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How do you like your chocolate chips cookies?

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I'm baking some for a concession stand this weekend, and I'm trying to decide what recipe to use. My family likes them gooey and almost underbaked. I also really like thick, chewy ones like the Otis Spunkemeyer ones sold at Subway. I understand that some people like soft, almost cake-like cookies. And some like thin, crispy ones. What do you prefer?


Also, I usually use all butter in my cookies for my family, but I know to make the chewier ones that would most likely hold up better to being transported you need to use half shortening, half butter. Would you rather have a flatter, gooeyer cookie that might get a little smooshed, but has a full, buttery flavor; or a thicker, chewier cookie made with shortening that would stay together better, but wouldn't taste quite as flavorful?


Thanks for any input!

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Seriously, I make mine with just shortening. The batter is not as yummy, but the cookies are to die for. They are just gooey enough in the middle, yet a little crunchy on the outside. If I may brag a bit, I have been asked a few times for the recipe. It is one of the very few things I make well, except for kids of course, but you generally cannot eat kids.

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:iagree:Me, three!

Personally, I am strictly a butter, no trans fats, kind of baker but a woman in my church makes these really great looking chocolate chip cookies and she uses Crisco. They don't taste quite as rich as mine but when they are right in front of me I cannot resist. So I say go for the look more than the taste.

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I'm too lazy to make cookies, so I spread the dough into a 12 x 9 pan and make bars -- faster, easier. I will usually line the pan with baking paper that hangs slightly over the sides, so when they're done I just lift out the whole batch and it's really easy then to cut. They come out as bar cookies, almost like brownies.


Oh, and we also use half the amount of chocolate chips called for in most recipes. It's a habit I picked up from my grandma (she liked less chocolate, and so do I). And I use real butter.

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I vote for making them with lard, or 1/2 lard, 1/2 butter; though have some non-lard ones for folks that don't eat pork products. I refuse to use shortening, it's like all hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated veg oil, and extremely unhealthy. If I wanted an all veg option, I'd use coconut oil or coconut oil/butter.


I like thick chewy ones myself. That is, however, hard to get when you can't use egg!

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Crispy around the edges, chewy, thick and almost underdone in the middle.


My recipe is from Cook's Illustrated, and the method calls for melting the butter then mixing it with the brown and white sugar, adding in the vanilla, 1 egg and an extra yolk, then folding in the flour/leavener/salt and finally chips until just incorporated.


You bake TWO tablespoons per cookie of dough! They're huge!

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Crispy around the edges, chewy, thick and almost underdone in the middle.


My recipe is from Cook's Illustrated, and the method calls for melting the butter then mixing it with the brown and white sugar, adding in the vanilla, 1 egg and an extra yolk, then folding in the flour/leavener/salt and finally chips until just incorporated.


You bake TWO tablespoons per cookie of dough! They're huge!


I'd rather have only the edges crispy & the middle a little soft.

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Prebaked, says my husband. I cannot get a full batch baked if he is around!


I like them made with butter, fully cooked. But I agree with other posters that say a bigger, puffier cookie looks more appealing.


Maybe you could use a chocolate chip cookie recipe that contains some oatmeal? That seems to give the cookies more substance. Lately, in lieu of making chocolate chip cookies, I have been making the oatmeal cookie recipe from the Quaker Oats container and substituting chocolate chips for the raisins. They are a big hit around here.

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Prebaked, says my husband. I cannot get a full batch baked if he is around!


I like them made with butter, fully cooked. But I agree with other posters that say a bigger, puffier cookie looks more appealing.


Maybe you could use a chocolate chip cookie recipe that contains some oatmeal? That seems to give the cookies more substance. Lately, in lieu of making chocolate chip cookies, I have been making the oatmeal cookie recipe from the Quaker Oats container and substituting chocolate chips for the raisins. They are a big hit around here.



YUM! You mentioned my absolute, all time favorite cookie - oatmeal chocolate chip. I could eat them until I am sick. Of course, now I want one. :tongue_smilie:

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