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Horrible visit at ER

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OK, the ER itself wasn't bad, having to be there stunk, though. Toddler boy got a flying swivel chair smack in his head as he was climbing up the stairs; chair was at the top of the stairs and accidentally got moved and tipped; todler was following the action and was going up the stairs.


Long story short as I am running out of energy, ds is thankfully fine. he got stitched up with 14 exterios stitched right in his forehead and several interior ones. We watched him all last night and he is now on antibiotics and I occasionally give him some tylenol. He was doing fine today, but got tired early.


The doctor suggested I add liquid Vit. E with neosporin to his wound so that's what I am doing, to lessen the scarring.

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If he ends up with a scar, I highly recommend this. My daughter used it on a nasty, old scar on the inside of her forearm, the result of a bad compound fracture that required surgery. It was probably 3" long and an inch wide. The Mederma, used faithfully for 6 or 8 weeks, almost made it disappear. The scar was so bad that the orthopaedist told us our insurance would pay for plastic surgery to re-cut it and re-stitch it for a cleaner result. We opted against that, and the results were quite dramatic. You can still see the puckering if you look closely, but the discoloration and much of the puckering is gone. I imagine that if you started earlier, you would have even better results.



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Poor thing!!! It's SO hard when they're that little and you can't explain what is going on to them. And, you can't make it all better. I remember when my then-18 month old needed stitches. It was absolutely heartbreaking. And, he still remembers it - but in his memory, I wasn't in the room. I was right there!!!


I'm glad you're home! And, scars on a boy are bragging rights!!! Soon enough he'll be showing it off!!

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Thank God he's all right!


BTW, my boy had to have stitches on his face when he was four, and the ER doc told me that young children heal better than adults, and often don't scar at all. It was pretty minor compared to what you're dealing with, but he has no scar at all now (5 yrs later). Inshallah, your little guy won't have major scarring.



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My dh had several stitches on his forehead a few years ago. The doctor told him when he was outside to wear a hat or keep sunscreen on it for the next year. Something about getting sun on it in the first year makes it scar more. We live in FL so this was important information.

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Everyone -Thanks for the sympathy. I am over the worst shock now, but still just want to hit myself when I think of the freaky (and avoidable) accident.


He is happy again and slept well this night. I'll definitely take all the advice I can get about the scarring, right now using E vitamin with the neosporin, but will look into the Mederma cream once he is healed. Sun is not a problem right now here in NH and hopefully by summer he'll be big enough to keep his hat on.


I have had two other kids with monor cuts to their faces, but nothing like this. They both have scarring (but nothing scary or in the front, just barely visible) and I'll try the cream on them.





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Thanks. He is doing fine actually which has helped the adults in his life.... I have to figure out which oitnment to stick with for the scarring, but for now I am putting on Vit. E in liquid form.


Thanks again.




I had hand surgery a year ago and the doctor recommended that I use Mederma. I ended up not using anything as the plastic surgeon did a wonderful job and it's in the palm of my hand. I was more worried that my hand would not stretch back to its normal usage but it did. (My knitting was good hand therapy. I didn't have to see the physical therapist.)


You could ask the doctor/pharmacist if you can use it on your son's face. I think Mederma is meant to be used after healing is done.


There is a coupon at this site:http://www.mederma.com/




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I had to keep a two-year-olds face out of the sun for a year, who happens to be allergic to sunscreen.


:grouphug:Hope your little one is on the mend, hang in there.


OK, that's two votes for Mederma so I'll look into that one. I just looked around in the store and there were a lot of choices!!


Good to hear your hand is doing fine and that knitting was helpful after the surgery.

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