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high hcG levels?

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I'm completely freaking out and need to talk to someone- but I haven't told anyone IRL that I'm pregnant yet. I went in for my first appointment yesterday with the nurse. I told her that I was worried because I didn't really "feel" pregnant....I wasn't sick or anything and that I was worried about miscarrying (I have before- at 8 weeks, I'm 7 weeks now) She told me I could call this morning and ask about my blood work results, that they would only call if something was wrong. Well, she called this morning and said that everything was fine, that my hcg levels were high (81,000) and that my pregestrone was fine 16.3. She wants me to come in for an ultrasound this afternoon. Yesterday, they made a big deal about how they only do medically necessary ultrasounds....so I asked her about that and she said this was one....that because my levels were so high, they should be able so see "something" and with my history of miscarriages, just wanted to check everything out.

What on earth does this mean?!?!??!

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I think it is just bc of your history of miscarriages. Your hcg being high is GOOD, though it is still in the normal range for 8 weeks. So, even though you are in early pregnancy they want to look and check on the baby.


Don't worry! I think they are just being careful - which is good!


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Twins! :D Or that you've been pregnant longer than you think. Don't worry too much about it, I don't think it's associated with anything negative.




ETA: Sorry! I meant to say that that's what high HCg levels COULD mean, not what they DO mean. Those are just some things they suspect when your levels are high, but it could also be nothing at all. Don't worry, and enjoy getting to see your little bean so soon!

Edited by melissel
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Your HcG level is normal for being 7 weeks pregnant. I think that they probably stress that they only do medically necessary ultrasounds because some people love to have multiple ultrasounds done just to see the baby. FWIW, my ob-gyn does an early ultrasound on every pregnant woman for dating purposes.



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I think that's a normal hcg. Here's a chart.


Good luck.:grouphug:


Guideline to hCG levels during pregnancy:


hCG levels in weeks from LMP (gestational age)* :



  • 3 weeks LMP: 5 - 50 mIU/ml
  • 4 weeks LMP: 5 - 426 mIU/ml
  • 5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
  • 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
  • 7 - 8 weeks LMP: 7,650 - 229,000 mIU/ml
  • 9 - 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml
  • 13 - 16 weeks LMP: 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml
  • 17 - 24 weeks LMP: 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml
  • 25 - 40 weeks LMP: 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml
  • Non-pregnant females: <5.0 mIU/ml
  • Postmenopausal: <9.5 mIU/ml


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This is a fairly good chart for hcg levels. I'd guess that since your levels are obviously high enough your doctor just wants to make sure things are OK. Given your history of miscarriage they are looking for a sac in the uterus as well as a baby w/a heartbeat. It's nice that they are treating you well and monitoring you closely.

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Thanks for the reassurances....she said they want to do a vaginal and an abdominal ultrasound. I mentioned at the appointment that I was worried because I didn't feel sick much at all and with my son, I was very, very, very sick. I didn't feel sick with the baby that I lost.

Twins was my first thought....but surely I would be sick if I was having twins?!?!? (which would be incredibly awesome, btw)

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Thanks for the reassurances....she said they want to do a vaginal and an abdominal ultrasound. I mentioned at the appointment that I was worried because I didn't feel sick much at all and with my son' date=' I was very, very, very sick. I didn't feel sick with the baby that I lost.

Twins was my first thought....but surely I would be sick if I was having twins?!?!? (which would be incredibly awesome, btw)[/quote']


I don't think it's uncommon to have differences in how you feel during pregnancies, but I understand why you're stressed over it :grouphug: With my first, I was just a bit nauseous from 8 weeks to 13 weeks, and then it was magically gone and I felt terrific until I delivered. With my second, I was sick from the day after I took the PG test (literally) through nearly 5 months, and I could barely get out of bed to take care of my toddler.


Try not to worry. I hope your U/S comes quickly and brings only the best news!

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I just wanted to say that I knew I was pregnant with my 3 year old as soon as I conceived. With my new baby, I was CERTAIN that it was another miscarriage, because I still felt nothing at 7 weeks. fortunately I had an early, reassuring sonogram.


