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Anyone up for some housecleaning?? Join me!

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or you can cheer me on... It seems every room has piles now, as I've been extra busy. I refuse to decorate a messy house for Christmas, but I haven't been motivated to do much... then schooling takes up hours of my day. TODAY I will work at this!!


So, I think I'll post the job I am going to start with and when I get it done, I'll come back and post the next job that I'm off to. It would be so nice to have some company! Anyone? I'm a top to bottom, left to right person, so I'm starting in the back of the home, cleaning my personal bathroom extra good...


What will you start with?

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OK. Here is what I have planned to do for today. Just like you, I'm not too motivated. I think its because I keep forgetting to take my antidepressants. I fall into such a slump when I forget to take them. And when I am on top of taking them I am unstoppable.


So : Laundry and bathrooms. I need to do some marketing too :tongue_smilie:

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OKay, while the boys got their own breakfasts, I scrubbed my shower and bathroom area.


My windows and sinks and mirrors are in the next little room, separate, but my teen girl is using that area to get ready, so I will come back to that and head into the kitchen, make sure boys lunches are ready and wash up any dishes, wipe counters and feed pets...


anyone have pets to feed? anyone have leftover dishes?

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I've been doing this for a couple of weeks, so I'm a little ahead of the game, but I'll play anyway.


I've cleaned out all the clutter from all the rooms, except one. So, today I ran through the house putting away any clutter than developed overnight (I think we have elves making messes when we're asleep), cleaned up the breakfast dishes, and put food in the crock pot.


After homeschool, I'm going to tackle the IMMENSE pile of homeschool books/papers that are strewn across the desk (and have been since September) and put them away ONCE AND FOR ALL.

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Thanks, Garga, for the dinner reminder... got the chicken out of the freezer. Just did the dishes up, but will postpone the sweeping until I can move some stuff around...


I am off to take the ps kids and drop them off, just woke up the homeschooling boys...


Next up... a HUGE pile of washed and dried clothes... fold and put away...

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I'm in too! I have to take off and get my hair cut this morning, so we will postpone school until I get back, and even then we may have to have a "light day". I have a house to clean and decorate, errands to run (dog to groomer, library, WalMart, and so on and so on and so on). DH's office party is tomorrow night, and my MNO is at my house on Saturday night. So my house has to be clean and decorated by then. We leave on Monday for a week and a half in California with my parents so I have to, HAVE TO, get some things done today!!!!



You didn't need to hear all that, but since my husband doesn't seem to notice all that I have to do, I thought I needed to tell someone!;)


Today I will put away all the folded laundry, and finish decorating, and clean up clutter so that tomorrow I can deep clean the living/dining/kitchen/family rooms. Oh, and while I decorate I will be cooking. I have some things I need to cook and share with a family in need and also freeze for my DH while we're gone.


Time to get off line and get a move on!:auto:

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Well, I just mopped both bathrooms as well as vacuumed the whole house. I even managed to tidy up the guest room....there was some stray odds and ends sitting about. We're having a guest this weekend so the room has to be clean! I'm off to dust off the small chest of drawers in the guest room and then it is shower time for me!


After that, a bit of schooling, lunch, might wrap a few gifts, and then off to speech therapy at 1 PM.

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I'm in.....


Yesterday I took all my pots, pans and lids down from where they hang, cleaned the dust off the ones I rarely use, got rid of the ones I never use, and scrubbed/shined the copper bottoms, and re-arranged them so now they look better and are easier to grab and use.


It's amazing how much neater and cleaner the kitchen looks now.


Today I'm cleaning out the living room closet. It has piles and piles of music that needs to be sorted and filed. And all around the floor by the piano are more piles and piles of music. The girls get stuff out to play and just leave it in a stack. I'm going to try and make some kind of 'system' so that music gets put away.


For some reason, it's easy for me to toss stuff, (like clothing, pots and pans, nick-knacks, even books) but it is impossible for me to get rid of music. Maybe this summer I'll go through the 6 drawers in the filing cabinet that is stuffed to the gills with music and get rid of stuff I know they'll never play again. I just hate to. It's.....it's......MUSIC!


