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Is anyone up out there? Am I having preterm labor???

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I am about 34 weeks. Due Jan. 5. Ever since I took a shower tonight I have been having contractions and they seem to be intensifying icon_eek.gif . I am starting to worry. I have never had an early delivery. This is baby #6. I am not sure what to do. I have very rapid descents, so it is imperative that I get to the hospital at the first sign of true labor. But, it is almost 1 in the morning here and we have no family to watch the children. So, I can't be making false runs to the hospital!!!


How do I know if this is real?

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Lay down on the couch on your left side, drink a TON of water, and put in a movie. After ten min or so of relaxing after drinking the water, start timing them. If they aren't real, the water & rest should slow them down.

And you can call your doc. At 34 weeks they won't want to mess around if it is labor.

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Is there any change in your cervical mucus? I was told that if the contractions are really dilating you will see some change.


This is baby number 5 for me, and I've had days ever since July where I could not get the contractions to stop. It turns out I just have a very "experienced" uterus and they behave that way sometimes.


I hope you are peacefully sleeping now.

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Oh, I wanted to add one more thing that comforted me. My midwife said that only a small percentage of women have preterm labor. Every time you have a full term baby that small percentage is cut in half.


So you and I who are working on babies 6 and 5 don't have as much to worry about as first time mothers.


I also have rapid descents. At my meeting yesterday, the midwife stressed that when my husband is at work, next week I need someone close by to drive me to the birthing center since there might not be enough time for him to come home and pick me up.

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I have an irritable uterus, contract for months, and dilate early with all my pregnancies. I never knew if the contractions were dilating me or not until I had an internal exam. Most of the time my intuition paid off and if I thought I had been, I was. Thankfully, I just dilated early and haven't had any preterm babies.


How are you this morning? Did you end up calling? If not, I'd call this morning, your dr might want to see you. I know mine always did.

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Thinking of you and hope all is well!


I had preterm labor with our twins at 32 weeks. The hospital was able to stop it. From that point on I was extra careful to get my daily water intake and more. Water is key!! Drink tons of it! I even kept it by my bedside and chugged it whenever I woke up :001_smile:.

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do stay put...but I had a baby that was 34+ weeks and he is fine - absolutely no problems. So, though not optimal, 34 weeks is still very solid. I had preterm labor with all my dc - anything with "twenty" in it was scary - but getting to the thirties always gave me a bit of relief.


God Bless you both.

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I had an irritable uterus with my last and this one looks like it is doing that to me too. Make sure to drink plenty of water and lay down if they start. If you have them too close and regular or too many in an hour, do call the doctor.


That said, I had my last one only 1.5 weeks early, and her brother was a week early anyway. (Maybe mine are just done "cooking" early. :D)


So yeah, it's annoying, but it may not be anything to worry about. Just drink drink drink more water. ;)

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I had an irritable uterus with my last and this one looks like it is doing that to me too. Make sure to drink plenty of water and lay down if they start. If you have them too close and regular or too many in an hour, do call the doctor.


That said, I had my last one only 1.5 weeks early, and her brother was a week early anyway. (Maybe mine are just done "cooking" early. :D)


So yeah, it's annoying, but it may not be anything to worry about. Just drink drink drink more water. ;)



And lots of dietary magnesium. Lots. Calcium is the contractor.....magnesium is the relaxer.




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