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Is this dog food worth it? Which one?

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I found this place online and remembered that a number of you have experience with this. Our 4th son/dachshund is about to need some more food and I've long been interested in improving his diet as well. However, when I saw some of these prices, I about hit the floor! LOL After I got up I remembered that's not a deciding factor. I was just caught off guard. :)


Anyway, our dachshund is about 12lbs and extraordinarily long and low. That means it's very important he not gain weight really. He's 7 years old and we are working hard to help him avoid back trouble. The vet says that due to his unique size (even for a dachshund) that it will be difficult. So, with choosing his next food, I need to be aware. I want extra healthy and not likely to pack on the pounds.


This is the website: wholesomehound . com They carry several and I'm completely ignorant on what's good and what's not worth it.


Thank you!

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I've personally used Orijen with some fosters.

I have a friend who is very happy with Azmira & several who use Timberwolf Organics. I recommend any of those 3. Do be careful with the amount you feed as the premium foods tend to be quite nutrient rich & you may end up feeding a very small volume to feed the correct amt of calories. Frequent weigh in's are the key to keeping animals slim IMO.


best wishes

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We feed Guidry ORIJEN -- we began feeding him that as it was one of the foods that Hornblower suggested -- when we adopted him, he would NOT eat dry food and we mixed EVO canned with the ORIJEN kibble. Now he eats the ORIJEN kibble with a couple of squirts of Wild Salmon Oil (again a suggestion from Hornblower) and his coat is gorgeous, and he is great.

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I'd ask your vet what they recommend. . . Good marketing and websites/ads/bags does not a good food make, lol. My dh, vet, generally recommends the Premium brands -- Science Diet, Eukanuba, Royal Canin. I understand that Purina ProPlan is also good.


All those big brands have lots of research/nutritionists/etc to make sure their foods are good quality.


If your dog starts carrying extra weight, then ask the vet for an RX diet such as Hill's r/d, Royal Canine CC HP or HF, Purina OM. . . The obesity diets from the vet are much more calorie restricted (while still being nutritionally balanced) than those available at PetsMart, etc. To avoid extra weight or to take off just a bit, start MEASURING the food at every meal, avoid snacks, and you can substitute a cup or so of frozen green beans for some of his food (up to half).

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Our golden retriever seems to best on a mix of Royal Canin Golden Retriever blend and Taste of the Wild. She gets one cup of RC in the morning and one cup of TotW at night.


We have tried several different foods on their own and in combination: Flint River Ranch, Royal Canin, and Taste of the Wild. She does best with the combination I listed above.

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Here is a great website, 3rd party analysis of dog food. We almost had a family divide over dog food here! My mil is more concerned about what I feed my dogs then my son! :lol: Ok, that really wasn't a joke! Anyway, I used this site to make my choice and dh told her we didn't want to hear anymore about it.


Way more info then you asked for! Here is the link. http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/

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I'm using Orijen here. Blondie actually likes it (she eats all other foods only when starving). She poops less but has plenty of energy. She's a small dog, so we can afford expensive food because she doesn't eat much.


ETA: she likes and gets Acana too.



Edited by Laura Corin
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If your dog starts carrying extra weight, then ask the vet for an RX diet such as Hill's r/d, Royal Canine CC HP or HF, Purina OM. . . The obesity diets from the vet are much more calorie restricted (while still being nutritionally balanced) than those available at PetsMart, etc. To avoid extra weight or to take off just a bit, start MEASURING the food at every meal, avoid snacks, and you can substitute a cup or so of frozen green beans for some of his food (up to half).


My cat was overweight and before going the prescription route my vet gave me a list of high protein/low carb foods to try. He wasn't eating junk before, but it was higher in carbs. There were some inexpensive brands on the list but I jumped to Evo as it was mostly chicken and turkey and my cat with the very sensitive tummy tolerates those both well. Combined with some extra exercise, he's lost 3 pounds in 5 months--vet just saw him and she was really pleased.


It's not cheap but cheaper and more convenient and healthier than treating diabetes and urine crystals, which is where he was headed.

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We used Taste of the Wild and a few other premium brands before choosing Evo. Evo is excellent, and universally available. There's nothing wrong with any of the other premium low carb no grain foods, we just found that we could generally get Evo, even when we traveled.


Vets seem to get excited over brands that are mid-range, rather than actually premium. I think the mid-range foods actively court veterinarians with free samples and targeted advertising.

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Some of the brands generally most recommended and relatively easy to find are:




all of the Natura brands which include:


California Naturals


Taste of the Wild


There are more, but those are generally easy to find. My dog eats California Natural, our three cats are eating Wellness.


Wellness is pretty rich, and my dog had some tummy trouble on it, but after switching to CA Natural, he's great.

Michelle T

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Lol. I really don't consider these premium brands at all.


ah well. Chacun a son gout.



Guess who writes veterinary nutrition textbooks, and generously funds vet programs???



ETA: we feed a rotation of Orijen, Nature's Variety Prairie Beef and Flint River Ranch.

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We've used the Timberwolf in the past and we/she really liked it. Now we use the Nature's Variety Instinct and that has been wonderful as well. There is a feeding guide link on the page, too. Our newest little dog weighs about 35 lbs, and she only gets 2 cups of this a day, so I would expect a 12lb dog would need less. One 33 lb bag of this food lasts us about 6 weeks (I'm guessing, though, because we sometimes also use it as training treats for her, too).


They also have a store finder link, so maybe you would be able to find it locally instead of paying for shipping.


Another food that has come highly recommended to us (but we haven't tried) is Wellness Core, and I think they carry it at Petsmart or Petco.

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Another food that has come highly recommended to us (but we haven't tried) is Wellness Core, and I think they carry it at Petsmart or Petco.


This is what I use for my cat. When I was at the petstore, since we're kinda broke right now... I thought... I don't need to be stuck up and get my cat the best.... so I compared price/size etc... and ended up getting it anyway.... It was less $$$ :-)


(Of course, this cat is the one who goes over and sneaks the cat food that the neighbor lady lays out for all the neighborhood cats.... URGH!!)



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