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On Sunday, my neighbor was mowing her lawn - Today...

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Here is the view out my kitchen door:


I am so jealous! I can't take months and months of it (lived in Germany and it was too much for me!) but I sure would like a big snowfall once or twice a year!

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The weather report on tv news has actually been rather exciting! I find it a little 'soon' for all this snow, anyone else?


We had 3-4 inches here in northern virginia on Saturday, and I was amazed! Last night, it began sleeting at 8pm and it did that for an entire hour b4 turning to rain -- I cannot imagine what a mess it would have been had it continued as sleet through the night.:001_huh:

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The weather report on tv news has actually been rather exciting! I find it a little 'soon' for all this snow, anyone else?



We only had a light dusting of snow the other day and it has since melted. It's raining today. Given where I live, I don't think it's early for snow. Given my opinion on snow, yes it's early for snow.


10 years ago, when we were moving to Florida from Ohio, it snowed in the day we left. Heavy snow. That was about November 7th-ish. We haven't seen that kind of snow this year yet.


Our first year back in Ohio (2006) it didn't finally snow till nearly Christmas. I remember going shopping in December in a lightweight jacket. All the winter coats were drastically marked down that Christmas shopping season.


I'm in the Cleveland area. I guess here we've just gotten used to expecting snow anytime after Halloween but hoping it comes later.

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Here is the view out my kitchen door:


This looks very similar to the view out of any of my windows, LOL. We are having a blizzard.....8 degrees, 14 inches of snow and 50 mph winds.......and I am sitting beside the fireplace with my cat on my lap (yes, he's crowding out the computer).


It's 'that-time-of-year' I suppose.

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We would really love your snow. Care for visitors?


Sure - come on over! Grab a shovel, though, because the snow blower is broken.


Like Katia, we've got about 15 inches, 30-50 mph winds, all within the last about 24 hrs, and it doesn't look like its going to stop any time soon.

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LOL - poor girl. Glad she got that yard mowed!


We got a dusting here that melted off before the snow even stopped falling on Saturday. Areas on DOWN the mountain had more than we did. I was thoroughly disappointed. Of course, the sunshine we are having today and the 61 degrees is great. Now, if we didn't have 55mph winds, it would be PERFECT. Currently, I have a pig slop bucket floating down my flooded creek, the basketball goal is laying on the driveway, the trash cans are strewn about the lawn, part of the barn roof tin is flapping, and the power was out for an hour this morning while we were doing school (in the dark! Show must go on and all that...).

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This looks very similar to the view out of any of my windows, LOL. We are having a blizzard.....8 degrees, 14 inches of snow and 50 mph winds.......and I am sitting beside the fireplace with my cat on my lap (yes, he's crowding out the computer).


It's 'that-time-of-year' I suppose.



You must not be too far from us. That's what it looks like here in SE MN.

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We live in WI too, and our yard looks like ours, but there is no way dh would have been mowing on Sunday-it was in the 30's!!!


LOL! My dh hasn't cut the grass since October! Our neighbor was cutting hers on Sunday and she is...well...crazy, actually, when it comes to manicuring her yard.

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