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s/o on submission threads--what do people know about Vision Forum's teachings?

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I started this thread because I have loved ones associated with Vision Forum whom I'm concerned about. I asked for info on teachings. I am sorry to see the name calling, etc. I really do not want slander or mud-slinging. I was wanting information.


I did read both sides of the public falling out with a former member of the church. I don't have a way of sorting through that from afar.

Edited by Laurie4b1
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Some might disagree with my assessment, but I think Kathryn Joyce's Quiverfull does a decent job of explaining the fundamental beliefs of Vision Forum.


(Ironically, we also have gotten their catalogue. Ironic because I'm about as opposite as you can get from them and still be a Christian. I showed it to my dh and we had a... well, not a laugh, but an extended session of being agog.)

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I believe they are some of the most dangerous out there, even worse than the Pearls. Do a google search for Douglas Phillips and Boerne Christian Assembly. The Pearls actually did a series of articles lambasting this extreme form of patriarchy that is taught by this group (as it applies to adult children.)


Scary stuff (for the women involved anyway.)

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I believe they are some of the most dangerous out there, even worse than the Pearls. Do a google search for Douglas Phillips and Boerne Christian Assembly. The Pearls actually did a series of articles lambasting this extreme form of patriarchy that is taught by this group (as it applies to adult children.)


Scary stuff (for the women involved anyway.)


I didn't know it could get any worse!

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I won't order anything from them because I don't want to support them. We still get their catalog, although I haven't ordered anything in years. They do have some cool boy toys, so when my son sees something he "must have", I try to source it somewhere else or he goes without.


My son (who is 13) thinks it's hilarious to read about the reading & video materials they sell. He can recognize the fallacies in many of their claims just by reading their catalog. His latest source of amusement was the "Harvard MBA" they claim to offer. It's a training package that purports to provide the viewer with an education equivalent to a Harvard MBA. But, as my son pointed out, at the end of it YOU DON'T HAVE A HARVARD MBA! Try taking that to your job interview.


You can find plenty of info on them if you search "doug phillips controversy" or similar terms. Here's one site with some links. links

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His latest source of amusement was the "Harvard MBA" they claim to offer. It's a training package that purports to provide the viewer with an education equivalent to a Harvard MBA. But, as my son pointed out, at the end of it YOU DON'T HAVE A HARVARD MBA! Try taking that to your job interview.


I'm married to someone with a Harvard MBA and let's just say that the value of the degree is not the coursework. My DH says he's learned a zillion times more about finance from the studying he's done on his own to prepare for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam.


Don't forget that most of the guys responsible for Enron, AIG, those mortgage credit default swaps, etc. were Harvard MBA's :ack2:

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I'm married to someone with a Harvard MBA and let's just say that the value of the degree is not the coursework. My DH says he's learned a zillion times more about finance from the studying he's done on his own to prepare for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam.


Don't forget that most of the guys responsible for Enron, AIG, those mortgage credit default swaps, etc. were Harvard MBA's :ack2:


That was my son's point...the value of the Harvard MBA (its prestige) can't be mimicked by a video course, even if that video course taught you MORE than you'd learn as a Harvard student.


As to your point about Enron, etc...it's too bad getting an MBA, from anywhere, doesn't automatically confer ethics on someone!

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This is very interesting, because I am really quite ignorant of things like this. I, too, have been reading Vyckie's blog for the past couple of days. I have gotten the Vision Forum catalog in the past--I'm not sure why, I've never ordered from them. I've looked through it enough to know that their beliefs are quite dissimilar to mine (they'd probably call me a Satan-worshiper, actually), but I don't have a good handle on specific beliefs.


For example I really have no idea what "Christian Reconstructionists (Dominion Theology/Theonomy)" means. Conservative Protestants always seem to come up with 5 more beliefs I've never heard of every time I think I've got some idea of what's going on.


So I have no clue why Vision Forum would be terrifying and would appreciate an explanation if someone wouldn't mind providing one.