Next day will be vacuum, dust, clean bathrooms and do laundry.


I hope to have all this done so that I can put up Christmas decorations on Saturday!

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OK. Here is what I have planned to do for today. Just like you, I'm not too motivated. I think its because I keep forgetting to take my antidepressants. I fall into such a slump when I forget to take them. And when I am on top of taking them I am unstoppable.


So : Laundry and bathrooms. I need to do some marketing too :tongue_smilie:



PLEASE PM me w/ the name of those Unstoppable Antidepressant Pills. I'm not kidding.


Well, I guess I'm in for the cleaning challenge since I too can't decorate a messy house. I put up some outdoor lights yesterday and want to finish that today if it stays (relatively) warm. I will clear off the top of the piano and clean up the living room. Those 2 things entail alot more than what they sound like. ;)

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So I started the laundry. After I finish my coffee I will get started on the bathrooms. Thank you to the person who reminded me about dinner too! I will go to the market around noon time.


Arrggh! Dinner!! I totally forgot that. Thanks for the reminder. (I hate to cook)

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My housekeeper is on three weeks vacation. My husband offered a replacement during the three weeks, but I hiked on my big girl panties and said I'd do my own housework for three weeks. It's been four days. :w00t:


I'm heading toward my bathroom, yellow rubber gloves in hand, and I plan to do the deed that must be done. Gawd, how did I get so many dirty towels!


Like the OP, I'm a top-down, left to right person. I'll start at the back and work my way to the front door. My Christmas tree is coming this weekend and I won't decorate a house that looks like monkeys live in it.

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Oh, Aubrey, thanks for the laugh! (Alright, I'm gone. Ish. :001_huh: )


ha ha ha


Okay, I got some laundry folded and put away. I will have a cup of coffee and then clean sinks and mirrors... and wipe walls and doorjams of bedroom and bathroom. Then I need to dust one very dusty dresser... Then I will come check in again... whoo-hoo...

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PLEASE PM me w/ the name of those Unstoppable Antidepressant Pills. I'm not kidding.


Well, I guess I'm in for the cleaning challenge since I too can't decorate a messy house. I put up some outdoor lights yesterday and want to finish that today if it stays (relatively) warm. I will clear off the top of the piano and clean up the living room. Those 2 things entail alot more than what they sound like. ;)


Me too. Mine make me foggy, so I'm off them. I could use a happy pill that doesn't make me even less motivated than my low-grade depression does.

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Okay, how's it going?


I have taught my boys' math lesson and they have worked and been patient with questions while I have done my mirrors, sinks and dusted that dresser of mine.


Next up: must clean piles along one wall of room and end of bed... yuck... I hate this part... then I will vacuum and make the bed and check in again... someone please cheer for me!!! Once I leave my room in the morning, that is it, I rarely get back in there, except to stack stuff that I don't want to deal with... gotta handle this!


In the meantime, boys will finish math and read their science lesson and complete science worksheets as a team, helping each other... usually I join in and we alternate reading out of the text and fill in worksheets as we go... but, toady, they just need to work together and ask for help as needed.

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I ran off to do a quick vacuum - since "yes, vacuuming IS my hobby" used to be my sig line - BUT I was felled by my other motto: "quick and dirty".


The quick & dirty method involves leaping into a task, without getting too obsessed about getting everything right. So with vacuuming, quick & dirty means you haul out the vacuum and you start. You don't spend time picking up things off the floor...you just vacuum around stuff & kick things out of the way. Next time you vacuum (which for me would be tomorrow), odds are the crap will be lying in a different spot and you'll end up doing all of the floor eventually.


Which is how I ended up spending 30 minutes NOT vacuuming but instead taking the vacuum apart so that I could fish out a pair of underwear which got sucked right into the middle of the 8 foot hose. It was wadded up so tightly in there & would not budge with just pushing. I had to make a baby boat-grappling hook to get it out.


It was MY underwear, on the floor of the closet instead of in the laundry basket right beside it, so can't blame anyone but myself for a) not putting it in the right place & b) for not keeping the vac away because I know that darned thing is so powerful it will suck up things 4 inches away.

