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Favorite Board Games

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When my kids were littler, about 6/4-5 , we all loved to play balloon lagoon... :-)


Now that they are a bit older, 9/6 we all play skipbo a lot... :-) they also really like 13 dead end drive,(gimmicky cluish kind of thing) clue, settlers of Catan, chess etc.

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My husband bought the game over the summer, and we are SO addicted to it! A typical game with the four of us runs 45min-1 hour. We just love this game.


We also enjoy Uno, Backgammon, Trouble, Othello, and Trivial Pursuit (the original)


For ages 10+, though, I would really suggest Settlers of Catan! :D At first glance, I thought I would hate it, as it didn't sound interesting to me at all. However, it's one of my top three game picks! Can you tell I like it? :tongue_smilie:

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Settlers of Catan - huge hit (my dc are ages 14 - 22). We add an expansion every year. This is the third year we've owned it. Most of my extended family is hooked as well.


:iagree: My 21yo bought a game last year called Smart A**. It is a great game, except for the name. My youngers call it Smart Donkey.

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