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I think this is a bit overboard. We knew them years ago and I'm sure their present family is lovely. The whole degree thing, is true, as long as you're only working for yourself. You notice that the incentive for thinking the plan is good... is the instructor's degree:-) So, it goes overboard in thinking that their schooling plan is worthy? Perhaps. BUT, they really are very good people and I hate to see them torn apart by people that don't know them.

And... Doug lived the part he preached about waiting till parent's were in agreement with their marriage....


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Christian Reconstructionists want to turn the U.S. government into a theocracy - have Old Testament law be the law of the land. But they want to do it peaceably, through the established political process (that's a plus, I guess). They believe that, deep down, most Americans truly want it - because even if they refuse to admit it, they know it to be the "right" way, and so will accept it when the Reconstructionists succeed in getting it all passed. Can't fault their optimism, anyway - even if their grasp on reality is a bit shaky.

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:iagree: While I don't personally know the Phillips, I have personally known some families who attend their church. The families are extremely kind, humble, and would bend over backwards to help you. (One family did just that for us once.) My husband worked with one of the deacons of the Boerne Christian Assembly, and he was one of the nicest men you would ever meet. I don't think it's fair for people who really don't know the persons involved to spout off opinions.


They may be the nicest people in the world - you're right that I do not know them or the church personally. I do know alot about their theology, though, through the things *they* have published. My problem is with those things, not their personalities.

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I believe they are some of the most dangerous out there, even worse than the Pearls. Do a google search for Douglas Phillips and Boerne Christian Assembly. The Pearls actually did a series of articles lambasting this extreme form of patriarchy that is taught by this group (as it applies to adult children.)


Scary stuff (for the women involved anyway.)



Wow, just spent an hour of my life following the links out from the Douglas Phillips links. Wow. Not much more I can say. Glad I left "organized" religion. Glad I saw upclose the problems with it when I was young (pastor's kid). Glad I never got sucked into one of those "churches."

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And I can understand and respect differences of opinion on theology. What I can't understand is the use of adjectives such as "dangerous", "terrifying", "controlling", or "misogynistic". Seriously, if you knew these people you would laugh at such absurdity. The families I personally know are very meek and humble, living to serve the Lord.


I will stand by my use of "dangerous" for Douglas Phillips himself. I don't know any of the families in his church (and my suggestion that people search for his church name was in regards to *his* behavior.)


Teaching women that to treat an ectopic pregnancy is akin to throwing your child to the sharks so they will not eat you is more than just dangerous! He also (in that same issue) misrepresents the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding medical treatments that indirectly involving the death of the unborn child.

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While I don't personally know the Phillips, I have personally known some families who attend their church. The families are extremely kind, humble, and would bend over backwards to help you. (One family did just that for us once.) My husband worked with one of the deacons of the Boerne Christian Assembly, and he was one of the nicest men you would ever meet. I don't think it's fair for people who really don't know the persons involved to spout off opinions.
I don't know the Phillips or any of the Vision Forum people personally. They probably are very nice people who are striving to spread what they see as truth as best they can.


But that doesn't change the fact they are *wrong*. Their theology is really messed up and has ruined people's lives, even if that theology was promoted and practiced with the best of intentions. Beliefs have consequences, and wrong beliefs have negative ones. Being silent is not an option.

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Well God bless your extended family, Laurie.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for Doug Phillips and his ministry, and am thankful for the influence his teachings have had on dh and me.


We have had extended family and some friends express concern over some decisions we have made: having more than two dc :svengo:, homeschool through high school :svengo::svengo:, encourage our dc to pursue courtship over casual dating :svengo::svengo::svengo:, and the list goes on.


What can I say? We're happy with the decisions we have made,truly feel we are following God's leading, and are thankful for the grace He has bestowed on Vision Forum.


Fortunately, our family and (most) of our friends respect us enough to allow for differences. We have had to break relationship with some people who felt the need to be critical but then didn't like it when dh turned the tables on them, go figure :rolleyes:.


As for our family, they try not to roll their eyes at my girls in skirts, and we try not to comment on their daughter's boozin' it up at college (facebook reveals all!) and we all get along just fine. :D

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They're terrifying, controlling, misogynistic, and did I mention terrifying?


