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Tempur-Pedic mattresses- Experience with these??

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I don't really have much experience with them, but dh and I visited an old college friend for a week and slept on a Tempurpedic in their guest room. We HATED it. It was really comfortable while we were sleeping in one position, I don't deny that, but we found it really hard to change positions. I had to kind of wake up and crawl out of the hole, so to speak-- hard to explain, I guess. We decided we'd never buy one. HOWEVER, my sister-in-law and her husband have one and LOOOOVE it, so I think it's really a personal preference thing.



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Could not love it more. Took a good week or so to get used to it, it's feel is much different than a typical mattress. It was suprisingly firmer than I though it would be, but in a comfortable way. Definitely not plushy soft, but forms to the body and is awesome. We have a king and could not be happier. We've had it for five years.




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We were going to buy a knock-off brand when we saw the prices. We tested out the knock-off and loved it. On the way out of the mattress section, I decided to try out the real Tempur-Pedic to prove to myself there was no difference. I tried the least-expensive one they made. Oh my goodness! What a huge difference! We called the saleslady over immediately and bought it. I will never, ever have another type of mattress. It is the most comfortable, wonderful matteress ever! Be warned though -- from everything I've read about them, it's the type of thing you either completely love, or completely hate. Definitely try it out before you buy it. If you can start drifting off to sleep in a crowded store like DH and I did, it's for you ;)

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I tend to sleep in one position all night (like a dead person, I've been told) and used to wake up with aches and pains. No more. Also, since people are in and out of my bed all night they can sneak into bed with me and I never wake up or know they're there unless I bump up against them or wake up in the morning. I feel no movement from anyone else turning or tossing in the night.


We got in on a deal for 0% financing. equal payments and the whole thing is paid off at the end of the term with no finance charges. It was the only way we could afford such an expensive bed. Considering we were buying a new mattress every 5 years (because I make a divit) and this has a long warrantee, we thought it was worth it.


ETA: People = dh & kiddos

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I tend to sleep in one position all night (like a dead person, I've been told) and used to wake up with aches and pains. No more. Also, since people are in and out of my bed all night they can sneak into bed with me and I never wake up or know they're there unless I bump up against them or wake up in the morning. I feel no movement from anyone else turning or tossing in the night.


We got in on a deal for 0% financing. equal payments and the whole thing is paid off at the end of the term with no finance charges. It was the only way we could afford such an expensive bed. Considering we were buying a new mattress every 5 years (because I make a divit) and this has a long warrantee, we thought it was worth it.


ETA: People = dh & kiddos


LOL about your edit note!!! Who else would it be???? Stray, homeless people?? LOL.

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I have always wondered about something with these matresses...what if somethings spills on it..or someone pees on it (small child..not me (grin))...or someone throws up on it...how easy is it to clean?? I was told you can't put any type of matress protector on it either..is that true??


The store from which I purchased the mattress also sold us a mattress cover guaranteed to keep liquids off the mattress. It is the thinnest, flimsiest feeling mattress cover I've ever had (for our traditional mattresses we had the covers that had a plastic-like liner). But it was guaranteed, so we bought it. Talked into this particular one, because it is designed to go with the TP mattress - not detract from the memory foam aspect. And we were told that we couldn't just use "any" mattress cover.


Well, guess what? DD peed the bed. Nothing soaked through. And she is 5 years old with a big bladder, so it was a lot of liquid. Last week one of my sons had a very liquid puke. the cover again performed as advertised.

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Thanks ladies this has been a huge help. I laid on this bed in the store and fell in love. I wanted reviews mainly to make sure of the hold up and quality. It'd be nice to hear from someone who said, "Oh, we've had ours for 10 years now and there are still no divets in it." :)


It does have a 20 year warranty but after 11 years you have to pay 50% of the cost for replacement and after 15 years you have to pay 65%. This was taken from the web site of TP. The Mattress Firm we are working with also has no finances for a really long time. Which is why I went looking to begin with.


I really appreciate your opinions. I sure hope my dh loves this bed as much as I did while laying on it in the store. I do have 90 days to return for a traditional mattress of equal value if we decide we just don't like it.



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We tried them all out and picked one in the middle of their price range that we loved the most. It's a cloud top. The only thing that annoys me with the mattress is that we have 1 set of sheets (deep pocket) that for whatever reason WON"T STAY ON!! Ugh. So yesterday we let the kids take that sheet outside to make a fort, knowing we'll never see it again. Other than that - it's perfect. And even with that one sheet annoyance - we wouldn't trade it for anything!!! (maybe a couple of things - but you know what I mean! :) )

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I hope you love it! Be sure to give it a good week or two before making up your mind. I hated mine so much at the beginning that I actually went and slept on the living room floor one night (we had just moved and didn't have a couch yet). Now that it's broken in a little bit? I LOVE it!

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I also have to warn you that when the mattress first gets delivered and the plastic comes off, there is a bit of a smell. It is not enough to gag one, but not exactly pleasant. Sort of a chemical smell.


It goes away in a few days. Our cat wouldn't come near the bed for two weeks. Not sure if it was the smell or the fact that our cat has psychological issues.

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I loved ours...got it 7 years ago. Now I wake up everyday with back pain. I cant imagine getting rid of the bed...but I dont know what else causes it. I pretty much cant sleep anymore. Mine started last year. :confused: Oh well...I have the original one...before all the other types. My grandmother bought one that is like a regular bed with a topper...and it is soooo comfy.

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I have to admit that the smell factor is causing me some concern. I have a sensitive nose. I'm so praying that the smell leaves fast!


And mchel210-the reason for our purchase is the pain in our backs now. We've been through 3 coil mattresses in 16 years. I'm so praying this bed alleviates our back pain somewhat. At this point any relief would be nice. Sorry your back is hurting!


You all haven't noticed any divets or permanent dips in the mattresses?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just wanted to share that we've had our King sized Cloud Supreme over a week now and so far we are loving it! I didn't notice any smell and I'm so thankful for that! We also got the pillows thrown in and I love those too.


Thanks for reporting back! I am hoping we can get one of these soon, and so was happy you started the thread.

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