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Yesterday I went to the mall with a friend of mine and her 7 month old ds. She was trying to finish some shopping, so I volunteered to take the baby and go change his diaper.


Well... I went to the family bathroom, but it had a rather offense odor and I didn't want to subject such a young nose, so I went to the next bathroom.


The door was propped open and it had just been cleaned. The changing table was straight ahead. I opened it and started putting some towels down to change him, when...


a tall 20ish guy walked in and smiled at me in a sheepish sort of way.


Me: "I'm in the men's room, aren't I?"


Him: "Yes, m'am."


Me: "Well, he is a boy, but we'll just head over to that restroom." (As I pointed to the door with a picture of a woman in a skirt!)


I was so embarrassed! He was so polite, though! My friend laughed until tears were rolling down her cheeks. She even bought me a pretzel so I wouldn't feel so bad!

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I went into the men's room by mistake one time at the movie theater. I was probably around 15. I'm 39 now, and still squirm a little when I remember it. Didn't help that I was with my family and they all laughed liked hyenas.


I think I still might need therapy over that one. :tongue_smilie:

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I have mortified my kids on more than one occasion by PURPOSELY using the men's room. Not the group kind--the kind where it's just one room with a locking door. That picture on the door, and my presence in the room, gives my kids the heebie-jeebies!


FWIW--I don't do this to freak my kids. I have done it when we were in a hurry or no one was around, so why not?

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That is funny. As spacey as I am, I am really surprised that I have never done this.


I was so tickled when they finally added changing tables to the men's rooms. It was too late for us but my hubby said that some men would really freak out when he brought his dds in the bathroom. What else was he going to do? I actually think that women would have been more accepting of him showing up in there. Now that there are changing tables it is more acceptable. Oh, and I love family bathrooms especially the ones with a nursing lounge area. I could feed the baby in the amount of time it took for everyone to go to the bathroom.

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