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An antihistamine that doesn't make me fall asleep?

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I am taking benedryl to help with my sinuses and the fluid in my ears and it does seem to help, but I get so sleepy it's hard to take it during the day. Is there anything out there that wont make me sleepy yet not hype me up either? Thanks!

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I took Zyrtec (24 hour) and it knocked me out for pretty much the whole 24 hours. I could not function at all. I would prefer the Benadryl. The Claritin does not make me sleepy but I also don't think it works very well either, at least not for me. Good luck. This is a quest we are always on around here.

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Benadryl makes me tired. Zyrtec is great only if you don't need to function the next day, the first time I took it I was asleep in 5 minutes . Claritan is the only one that doesn't make me a space cadet.



Sometimes I can take one benadryl and work through the tiredness but never if I need to drive anywhere.

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Zyrtec makes you drowsy, but usually only for the first few hours of its 24 hour effectiveness period, so take it before bed and you'll probably be OK.


Claritin is non drowsy and OTC, but only works on a 75% of allegens. Allegra is prescription and non drowsy and works on 90% of allergens. (I found that Claritin didn't work for me but Allegra did.)


Nasel Crom is OTC and the least systemic of all of these. It is non-drowsy and is a nasel spray that does not cause any side effects. You have to use it about twice a day for about a week before it builds up enough to be effective, but after that with regular use it works quite well for nasel allergies. It does not help with food or contact allergies, though.


A Neti pot is very helpful when you're quite stuffy, but it takes quite a while to use (20-30 minutes). It washes out the stuffiness AND the allergens. For best results I think you have to use it 2-3 times per day. Right afterwards you feel worse, and then the residual solution dries up and you feel like you have been vaccuum cleaned and then polished to a high sheen. It is very weird but quite a relief.

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We were just discussing this with a pharmacist friend at church on Sunday. She recommended taking a decongestant in conjunction with the antihistamine. Decongestants have a stimulant effect, so the side-effects of one drug will counteract the side-effects of the other and should leave you feeling neither too sleepy or too hyper. There are many OTC cold meds that contain both.


Good luck!

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All of the medicines make me sleepy. I am groggy for 3 days after taking half of children's chewable Sudafed. I am asleep within 15 minutes and groggy for a full 24 hours after taking a single Benadryl pill.


Claritin gives me a little buzz and makes me drowsy, but I'm okay the next morning so long as I don't take it two nights in a row. It stopped doing anything for me though.


Actifed is working for me right now. It also makes me sleepy (but they all do that). I'm fine the next morning, but I'm afraid to take it two nights in a row. It can be split and I've found that even half of an Actifed helps.


I only take medicines like this at night. I can't function if I take any of them during the day.

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I am taking benedryl to help with my sinuses and the fluid in my ears and it does seem to help, but I get so sleepy it's hard to take it during the day. Is there anything out there that wont make me sleepy yet not hype me up either? Thanks!


Claratin is OTC, and there are even generics available. It is 24 hr and non-drowsy. Isn't quite as effective as benadryl, so I will sometimes use benadryl at bedtime and claratin in the a.m.

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