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I need some ideas for an inexpensive, not at home birthday party

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Dd will turn 7 soon. We didn't have a party last year, so I really want to have one for her this year. However we are on a tight budget and do not have space to have one at our house. It's way too cold to do anything outside, so that limits us also. I plan to invite her friends from church (about 5 girls). Parents, maybe siblings will be there, so that makes a lunch or dinner time party expensive. We live in N VA if anyone has an idea specific to this area. Thanks!!!

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Do you go to church? If so, does your church have a fellowship hall or gym or something like that?


When DD#1 turned one, we used our church's gym. I set up tables in there, they had a kids play area, etc. It was free for church members.


If you have nothing like that, how about a community center? Sometimes you can rent those for fairly cheap.


I always have birthday parties around 2 PM so that I can avoid lunch or dinner foods. I put out finger foods.

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Does your city have free-to-use community centers? Our city has several, which are attached to the elementary schools, and they have a gym, a game room (like foosball and pool), and a couple of meeting rooms with tables and chairs and sink, fridge and microwave. Anyone can reserve a meeting room for a birthday party (or whatever) for free, as long as the time you want is available. Plus, then you can, if you wish, make use of the gym or games as well. Maybe there's something like this where you live? Good luck!

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I would probably go to the local ice cream place - our Baskin Robbins is pretty big. I'd buy a small ice cream cake for the kids and then if parents/sibs tagged along, they could buy their own ice cream (saving your budget). Even with water bottles, party plates and hats, you can probably keep the total budget under $50 for the whole party.

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Do you have a fast food restaurant nearby with a playground area? I've been at two Burger Kings with nice indoor playgrounds where moms were setting up for birthday parties. They aren't officially sponsored by BK or booked or anything. You don't have to pay to use the facility. You don't get anything like favors or food (unless you purchase it) or games or anything. The moms were just covering a few tables with their own plastic tablecloths and putting out a few simple decorations. One mom had even brought a pinata. They both said that they always had their kids' parties there. The kids play in the playground. I would assume you might want to at least order drinks or maybe have kids order their own meals since the playground is for the use of restaurant patrons, but that would be a lot cheaper than having to rent a facility. There was one Burger King in our old hometown that posted a sign prohibiting birthday parties in the play area, though, so you'd want to check first.

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Here are some more ideas:


Roller rink or indoor playground. I have planned a few events for our hs group and most managers offer 1/2 off admission if you pay for at least 10 children. Also many of them will let you bring in cupcakes at no charge.


American Girl party at an ice cream store. If you have a nice ice cream store in town you can have everyone meet there and bring their American Girl dolls or a stuffed animal. You can share ice cream, do a craft and open gifts.


Read-in at the library and then go out for hot cocoa.


Free museum day.


Dollar movie theatre.


Also, if you check online for some of the indoor play facilites many of them offer discounts on certain days of the week. My ds had a fun party at a gaming facility at about 1/3 the cost of a normal party package. We took advantage of their Monday Madness special and brought in our own cake.

Edited by Ferdie
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How about swimming at a rec center? Chinn Pool in Woodbridge has a great kids' pool/wading area with a big mushroom (or something similar--it's been a while! lol) in the middle that acts like a sprinkler/rain shower thingy. One section is ramped from 2 inches of water or so to about 2 feet, then it gets to about 3.5 feet. It's really fun! There's room around the pool to sit. I think you can rent a room, too.


South Run also has a pool, as does the one on Braddock right off of 495--Wakefield, I think. I'm pretty sure they all do parties.


You could bowl, too--there are decent lanes in Woodbridge.


Not sure where you are.


Or, maybe go to the Natural History Museum and putter around, then do a dino theme or an animal theme. Find a spot in the cafe to eat in. No one will bat an eye if you bring in a cake.


If you like climbing around, you could go to the Springfield Mall and have kids use the climbing area by the old movie theatre. That's a stretch, tho.

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Our libraries have meeting rooms that can be rented for free.


DS7 turns 8 on New Year's Eve. We usually invite the children of a family we're friends with the spend the night. I make them dinner and let them all stay up until midnight playing (wii or imaginative play), then we line them up like sardines on our living room floor.


Dinner is cheap. Spaghetti, burrito bar, Little Caesar's Pizza ($5 for a large) or all pretty low budget.


Our house is small and we have very little open space, which is why they end up lined up like sardines on the floor in a space that's a little bit wider than the kids are tall and a little bit longer than the kids laying shoulder to shoulder.


They love it.

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I did not read through the other posts to see if this was mentioned, but do you have somewhere that has an indoor community pool? My ds just had his 9th birthday at a local community pool at a convent and it was only $60 to rent the pool and the kids looooved it!


I know people who have rented YMCA pools (not sure if that is as cheap), and a local hotels indoor pool (often they are glad for the usage and little extra money). There is also the option of checking with colleges.


Just a thought, it was the best idea for us! Kids loved it especially because it is out of season.

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Guest janainaz

Is there a roller or ice skating rink close by? Roller skating is usually not that expensive and maybe she could invite just a couple/few friends. You can probably make a cake and bring it. They'd have a blast.

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Michaels Craft store does birthday parties: http://www.theknackkids.com/BirthdaysInStore.aspx


Pizza Hut


Mall Scavenger Hunt: Have a list of items to find. Have the girls break into small groups w/ an adult. You could end the party at the dollar store and let each girl choose a "goody bag" prize.


Check out the Field Trip Factory to see what is offered in your area (FREE!): http://www.fieldtripfactory.com/tripTakers/gradesK8.aspx


We have rented out the local YMCA pool. It was under $100 and we could invite up to 30 children...


Chuck e cheese... You could order a pizza and pay for a set limit of tokens...


I saw on a website that someone had their child's b-day party at Home Depot for free. They will have a project like they do on weekend kids workshops and you can bring in food. It might be worth checking into... My girls LOVE the Home Depot projects!

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:iagree:We had a bowling party when DS turned 7 and it was verrrrrrry inexpensive! Like $3.25 per child, didn't serve lunch or dinner, made and took the cake.


OOOOOOOH! Each child decorated a brown paper lunch bag when they arrived, then, after they bowled thier turn each time, they chose "something" from a big bowl I had on the table....bowl was filled with pencils (these went first...homeschool friends!!!! :D), stickers, tootsie rolls, individual starbursts, etc. They made thier own goody bag AND filled some of the time between turns bowling. It was the most brilliant thing I've ever done. :lol:

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I am not a fan of Chuck E Cheese. BUT. I once I went to a hs b'day there. *Nobody* goes there at 1 pm on a weekday! It's open, but dead. Homeschoolers have more daytime options, kwim? They don't have all the crazy music going or anything. You can bring your own cake etc.

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we've done "pyjama parties" without sleepovers for our dds at various points. the kids come in their pyjamas. we eat waffles. we play games. sometimes we watch a short dvd with popcorn. a good time is had by all. and because they are in their pjs, they can sit on a blanket on the floor (so you only need enough room for a blanket on the floor).


very fun, and economical to boot!


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we've done "pyjama parties" without sleepovers for our dds at various points. the kids come in their pyjamas. we eat waffles. we play games. sometimes we watch a short dvd with popcorn. a good time is had by all. and because they are in their pjs, they can sit on a blanket on the floor (so you only need enough room for a blanket on the floor).


very fun, and economical to boot!



We've done a lot of "half-sleepovers" that will start at 5 and end at 10, usually involving pizza (though waffles sounds great), a movie, maybe a craft activity (which is the party favor).

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