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Precisely!!! It's really all just tacky, honestly!! Gossip and slander are still gossip and slander, regardless if the person is a celebrity or not. We don't get a "free pass" because their situation is different than if this happened to someone in our church!


Ms Mungo, slander was used here.


My point is that what is simple discussion to one group of people, is cruel gossip to another. People tend (especially on open internet discussion boards) to get easily offended by discussion or debate.


Debate and discussion is normal and intellectually stimulating. And if a public figure is the stimulus of such discussion, so be it.

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Ms Mungo, slander was used here.


My point is that what is simple discussion to one group of people, is cruel gossip to another. People tend (especially on open internet discussion boards) to get easily offended by discussion or debate.


Debate and discussion is normal and intellectually stimulating. And if a public figure is the stimulus of such discussion, so be it.


I agree with you on that note. I was objecting of the general use of the word "slander" in the thread, I didn't necessarily mean to aim it at you. I did use your post to make the point and I know you weren't the first to use it, sorry if it seemed like I was singling you out.

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Did you feel the same way about Jon & Kate?


Speaking for myself, I don't have anything against either family. I think they have different personalities and lifestyles. Neither one of the moms grates on me the way they do some people. *However*, I think it's pretty absurd to take money for putting your family on a reality show and then expect personal privacy.

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I know I do--The people that put their children in front of a camera for money, that give birth on entertainment shows, that air their dirty laundry just for national exposure, all for money-- I think the best term is media wh@res.


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To get back to the OP, I think many things cause preemies. I wonder all the time to this day why mine was preemie.


Only thing I came up w/is gum disease????


In her case , she does up the preemie factor, this is true. Age and mult pregnancies put you in that bracket. Heck, I would be in that bracket. Having one preemie and being old.


But, they place their lives and the lives of their children in Gods hands. I, of course would question having another baby after that preemie. I think they will not.


Hence, this is their life and their choices, that they have to live w/.

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The woman had 18 uneventful pregnancies. She had no reason to think this one would be different. Really, if it was going to be an issue, it would have been an issue earlier in her life.


People have preemies all of the time and Michelle has a better track record than most I would guess.


If you are going to attribute the preemie birth to having one baby after another, how do you explain the previous 18 being fine? It's illogical.



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I know I do--The people that put their children in front of a camera for money, that give birth on entertainment shows, that air their dirty laundry just for national exposure, all for money-- I think the best term is media wh@res.


Do we know for certain that the reason the Duggars went on tv was monetary? This is from an interview done with them:


Your family has their own reality TV series! How did you get involved in that and how do you manage to add TV crews to your home and still maintain a smooth-running family life?


It is an exciting adventure following God. Jim Bob felt God wanted him to run for U.S. Senate in 2002. On the day of the election, a photographer with the media ended up snapping a picture of our whole family walking into the polling place. We found that a few days later that picture ended up getting printed in the New York Times, with a caption stating that this candidate with a lot of kids ran for US Senate in Arkansas and lost.

Weeks later we received a phone call from a freelance writer that had seen the New York Times picture. She asked if she could write a story about our family for the “Ladies Home Journalâ€. She wrote the article and then the magazine decided not to run it. Months later the writer contacted us again and stated that “Parents Magazine†wanted to run the article and so they sent out a photographer to take a few family pictures.

Months later after that article ran we received a phone call from Bill Hayes with Figure 8 Films who said someone at Discovery Health Channel had seen the Parents Magazine and was asking if they could do a documentary about our family. We prayed about it and felt this would be an opportunity to share with the world that children are a blessing from God. We said the only way we would do it is if they did not edit out our faith, because that is the core of our lives.

They agreed and our first show called “14 Children and Pregnant Again!†ending up becoming the highest rated show ever on Discovery Health Channel. Then they came back and taped about 20 other shows for a TLC reality show series called “17 Kids and Counting†and now we are in the process of filming our second season. We also have had the opportunity to do hundreds of TV, newspapers, magazine & radio interviews with news crews from the US, Italy, Korea, UK, Australia, Russia and other countries around the world.

The main production company Figure 8 Films has been great to work with the last 5 years. They are like family, and our children are excited when they come over. We love going places and doing things as a large family and they follow along for the ride!

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Do we know for certain that the reason the Duggars went on tv was monetary?


The primary reason is not relevant. They have received compensation-money, help with building their house, furnishings for their house and more for appearing on tv. They have put themselves in the public eye in that manner and received money for it. They have gone out of their way to make public figures of themselves. That's the point.

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Do we know for certain that the reason the Duggars went on tv was monetary? This is from an interview done with them:




Well it's not like they are doing it all for free. They are still getting paid to put themselves out there. Whether they did it for god or did it for visa, they are still getting paid in the end.

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Do we know for certain that the reason the Duggars went on tv was monetary? This is from an interview done with them:


Of course they're doing it for the money. I don't have any problem with that -- everybody has to make a living and there are worse ways, but pretending they're doing it for any other reason than ca$h is disingenuous.

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She doesn't want people to talk about her negatively. She is trying to witness to and encourage other people, and they are doing a good job at it.