Oh Brother...If you don't like super-Christians...fine. Not my cuppa tea either...BUT Terrifying...controlling??? LOL....You sound awfully extreme...:rolleyes:


Just don't buy any of their cr@p...


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I don't know the Phillips or any of the Vision Forum people personally. They probably are very nice people who are striving to spread what they see as truth as best they can.


But that doesn't change the fact they are *wrong*. Their theology is really messed up and has ruined people's lives, even if that theology was promoted and practiced with the best of intentions. Beliefs have consequences, and wrong beliefs have negative ones. Being silent is not an option.


I think people are really good at ruining their own lives...and even when someone has all the best intentions...some extreme personalities need to take things to the nth degree....That is not Doug Phillip's fault. He has a right to speak and teach...especially in this country where the ALCU will go to bat for Nazi youth's right to march or Gay Pride Day. Being silent is not an option. We all have a right to our own stinky opinions...however, why do so many want the opposing view to be silenced??


What ever happened to personal responsiblity and wisdom and discernment. SHHHEEEEESH!!!!!


If the guy is a charlatan....don't listen to him.

If the guy is a quack....don't buy his stuff....

If the guy is dangerous...don't go there.


When are people going to start taking responsiblility for their own actions??


OY VEY!!!!

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Well God bless your extended family, Laurie.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for Doug Phillips and his ministry, and am thankful for the influence his teachings have had on dh and me.


We have had extended family and some friends express concern over some decisions we have made: having more than two dc :svengo:, homeschool through high school :svengo::svengo:, encourage our dc to pursue courtship over casual dating :svengo::svengo::svengo:, and the list goes on.


What can I say? We're happy with the decisions we have made,truly feel we are following God's leading, and are thankful for the grace He has bestowed on Vision Forum.


Fortunately, our family and (most) of our friends respect us enough to allow for differences. We have had to break relationship with some people who felt the need to be critical but then didn't like it when dh turned the tables on them, go figure :rolleyes:.


As for our family, they try not to roll their eyes at my girls in skirts, and we try not to comment on their daughter's boozin' it up at college (facebook reveals all!) and we all get along just fine. :D


That's not the level of things I'm concerned about. Have you been directly involved or just through their materials?

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They're terrifying, controlling, misogynistic, and did I mention terrifying?


This is just name-calling. Do you have a basis for what you're saying? I was looking for information. I love these extended family members and respect a lot of what they do. Do you have first hand information or links? Have you ever read any of their material or had an interaction with Phillips or his close associates?

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I think people are really good at ruining their own lives...and even when someone has all the best intentions...some extreme personalities need to take things to the nth degree....That is not Doug Phillip's fault. He has a right to speak and teach...especially in this country where the ALCU will go to bat for Nazi youth's right to march or Gay Pride Day. Being silent is not an option. We all have a right to our own stinky opinions...however, why do so many want the opposing view to be silenced??


What ever happened to personal responsiblity and wisdom and discernment. SHHHEEEEESH!!!!!


If the guy is a charlatan....don't listen to him.

If the guy is a quack....don't buy his stuff....

If the guy is dangerous...don't go there.


When are people going to start taking responsiblility for their own actions??


OY VEY!!!!


Oh, I believe and stand for his right to say and do whatever he wants. That same freedom makes it my responsibility to stand up and say that what he teaches is dangerous to Christianity as a whole.


I have a large family.

I plan to homeschool through high school.

I am a conservative Christian (well, Vision Forum wouldn't think so.:tongue_smilie:)

I don't want my children to "casually date."

My dh is the head of our home (again, they wouldn't think so because it is different than patriarchy for sure!)


This isn't about those things. And if he were some cult guy in Idaho with a small following who simply wanted to dress our daughters in prairie dresses, I would roll my eyes and move on. He isn't, though. There is a HUGE following, there is a political party - all wrapped up together. He teaches things about history that simply aren't true. It's serious trouble wrapped up in a pretty package and very convincing to those who are disenfranchised by the current political and cultural situations.


So, I feel it is my responsibility as a Christian to warn others. No one has to listen to me either.:D


ETA: I removed my comment about the college because I had my Doug's mixed up again. Sorry!

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