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I'm sick, and I don't feel good, and I need to whine.

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I'm sick.


I have a sinus thing. I don't think it's the flu.


I feel icky. No energy. My body aches. Kinda the 'I got hit by a bus' feeling.


And my stepchildren are coming over tonight and staying until Monday. And dsd has the flu for sure.


My little boys have played waaaaay too many electronic toys today, while I drag myself around, just trying to make sure everyone has clean clothes and food. That's all I've got energy for.


And dh brought home his cpap machine last night, and was stressed about using it.


And I'm sick. And I have no one irl to help me. And I'm sick. And clearly, I'm whiney when I'm sick.:tongue_smilie:


We home church, and our last fellowship fell apart for various reasons. So I don't even have any church 'family' I can call on to help me. I feel lonely, and sick, and tired, and achey, and I didn't spell that right.

Edited by bethanyniez
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I know what you're going through - first hand! I'm still recovering from a sinus infection. I felt better after my fever broke and then I tried to do too much and I'm paying for it.


I forgot how old your kids are. Can one of them help out with dinner? This is what the tv was created for!!! Slip in a good movie for the kids and you can doze.


Where are you again? I know you're in the Detroit area. I'd be happy to bring over something if it's not too far - chicken soup with fresh bread? Spaghetti? Nacho makings? Let me know!

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Jennifer, you're so sweet. :001_smile:


I actually stocked the freezer last week with dinner foods. Wasn't sure at the time why; now I'm thanking the Lord for the prompting.


I'm just feeling icky. And whiney. And I think it stinks that I can't take the day off if I'm sick. Ever. E.V.E.R. If dh is sick, he can stay home and stay in bed. If I'm sick, I still gotta do what I do.


Being the mom and wife is hard. :( Usually I love it. But not when I'm sick.

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So sorry, I am feeling icky, too. :(

My nose is stuffy, I'm coughing, and my throat hurts. I've been hoarse the past few days, and today I can't talk at all. My kids are loving that. :glare:


Your commsieration is most welcome. They do say that misery loves company, right. :001_smile:


And yeah, I think my litle boys have been enjoying the 'mommy is too sick to care' day we had today.


Am I the only woman who feels even worse because she's not mothering 'properly' when I'm sick? I feel bad that school didn't get done today, that the boys ate sandwiches for lunch instead of something warm. I feel bad that I didn't pack my husband's lunch this morning. It all makes me feel even worse.



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Ugh. I am so sorry. I know how you feel. I am on day 10 of what sounds like the exact same thing. Yesterday was the first day I didn't feel all foggy - just stuffy. Now my son has it... he actually relatively okay... just a little stuffy and covered in hives! Eeek.


We'll be praying that you all feel better soon and can enjoy your weekend of sitting around watching movies. :D

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Bethany, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I have had many, many sinus infections, and they are terrible.


Do you live in MI? I was looking at my palm trying to figure out if that's what your location means. If you live near Dearborn, I can send my MIL to help you. She's very helpful, and would probably not make you as nuts as she does me. :D She's great to have around when you're sick. :grouphug: I hope you feel better soon!

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OK - I need to whine toooooo!!! I have H1N1 just after all three boys got over it - it's nasty! Day 3 of the fever and coughing - terrible coughing...and I am sooo bummed that I can barely get school done or anything - am losing my voice today too. And, mostly, I am bummed about taking medicine just to function at all. My youngest was better, but woke up saying there was water coming out of his ear and it hurt to touch. My mom had to come and get him and take him in - he has an ear infection - perforated eardrum...


I can't wait for this to be over!!!

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Am I the only woman who feels even worse because she's not mothering 'properly' when I'm sick? I feel bad that school didn't get done today, that the boys ate sandwiches for lunch instead of something warm. I feel bad that I didn't pack my husband's lunch this morning. It all makes me feel even worse.




Nope, you're not alone there either. I am really upset about not getting school done. My DS has been feeding his sisters today. He cooked omelets for them for breakfast because I was in bed til noon... that's what happens when your Nyquil wears off at 4:30 in the morning and you don't want to get up so you take some more....


I'm going to try to throw something together for dinner.

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I'm sick.


I have a sinus thing. I don't think it's the flu.


I feel icky. No energy. My body aches. Kinda the 'I got hit by a bus' feeling.


And my stepchildren are coming over tonight and staying until Monday. And dsd has the flu for sure.


My little boys have played waaaaay too many electronic toys today, while I drag myself around, just trying to make sure everyone has clean clothes and food. That's all I've got energy for.


And dh brought home his cpap machine last night, and was stressed about using it.


And I'm sick. And I have no one irl to help me. And I'm sick. And clearly, I'm whiney when I'm sick.:tongue_smilie:


We home church, and our last fellowship fell apart for various reasons. So I don't even have any church 'family' I can call on to help me. I feel lonely, and sick, and tired, and achey, and I didn't spell that right.




awww, sweetie.


Prayers for a quick recovery!

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I have been really grumpy myself this week, but like you I just don't feel well ... achy ... headache ... slight fever ...


I went to the doctor on Sunday and indeed I do have a sinus infection. Those things do make a person feel miserable. :sad:

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