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No-poo is stressful.

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Am I understanding you are only using conditioner?


How about vinegar?


I get oily hair too and I find if I spend about 5 minutes a night brushing out my hair, the grease tends to condition the hair and spread out nicely down the length. I can get away with an every other day washing this way, otherwise, I have to wash daily b/c I get the blech too :)

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First thing is, you have to realize that there is a period when your body has to adjust. It's used to having to make lots of oil because for so long you stripped it off daily.


If you just absolutely can't stand the transition phase, you could try backing off slowly. Go to every other day for a week or two, then every 3 or 4 days, then once a week, etc. Personally, I shampoo about once a month or so, when the grease factor starts getting serious. Thorough brushing can help, with a boar-bristle brush or such, but if that just doesn't seem enough, go ahead and shampoo.


Of course, when I do shampoo, if I want to be able to do much of anything with my hair, I have to apply some oil. Of course, I cover, so that mostly means I have to wear a less slippery scarf for a day or three.

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I read about doing a cider vinegar rinse if you're going no-poo. That should keep it from getting greasy. I forget what the proportions of vinegar/water are though...you could find that pretty easy, maybe even on the curlygirl site.


I tried that. My hair is so thick the smell never goes away! :001_huh: And it's, um, hard to explain (to friends irl who already think I'm nuts). :lol:

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First thing is, you have to realize that there is a period when your body has to adjust. It's used to having to make lots of oil because for so long you stripped it off daily.


If you just absolutely can't stand the transition phase, you could try backing off slowly. Go to every other day for a week or two, then every 3 or 4 days, then once a week, etc. Personally, I shampoo about once a month or so, when the grease factor starts getting serious. Thorough brushing can help, with a boar-bristle brush or such, but if that just doesn't seem enough, go ahead and shampoo.


Of course, when I do shampoo, if I want to be able to do much of anything with my hair, I have to apply some oil. Of course, I cover, so that mostly means I have to wear a less slippery scarf for a day or three.


I knew there was a transition phase, but I thought that was about 3wks at most. I haven't used shampoo on my head in at least that long. Not much more than that, though.


I've tried plain water rinse, vinegar/water, conditioner-only, & I've even experimented w/ different conditioners. The cheap one was definitely bad.

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I knew there was a transition phase, but I thought that was about 3wks at most. I haven't used shampoo on my head in at least that long. Not much more than that, though.


I've tried plain water rinse, vinegar/water, conditioner-only, & I've even experimented w/ different conditioners. The cheap one was definitely bad.



Maybe one shampoo to get out the oil that has built up. Perhaps you are making much less now and the oil that is there is from before and the one shampoo will fix it.

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I have oily hair, always have. The last few years it has become even worse, I HAD to wash my hair everyday or not leave the house.


I went no-poo and it has helped my oiliness, it's still oily, but I can go 3 days without a "wash" and still look good.


I can't do the water only wash or the conditioner wash, it makes it 10 times worse.


I do wash with a little baking soda and water every 3 to 5 days, depending on how good I need to look. I can push it to 5 days by sprinkling a little corn starch or powder on the oily parts and rubbing well. I follow the baking soda wash with a very weak apple cider vinegar rinse and I rinse that out with lots of cool water.

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I thought it was stressful too. I don't have oily hair, even with going no-poo, but I never knew what my hair was going to look like from one day til the next. I finally gave up. I use a Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner and Loreal gel and my hair looks great every time. Of course, as you can see from my avatar, I can get my hair straight as well. I think you have to find what works for you. I could not do the no-poo thing; I tried several different times for any where from 4 weeks to 3 months. It just did not work for me.

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I have been doing the curly girl method for about 6 months. I use Suave daily clarifying conditioner every three days it is very light and my hair is very fine so it gets wheighed down pretty fast. At first I was using the suave cocnut as my rinse out and I had gross hair blech. about once a month a mix some shampoo with my conditioner and that help to remove any build up that might be there.

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I thought it was stressful too. I don't have oily hair, even with going no-poo, but I never knew what my hair was going to look like from one day til the next. I finally gave up. I use a Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner and Loreal gel and my hair looks great every time. Of course, as you can see from my avatar, I can get my hair straight as well. I think you have to find what works for you. I could not do the no-poo thing; I tried several different times for any where from 4 weeks to 3 months. It just did not work for me.


I could have written this....right down to the Herbal Essence s&c. Neither the no-poo or the baking soda/cider thing worked for me.


But....I don't use the Loreal gel. What is the name of it exactly? I'd love to try it!

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I really did try to go no poo but I just couldn't take it. I, too, understand that there is a transition period but frankly, I just couldn't get through it. I didn't like looking and feeling like that. I would really like to go poo-free but I also have to be able to be seen in public.


I did not try brushing my hair every night, though. Maybe, I'll give it a try again.


Even though I'm not the op, more tips appreciated!

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I have to shampoo every 3 days or so, probably because I use product on my hair and it really builds up. I do the conditioner wash/rinse a la curly girl on the days I don't use 'poo. I'm not really sold on any particular shampoo or conditioner, but the products I like for styling are garnier fructis spray curl gel combined with soft curl cream. (my hair is cut somewhat short and I use a diffuser to encourage the curl.)

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when I first went no-poo, I used an egg to rinse my hair; beat the egg and place it on your scalp...(make sure you use cool water so the egg doesn't cook) run it through your hair before rinsing.

It worked great, I think the egg wraps around the oil and takes it off.

I now use Deva Curl http://www.beauty-mart.com/category/shop_by_brand.deva_concepts/?gclid=CIiYtKDahp4CFVhJ2gods0P_og and it works great so I am sticking with that.

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I could have written this....right down to the Herbal Essence s&c. Neither the no-poo or the baking soda/cider thing worked for me.


But....I don't use the Loreal gel. What is the name of it exactly? I'd love to try it!


It is Loreal melting gel. Black tube with red and blue writing. It is very thin and doesn't make my hair crunchy. I <3 it!!

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It is Loreal melting gel. Black tube with red and blue writing. It is very thin and doesn't make my hair crunchy. I <3 it!!


Thanks! It's now on my list. I hate crunchy hair as well. Can't wait to try this!

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Put 2 desert spoonfuls of Bicarbonate of soda into a pot, also (in a different pot!) half a cup of vinegar (white or cider) take both pots into shower (I have short hair, you may need more).


Mix a small amt of water with the bicarb and rub will into your hair. At this point you will think I am totally mad! Your hair will feel horrible, rub in anyway, right into scalp.




Now add water to vinegar and mix through your hair. I use a spray bottle for ease, half and half vinegar and water. Rinse. Repeat. Rinse.


lovely clean hair, very cheap and no nasty chemicals.


By the way, I have thick, curly, graying hair. I had to use VERY expensive products before I went to bicarb and vinegar. Now my hair is nicer, no itchy scalp and many dollars less cost. Dd tried it and her hair looks better every day. Its started to curl as well, and looks thick and glossy.

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