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I had a migraine today for the first time ever. I wanted to die......

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My pain tolerance is high. I made it through pneumonia without drugs, birthed over a 9 pound baby at home, went through repeated myrongotomies as a child, have had chronic allergies problems.......


It started this am; I figured it was sinus and took some OTC. It got progressively worse....to the point where I told the kid "go on break until 11:15" when it was 10:46. I had already been laying down in a bedroom off the school area, listening in and kinda refocusing kids when needed. At "break", I went to my room. At that point, I couldn't tolerate any noise, movement, light......or even the thought of it. I thought my head was going to explode; it would have been a relief. The thought of water made me puke.


The kids made lunch, called a client's g'ma to take them to the YMCA homeschool activities (remember, I've got 2 high schoolers and an another teen). I woke up once to find the note they left me and then again at 4:00.


I'm at work now (in a smoky bar :001_huh::glare:). I feel better, but weird due to the pain that I was in.


I've never had one before. But next time I hear of someone having one, I will understand. I'd give hugs, but I don't want to be touched.

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Oh man...they are horrible!!! The pain is so bad that I have to laugh when people are talking to me telling me they have a migraine in a nonchalant manner. Ummm, yeah, if you did you would be curled up in a ball somewhere wishing your head would explode!!!! I used to get them a lot, but now only get them once every year or two. For that, I am SOOOOO thankful!

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I don't want to freak you out, but, I remember the one and only time I had what I thought was a migraine, and it turned out to be spinal meningitis. If this is a new thing to you, please keep check of your pain. Dh even gave me straight black coffee, and held ice-packs on my head. Finally around 2:30a.m. I went to the hospital because I started throwing-up. Spinal tap confirmed it. It's been over eight-years and I still remember the pain.


I was in labor for 28 hours, no pain meds. and believe me it was nothing compared to how bad my head hurt.


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I had my first migraine at age 36. I've had migraines that were uncomfortable, migraines that made me feel like I was dying, and migraines where I *wanted* to die. They can be absolutely HORRIBLE!!! For me, I MUST take Advil at the beginning signs of one to ward one off. Luckily I rarely get them now, maybe a handful per year or so.

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Oh man...they are horrible!!! The pain is so bad that I have to laugh when people are talking to me telling me they have a migraine in a nonchalant manner. Ummm, yeah, if you did you would be curled up in a ball somewhere wishing your head would explode!!!! I used to get them a lot, but now only get them once every year or two. For that, I am SOOOOO thankful!




Until you have a migraine, you really have no idea. I used to get them quite frequently, with attacks lasting for over a month, always waiting for the next one to start, knowing it was coming because of a dull thud in my ears.


I feel for you. YOu have a lot of sympathizers.

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My pain tolerance is high. I made it through pneumonia without drugs, birthed over a 9 pound baby at home, went through repeated myrongotomies as a child, have had chronic allergies problems.......


It started this am; I figured it was sinus and took some OTC. It got progressively worse....to the point where I told the kid "go on break until 11:15" when it was 10:46. I had already been laying down in a bedroom off the school area, listening in and kinda refocusing kids when needed. At "break", I went to my room. At that point, I couldn't tolerate any noise, movement, light......or even the thought of it. I thought my head was going to explode; it would have been a relief. The thought of water made me puke.


The kids made lunch, called a client's g'ma to take them to the YMCA homeschool activities (remember, I've got 2 high schoolers and an another teen). I woke up once to find the note they left me and then again at 4:00.


I'm at work now (in a smoky bar :001_huh::glare:). I feel better, but weird due to the pain that I was in.


I've never had one before. But next time I hear of someone having one, I will understand. I'd give hugs, but I don't want to be touched.


Are you certain you didn't have a TIA?




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Hey - I was in the same condition today! Just coming out of my brain-fog about an hour or so ago. Mine started yesterday, around 10 am and slowly progressed til I was curled up in bed, desperately trying to sleep it off. I only got up to throw up a few times.


Migraines suck. In a major way. I get at least one a month, sometimes two. They used to come more frequently, but I've figured out most of my triggers and avoid them at all costs.


I usually feel like a million bucks the day after a migraine (all the sleep I've gotten, I guess) so I'm hoping that tomorrow I can make up for everything I didn't get accomplished today.


I hope you never have to go through that again - I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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I had a migraine about 15-years ago. It was brought on by a virus, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Glad you're feeling better.


My daughter gets them when she isn't taking care of herself, not eating right and not getting enough rest. That can be tough for a college student, but if she takes her meds as soon as she feels it starting she does ok.

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And (non-touching) hugs to you, Joanne. I'm so sorry you had to ever experience a migraine.


I've struggled with them a lot since my late 30's. I can't wait for menopause and (hopefully) an end to these lovely (NOT) monthly migraines I have.


Hopefully you will never have to experience another one!

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I'm a lurker who usually doesn't post here, but I heard of a migraine remedy that some people swear by (I do not get migraines myself): My understanding is that at the first sign of an approaching migraine, one must submerge as much of their arms as possible into water that is as hot as one can possibly stand for at least 10 minutes. The water must stay uncomfortably hot for the entire 10 minutes, so once the arms become tolerant of the heat, more water must be added. Supposedly, this works on the basis that when hand blood vessels dilate, cerebral vessels constrict (and vice versa). If one does this at the first sign of a migraine "aura", one can ward off the migraine all together.


Just thought I'd share.



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A girlfriend of mine, who knew I suffered from migraines, had seen me in the midst of one, once asked me what they're like. I explained that there are stages to the pain.



  1. I'm afraid I'm going to die.
  2. I hope I'm going to die.
  3. I KNOW I'm going to die, and am grateful for it.
  4. At its peak, I'm afraid I WON'T die, and will continue being in that much pain forever.


Since having RSD, my migraines have increased, in frequency, duration, and intensity. I even went to be checked out for an aneurysm recently, it was so bad. I'm of the belief that RSD has screwed with my right eye, as the pupil now dilates when I have a migraine...I think that its the dilation that causes it, as I've noticed it prior to the migraine coming on, so I don't think its a side effect of the migraine, but the cause.

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Why? Her symptoms are exactly migraine symptoms.


Because she has never had one before, she is in the correct age bracket for one, she essentially "lost time", and although she stated she felt better, she said she felt "weird".


TIAs are usually described as "the worst headache of my life", and have residual effects not unlike a bad seizure, which is similar to what Joanne described. They are also self limiting.


It was just a random thought.




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