditto everyone else on the timing. I'm so glad you are all OK!

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Now, if you ever write a homeschooling book, be sure to include this as a field trip!


I was thinking about making it a unit study for K next year. I just can't think of a science application. I have math, Bible, LA, social studies...I just can't think of science. I am really kidding!


Oh I just found a smile to represent the get away car.:auto:

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I was thinking about making it a unit study for K next year. I just can't think of a science application. I have math, Bible, LA, social studies...I just can't think of science. I am really kidding!


Oh I just found a smile to represent the get away car.:auto:


Oh Man, that was definitely "exciting!" I"m so glad you didn't go into the bank.


As far as science goes, could you do something with the dye packets they use? Or the ways they decide if money is counterfeit or not? :smilielol5:

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I have to throw in a little story here too because I think it is funny and don't get to tell it very often.



I reconnected with my highschool friend via My space a year ago. She was telling me that her first husband went to jail for driving the "get caught car". I asked her what the "get caught car" was and she said..He was an idiot, got suckered into helping friends rob a bank, and he was supposed to drive the "get away car."


guess what....they got caught. So, she says he drove the "get caught car!":auto: Can't be the "get away car" if you don't "get away!"





She choose better for hubby #2 :001_smile:

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Wow! A field trip to remember! :eek: Make sure you have your kids draw and/or write a small bit about it. Ten years from now, you'll be glad you did.


we learned alot today. We had a community helper lesson on police officers, a character lesson on stealing, and we learned about the media as the new crews pulled up and we later watched on TV.

Laurel T.

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