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Home Remedies for UTI? Help. :(

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Anyone know any good home remedies for a UTI? :tongue_smilie:


The logical thing would be to go get a prescription but that's not an option at the moment. I can't afford the urgent care ($130 or more, plus the cost of meds), the discount clinic is booked up and I really, really don't want this to turn into a kidney infection (again. argh.).


So, does anyone know of any tried and true remedies? Thanks.


I miss having insurance. :crying:

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I used to have them chronically and couldn't always miss work for doctors app. so I took cranberry pills. Now I only get them maybe once a year, and I still use the pills because they are much more convenient. They are in the herbal section of any drugstore. Try to get the concentrated kind if they have them. It says take one a day for a healthy urinary tract, (to prevent a uti) but when it was bad, or when I felt one starting I would take a lot more. It always seemed to work for me. That with a combination of goldenseal is what I use if it gets really bad.



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This is not something you should treat yourself. Call your doctor, explain the situation. You should not need to go in to be seen, so that shouldn't cost you at all. There are some very, very cheap antibiotics. You really need to not be treating a UTI yourself, especially if you've already had one turn into a kidney infection. Treating a kidney infection will cost you far more than a call to the doc and a cheap prescription.

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I used to have them chronically and couldn't always miss work for doctors app. so I took cranberry pills. Now I only get them maybe once a year, and I still use the pills because they are much more convenient. They are in the herbal section of any drugstore. Try to get the concentrated kind if they have them. It says take one a day for a healthy urinary tract, (to prevent a uti) but when it was bad, or when I felt one starting I would take a lot more. It always seemed to work for me. That with a combination of goldenseal is what I use if it gets really bad.




:iagree: Plus drink lots of water.

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I get UTI's routinely and this is what I do.


As soon as I feel one coming on I start drinking cranberry juice. This can be harder to find but get the highest percent of juice possible. I also picked up some Cranberry capsules at Fred Meyer for about $8 I think. I take 3 of those a day. Usually within a day my symptoms are cleared up but I still take all the cranberry for a couple days.


Hope you feel better! :)

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I thought there were OTC drugs available for UTI's now. Cystex?


ETA:- I don't know where you live, but we have pharmacies with nurse practitioners. It is usually $50-60 out of pocket. (I think!)


There's OTC-dosage peridium (don't know how to spell that!) made by AZO, who also make cranberry pills called AZO Standard. There is also Uristat. Both are just under the Rx dosage, so they can be sold OTC. They will definitely take the edge off. But you NEED to be seen, especially with kidney infection history. It will take care of the pain and urgency so that you can SIT in the doctor's office without wanting to cry (personal experience!!! TMI TMI TMI!!)

Edited by BikeBookBread
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I take cranberry pills like they were M&Ms. This prevents the insanely frequent UTIs I was having, and if you take a lot then they'll probably mitigate the symptoms. Works better than the juice, because more concentrated. They aren't a cure for me, though, I'm not going to tell you not to go to the doc.

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:cheers2: <---- that's cranberry juice. Honest.:001_smile:


And I got some Cystex. This should do me until I can get into the "free" (cheap) clinic next week. Y'all are a fount of useful information. I thank you :)


This is not something you should treat yourself. Call your doctor, explain the situation. You should not need to go in to be seen, so that shouldn't cost you at all. There are some very, very cheap antibiotics. You really need to not be treating a UTI yourself, especially if you've already had one turn into a kidney infection. Treating a kidney infection will cost you far more than a call to the doc and a cheap prescription.


I agree with you... but I can't find any doctor to see me today. And the urgent care is just too expensive. I can't pay them what I don't have, kwim?


Anyway, the Cystex says it's designed to keep the UTI from getting worse while you wait for your appointment, so hopefully it lives up to its claims. If it spreads to my kidneys I'll just go to the ER and see if I can get Medicare to cover me (we're unemployed right now).

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This is not medical information, just anecdotal.


A few years ago, ds was in the hospital and I started getting a UTI. It would have been very inconvenient/impossible for me to pack up and go see my dr. I asked the head nurse if there was anything she could do and she printed off an email she had just gotten listing natural cures for illnesses and ailments.


The one for a UTI is to take an Alka Seltzer. Something about the bacteria, ph level....I don't remember because I was desperate and in pain. I tried it and it worked almost instantly. (Alka Seltzer is baking soda and aspirin, btw)


Now, since then, a nurse on this board told me that an alka seltzer was probably NOT good for it, because of the ph level.


I hesitate to give this info out anymore because of what the hive nurse said, but it being a Friday afternoon and all....




ETA: I just found this link, fwiw..


Edited by Aggie
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I agree with you... but I can't find any doctor to see me today. And the urgent care is just too expensive. I can't pay them what I don't have, kwim?


I'm not saying go in. I'm saying call your doc, leave a message that you have a UTI and can't come in, and get a prescription. They won't leave you hanging.


I once got a call back a day late from a doc and was bleeding very badly by the time he did call. It got so bad so fast. The doctor was tripping over himself apologizing and telling me that no, it's not okay that the message didn't get to him. UTIs can go bad very quickly and a week to wait for the free clinic is not okay.

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Anyone know any good home remedies for a UTI? :tongue_smilie:


The logical thing would be to go get a prescription but that's not an option at the moment. I can't afford the urgent care ($130 or more, plus the cost of meds), the discount clinic is booked up and I really, really don't want this to turn into a kidney infection (again. argh.).


So, does anyone know of any tried and true remedies? Thanks.


I miss having insurance. :crying:


Push TONS of fluids plus 24 oz or so of high quality cranberry juice spread out over the day (you can mix it with water). I can sometimes head off a UTI this way. But, if it is really getting bad, then go to urgent care and get on A/B. You don't want to end up with a kidney infection.

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Anyone know any good home remedies for a UTI? :tongue_smilie:


The logical thing would be to go get a prescription but that's not an option at the moment. I can't afford the urgent care ($130 or more, plus the cost of meds), the discount clinic is booked up and I really, really don't want this to turn into a kidney infection (again. argh.).


So, does anyone know of any tried and true remedies? Thanks.


I miss having insurance. :crying:


If you have a kidney infection before, then I definitely would not risk going without medical treatment and an antibiotic. Don't they have a payment plan?


I know it is rough since we have lousy insurance as well and money is very tight, but I would not risk serious impairment such as massive infection or kidney disease.


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My doctor requires that I come in ($50+) before he'll prescribe anything even for a UTI. I wish I had your doctor. He sounds great!!


I know the signs and won't hesitate to go to the ER if it gets worse or I see signs of it spreading.



It might be worth it especially if he considers giving you an extra prescription for emergency use for future episodes.

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