The one I had no early symptoms with ended up being a stronger pregnancy with higher HCG and Progesterone levels that the one I had early symptoms with.


Try not to drive yourself crazy.

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With my boys I was sick as a dog from the moment of conception it seemed until well into the second trimester. With my girls, I felt great the whole time but I threw up once at the end of the first trimester with each of them. I'd be fine, then the nausea would hit me like ton of bricks, I'd get sick and then be fine again. I could always tell the gender by how sick I got and I was never wrong. :lol: And I've known people who were completely opposite, horribly sick with girls and fine with boys. Everyone and every pregnancy is different. ;)


Like others said high HcG can mean twins, can mean you are further along than you thought (even if you are positive without a doubt on your last LMP, you could have ovulated early) or it can mean nothing at all but a healthy pregnancy that is progressing well. ;) Was this your first and only draw this pregnancy or did they do a blood pregnancy test and then a full lab draw at your first appointment? Even though your count is within the normal range, they might be saying that your numbers made quite a jump from the first draw to the next which still might not mean anything or it might mean twins or and earlier due date. Definitely nothing to get too excited or upset about just yet.

Edited by prairie rose
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Thanks for the reassurances....she said they want to do a vaginal and an abdominal ultrasound. I mentioned at the appointment that I was worried because I didn't feel sick much at all and with my son' date=' I was very, very, very sick. I didn't feel sick with the baby that I lost.

Twins was my first thought....but surely I would be sick if I was having twins?!?!? (which would be incredibly awesome, btw)[/quote']


I don't think being sick is a good indication. I barfed from 2 months to 6 months after conception with my first. With my second I was queasy before I even missed my period, then over it within a short time.

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It's so great to have such immediate feedback! I am glad that I get to see my baby so soon! Intellectually, I KNOW that I'll feel different with each pregnancy, but it's hard to translate that emotionally. I just can't help worrying! But you guys have made me feel a LOT better about this. Thanks!

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Twins was my first thought....but surely I would be sick if I was having twins?!?!? (which would be incredibly awesome' date=' btw)[/quote']


Nope. All pregnancies are different. I was rabid sick with my first, and I never had one bout of nausea with my second. Both were healthy term babies.


You're just going to have an easy pregnancy. Enjoy! And congratulations. What an amazing Christmas gift!

Edited by tdeveson
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Thanks for the reassurances....she said they want to do a vaginal and an abdominal ultrasound. I mentioned at the appointment that I was worried because I didn't feel sick much at all and with my son' date=' I was very, very, very sick. I didn't feel sick with the baby that I lost.

Twins was my first thought....but surely I would be sick if I was having twins?!?!? (which would be incredibly awesome, btw)


An u/s will give them an opportunity to look for the 'essentials' and an opportunity to count sacs.


FYI, I did not have a bit of morning, afternoon or evening sickness OR any fatigue when I was pg with my twins. In fact, the first 26 weeks were amazing. And with prior pregnancies, I was so very sick and tired!

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I'm completely freaking out and need to talk to someone- but I haven't told anyone IRL that I'm pregnant yet. I went in for my first appointment yesterday with the nurse. I told her that I was worried because I didn't really "feel" pregnant....I wasn't sick or anything and that I was worried about miscarrying (I have before- at 8 weeks' date=' I'm 7 weeks now) She told me I could call this morning and ask about my blood work results, that they would only call if something was wrong. Well, she called this morning and said that everything was fine, that my hcg levels were high (81,000) and that my pregestrone was fine 16.3. She wants me to come in for an ultrasound this afternoon. Yesterday, they made a big deal about how they only do medically necessary ultrasounds....so I asked her about that and she said this was one....that because my levels were so high, they should be able so see "something" and with my history of miscarriages, just wanted to check everything out.

What on earth does this mean?!?!??![/quote']



I am not sure of the details, but a very high hcg level also indicates possible multiple pregnancy (twins or more). My first pregnancy was twins... they tested me and then retested me a few days later and then did an ultrasound as the hcg levels jumped quite a bit... and I was carrying twins.

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