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or you can cheer me on... It seems every room has piles now, as I've been extra busy. I refuse to decorate a messy house for Christmas, but I haven't been motivated to do much... then schooling takes up hours of my day. TODAY I will work at this!!


So, I think I'll post the job I am going to start with and when I get it done, I'll come back and post the next job that I'm off to. It would be so nice to have some company! Anyone? I'm a top to bottom, left to right person, so I'm starting in the back of the home, cleaning my personal bathroom extra good...


What will you start with?


I am home alone until Tuesday!!! My plan is to have the whole house sparkling when everyone gets home. I am glad you posted this, since I am about to go into my twins room to get started. If no one hears back from me in a few hours, please call 911!

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what kind of vacuum do you use?


Panasonic (though actually it's dressed up as a Kenmore but it's really a Panasonic; but not all Kenmore vacs are Panasonics ...)


Panasonic is a great secret in the vacuuming world :)


I have two now - one for upstairs & one for downstairs; the downstairs one is actually stickered as a Panasonic.


Quality as good as the European vacs but easier on the pocketbook & last for ages.

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Okay... I took care of some piles... relocated them ;)!!!


I am taking a quick break to make a taco bell run...


Then I will vacuum and make the bed!


I will also try to simultaneously invite all relatives to our holiday party in a couple of weeks... anyone want to come for dessert??

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or you can cheer me on... It seems every room has piles now, as I've been extra busy. I refuse to decorate a messy house for Christmas, but I haven't been motivated to do much... then schooling takes up hours of my day. TODAY I will work at this!!


So, I think I'll post the job I am going to start with and when I get it done, I'll come back and post the next job that I'm off to. It would be so nice to have some company! Anyone? I'm a top to bottom, left to right person, so I'm starting in the back of the home, cleaning my personal bathroom extra good...


What will you start with?


I'll start with my bathroom too.

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C'mon ladies, I don't want to lose you mid-day (or later afternoon if you are across the country!).


Swap some laundry and stay with me, now!


I am going to clean the boys' bathroom, which I usually delegate, but like to tackle myself about once a month for my personal sanity...


After that I will take on a pile of papers stacked next to my desk on the floor.

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Okay it may be 3:15 but I think I am ready to jump in with this. Job #1 finish cleaning the upstairs bathroom. Did the toilet today due to illness and a partial miss, but may as well finish the whole thing. Of course since the scrubbing bubbles has to sit for a bit I have time to surf the net first ;)

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Ate dinner and dipped about half of the pretzels for the cookie exhange tomorrow. Now I am going to relocate the Little Tykes kitchen and the little table and chairs that were in the girls play area and put them in Never-Never Land (aka the unfinished part of the basement).


Then I will bag somemore trash from their room and the rest of the house. Followed by more pretzels.

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I scrapped cleaning after picking up 2 dolls in my sewing alcove & building a piece of build-it-yourself...well...not furniture...it's a rolly cart that would be perfect for workboxes but which I *thought* was dimensional for scrapbooking, but apparently the dimensions advertised were for its finished size, not drawer size.


Then I started a new project--sewing up an "invention" that fil told me about over the weekend. Essentially? He wants a bag for his music stand & mic equipment--he's in a funny old-man band. Then I decided to paint the music to "Jesus Loves Me" on the front, w/ kid fingerprints for the quarter notes.


So my house is a mess, but there's dinner-ish stuff hot & ready, & I always count *that* as success! :D

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Okay, ladies, the slavedriver is now finished working for the day. I am going to play now. I will spend a couple hours playing with pictures and software for our family holiday newsletter...


Good job! Same place, same time, see you tomorrow!

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I am done with the bathrooms and I did a little bit of marketing. I did not finish the laundry but it usually takes me 2 days to do it anyways. It takes me 2 days because I use the sanitary cyclew to wash 3 loads: Rags, towels, and sheets. The sanitary cycle on my machine is about 3:30 hrs :P

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I actually picked up and vaccuumed my bedroom which is a miracle. Tomorrow I want to dust in there and clean my balcony sliding glass door and freshen the bed with clean sheets.


My ds is washing the dishes and then I'm heading into the kitchen to cook a yummy supper.

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