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How do you recover after a HORRIBLE day?

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It's been awful. I can measure how awful a day has been by the number of posts on The Boards...lots of posts today...you guys are in many ways a pressure release valve for me. Unfortunately, lots of screaming (both directions), a 2 hour tantrum ("I HATE MY HAIR!!!!") by a very frustrated PDG, not a lick of school done, etc...


Dinner is almost in the oven, the girls are getting ready to take a bath, DH should be home in about 45 minutes.


So how do you recover your personal and family equilibrium after a rotten day? (A glass of wine helps, but let's not go there on public boards!!! :lol:)

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The school day is over. done.


Now is a new time when Daddy is home. You have back-up! We have a rule that I don't greet dh with the details of my horrible day (unless it is urgent like we need to leave for the ER immediately. . .) And he doesn't greet me with the details of his. That way dinner can be peaceful.


Later on our family walk (at the mall during the cold season) we have a couple of adult only laps where I get to talk about my day and he gets to talk about his. (The kids walk ahead of us where we can see them but they can't hear us). If I don't want advice (and sometimes when things have been rough I really don't want any!) I make sure I preface my sharing by telling him that I just want him to listen this time. Then we always make sure that dh gets some laps with the kids so that I can walk all by myself in blessed quiet. (I make sure I walk at a different pace!)

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A long hot bath, with the lights off and a single candle lit. If you have something scented like bubble bath or bath salts, those can be extra soothing. Afterwards curl up with a good book all alone for about an hour. That is, if dh is accomodating enough to take the kids completely off your hands. :glare:


:grouphug: I hope you feel better!

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STOP! Everything comes to a stop.


Turn on the tv to a movie and sit side-by-side with everyone and reconnect over something quiet and fun.


Everyone goes to bed as soon as they can expect to fall asleep.


Wake up early to get a good start on a new day.


First thing in the am, reconnect in whatever way you do it best. Hugs, or sitting side-by-side talking, whatever helps you to reconnect.


Then start everything over properly tomorrow, with everyone well-rested, awake early and feeling good towards each other.

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I've kind of had that day as well! If we were closer together we could comminserate believe me!!!!


My plans for tonight? Putting the kids to bed (yup, even the very on my bad list 15yo dd:glare: with the attitude problem) and enjoying the quiet while folding clothes and getting paperwork ready for a trip to immigration tomorrow morning.


On days like this--I take charge of my feelings and emotions and pull out my sense of humor. It's what gets me through! (that and the thought that after 3 weeks gone, dh will be home in less than 36 hours!)

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I had one two days ago. I cried and called both parents to talk to (never done that before) and then I cried. Then I think I had a beer. Then I played online while crying some more. Then I called my parents again. Oh, and I cried and hugged my roommate, too. Then I prayed and asked God, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" Then I changed my plans for the next two years. Then I was kinda thankful.

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Today was SO much better. Started off happily early (I like fast-starting days) with an encouraging trip to the Dr. Then off grocery shopping -- the girls tested my patience, but I didn't lose it! Next to Target (which is always fun), and finally home again for school which went well.


It was a good day. Thanks for your encouragement everyone!


PS That glass of wine sure didn't hurt last night...

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