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where to buy preemie clothes?


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My twin girls will be here soon and I need to find some preemie sized clothing for them. I haven't found anything at Target and I've checked online at Penney's. My mom just hit the Carter's outlet and found me one sleeper....I could really use some more as I think they will be pretty small.


Any suggestions?

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Babies r us has premie clothes.


I suggest that you buy a few newborn size clothes but not too many. They will grow super fast and will only be in the premiee size for a couple of weeks(if that) and the newborn size a couple of weeks before they will be ready for the 0-3month size.


I brought home a 4.5 pounder once and he was in the 0-3 month size comfortable by 1 month age if not sooner. It's been 19 years so you kinda forget!


There weren't premie clothes back then and I put socks on the outside of his sleepers ....kinda like boots....and just rolled up the sleeves a bit. Worked just fine. He was my only child that I felt like I got to actually use the really cute newborn clothes.


My other 3 kids were in the 5-5.5 pound range and they could just barely squeeze into the premie clothes that were purchased for them and only used the newborn size for a few weeks.



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I have not seen preemie at gymboree or baby gap, only newborn and even then it's not super available.


Wendy - I have been torn about this as well. MY first son was a 5 pounder and he wore preemie for a month, then newborn for 2 months. He wasn't a real fast gainer though - maybe that's not typical. My other kids were all 7 1/2 pounds-ish and they all wore the preemie sleeprs that I had left from my oldest for a couple weeks after they were born - so I was thinking if the twins were 4 1/2-5 pounds I'd need at least a few weeks of preemie stuff. I think it's just really hard to guess.


I think I could be content if I could just find 3 sleepers for them to wear, just in case they swim in everything else.

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Are you near a JC Penney? I remember getting several things from there when my girls were babies. I think I found a few things at Walmart, too. Babies R Us is GREAT for anything you need. That was almost 10 years ago, though.


I had two of everything - identical, except for a few things that were just different colors - and then one of my girls was 6 pounds 12 ounces when she was born. Her twin was only 4 pounds 12 ounces, so at least she got to wear some of the preemie stuff.

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Our DD brought home our granddaughter (a premie) at the end of August. The newborn gowns were what fit best. She got a number of premie outfits as gifts from Gymboree and never wore them. They were super small plus it was just easier to use the gowns and the swaddle blankets.


She has grown so quickly that she is almost out of the 0-3 months clothes. I agree with others - don't buy too much as they grow soooo fast.

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Our DD brought home our granddaughter (a premie) at the end of August. The newborn gowns were what fit best. She got a number of premie outfits as gifts from Gymboree and never wore them. They were super small plus it was just easier to use the gowns and the swaddle blankets.


She has grown so quickly that she is almost out of the 0-3 months clothes. I agree with others - don't buy too much as they grow soooo fast.


Ditto on the newborn gowns! Put on matching booties & cap, they'll wear them for several months, be easy to change, and still look adorable!

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My MIL got dd a couple of preemie outfits at Babies R Us for dd. One lasted 2 or 3 wearings on an initially 5.5 lb baby. The other was indistinguishable from the 0-3 month sized clothes. I would get one nice outfit for pictures and some newborn gowns. There's nothing more frustrating than having lots of cute things that are too small.

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I bought my preemie clothes at babies r us and on ebay. Usually buying them used is worth it as most are only worn for a few weeks so they are virtually new. I also had better luck using the newborn gowns rather than trying to find sleepers that fit. My first DS was 4lbs 15 oz at birth and was a slow gainer, I just let him swim in the newborn stuff until he got big enough for it to fit well, but back then it was harder to find preemie stuff. With my 4th she was 5lbs 13oz and was in preemie clothes for about a month. Mostly I used newborn gowns with her but did have a couple sleepers that fit. I did laundry every other day or so with just her clothes to make it work. My other DS was only in prem cloths for the ride home, he was a big baby for being a month prem and was a fast grower so he outgrew not only the prem clothes but the newborn ones before his official due date ever rolled around.

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I found some at Wal-Mart and was gifted tons. Keep in mind that preemie clothes later on make great doll clothes. We have found that they fit the AG Bitty Baby just right. ;)


We did the reverse -- we bought doll outfits for our twins. It still makes me laugh to look at the pictures we took. They didn't grow quickly and wore them for weeks and weeks. Now the very same clothes are worn by their dolls. If I had to do it today, I would definitely get some things from eBay. A friend of mine picked up some preemie clothes from eBay for a song, and they were practically brand new. With a whole pile of them, she's not constantly running out of clothes and having to wash them.


Take care, and congratulations!



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Thanks for the ideas everyone - I think part of my issue is that I can't get to the stores anymore myself, I've been on bedrest for a while. So I've been looking online- it may be that there's less online at the regular stores than in the actual stores. I might send my mom out this week. I did find a couple auctions on ebay to watch - that was a great idea.

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