I don't care what she wants. I don't go to her house, she comes to mine. As to witnessing, I'm an atheist, so I care even less about that. And she's encouraging people to do what? Have 20 kids and have the oldest raise her youngest while she lays on her back and churns out more? Please.


It's great entertainment and I've watched spinets while channel surfing, but she's no role-model.

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She doesn't want people to talk about her negatively. She is trying to witness to and encourage other people, and they are doing a good job at it.

As much as I'm not a fan of placing one's family on TV "reality", I do have to say:


I like that they limit their filming time and leave out the drama. My children have enjoyed seeing a family that holds many similarities to ours, even though we hold some differing views. They have shown large families in a positive light (except for the naysayers that are against anything to do with large families, conservative families, or Christian families).

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She only comes to your house if you choose to turn her on.


Absolutely true. But she's out there with a big "LOOK AT ME" sign on national tv. She's hard to miss. The bottom line is that she signed up to be a public figure. She gets cash to put it all out there in front of millions of complete strangers.

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That's still no excuse for people to come on here and attack her. It's disgusting and shameful, atheist or not.


Where has anyone been attacked or slandered (word used by another poster)? Are there risk factors associated with older moms? Yes and pre-eclampsia is one of them. Are there risk factors with having lots of kids? Yes, placenta previa is one of them. A discussion of pregnancy risk factors, using the Duggars as a jumping of point is not a personal attack.

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She only goes to your house when you turn on the tv and watch her show. If you don't like it, don't watch. That's still no excuse for people to come on here and attack her. It's disgusting and shameful, atheist or not.


I am a Christian, and I do care, and I love their show. It's so much better than all the other filth on tv nowadays.




But see, what you call 'attacking' and what other call 'gossiping' other people call discussing (on this discussion board).


Just like tv that you call so much better 'than all that other filth' others call whoring out your children. And what you call filth others call fun tv.


It's all personal perspective.

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Sheesh, I rarely ever see them on the news. My beef is Obama's constant speeches on 4 channels at once eliminating my TV viewing options ;)[/quote




I haven't seen the Duggars on the news in a long time. As for your second point, that always makes me thankful I have DISH!! ;)

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Absolutely true. But she's out there with a big "LOOK AT ME" sign on national tv. She's hard to miss. The bottom line is that she signed up to be a public figure. She gets cash to put it all out there in front of millions of complete strangers.



she might...but you sound angry about it.


I must say, I might pimp out my own family a bit for a new house...or at least an addition. ;) Of course, I do go to Hulu to watch them. (We don't have cable). I like those kids-- they crack me up. they have such individual personalities. I don't much see the Duggars anywhere else. Oh, not counting here. I learned here she had had the baby. Then I went to TLC for an update. ;) Nobody made me. I think they are very interesting folks.


Other people might make me mad...like Cheney and Co., but The Duggars...and their big house and cute kids...not so much. Well, not all. :tongue_smilie: Maybe I am the only atheist in the world who enjoys them. lol

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Sheesh, I rarely ever see them on the news. My beef is Obama's constant speeches on 4 channels at once eliminating my TV viewing options ;)




I haven't seen the Duggars on the news in a long time. As for your second point, that always makes me thankful I have DISH!! ;)

We have DISH also, but he likes to interrupt the really interesting PrimeTime shows like Bones and such. If he does that when LOST comes back on we might have to impeach :lol:

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There were a few comments that were pretty bad. I just don't want to point fingers, but you can can read as well as I can. It's there. People on here sound pretty disgusted with the Duggars and it's sad because no one even knows them. I just don't get that. :confused:


I've read similar comments here about Jon and Kate or Tiger Woods. I don't see the difference. eta: One of the previous posters said that they didn't have to like everyone. This is correct.

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she might...but you sound angry about it.



I'm not. I really don't have a problem with large families, and I don't have a problem with the Duggars putting it all out there.


If you look at my original post, I asked the question of whether the Duggars preemie could have been avoided if she'd waited a little longer between babies. Some people took that as a personal attack. It's not. It's a question to be taken at face value.

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I feel bad for Jon & Kate, and I don't think anyone should be gossiped about. As far as Jon and Tiger, I think a lot of the anger is because they are role models caught cheating on their wives.


I'm not talking about the gossip aspect, I'm talking about just saying whether or not you like or respect them as people-given what you see on the tv. I've seen many people talk smack about Kate long before the scandals came about.


eta: I actually like both Michelle and Kate, as far as I can tell. I have a lot of respect for both of them and I think they both do the best they can. They are *different people* and that's OK. I can still say that Michelle's age and number of pregnancies increase her risk factors in pregnancy. I can still say I think Kate acted a little crazy over her SIL and the gum.

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I've read similar comments here about Jon and Kate or Tiger Woods. I don't see the difference. eta: One of the previous posters said that they didn't have to like everyone. This is correct.


I think Tiger Woods is in a category all by himself. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, I've always felt bad for her for that. I think she is misunderstood, but even if not, what does gossiping about her do? Just makes the gossiper look like a donkey.


If you don't like gossipy threads (or threads you feel are gossipy) then don't open them. You are verging on personal attack here, imo.

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