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Ladybug attack!

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We had the same problem with them on the ceilings. They were COVERING our tree in the backyard because of an aphid situation. Seems ladybugs love to eat aphids, we had them in all stages of the life cycle everywhere near the tree. We probably had hundreds of them. What is so funny is that years ago we tried to raise them from larva in one of those kits and I killed them all! But now we have a huge science project in the backyard. They probably came to eat some pest so if you can let them do their job they are the good guys!

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Please someone else tell me that their home is being attacked by ladybugs. Tell me I'm not the only one who is vacuuming them up like crazy!


LOL - there are a lot of them this year! I walked into chorus today with three on my shirt.


These are the Asian Multicolored Ladybeetles. They are new to the US, and have almost wiped out (out-competed) native and even other introduced species over the past decade or so. One thing that's very different about them is that they like to hibernate in our houses!

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I was once told that lady bugs in your home brings you good luck so I am going to be one lucky lady. How ever today homeschool day did not leave me feeling so lucky . lol We have them every yr. They are everywhere mainly in the front of the house which is a living room and 2 bedrooms. I find shop vac' ing them makes easy clean up of my lucky creatures.

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I was once told that lady bugs in your home brings you good luck...


I have heard this too. So the year we had lots and lots of them on the south side of the house, I let them be. Those who found their way inside were captured and release outside. That was the year I finally (3+yrs of TTC) got pregnant:D

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My mil's house gets invaded every year, but only on the second story. About 12/13 years ago we stayed the night in an upstairs room off the attic that they very rarely use. We found tons of lady bugs up there. I mentioned it to mil who was nice about it but just let it go.


I found out years later that she figured I was just being finicky and thought that I probably saw 2 or so, and was just being fussy. Until the following year when she was up there when the infestation hit....then she understood. :lol: There were hundreds in view and I can't imagine how many elsewhere. :lol:


They weren't lucky for me, it was a very, very bad weekend.



I am glad we see them as happy little bugs. I would have freaked out if I really thought about the fact that the room was covered in beetles.

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A house I owned in King George, Virginia, had this issue. Every year, ladybugs would swarm on the south wall in the fall. Drove me nuts.


Yes, mine start on the south walls in the morning, then migrate around the house as the sun moves across the sky. No neighbors, and some trees near to the house, but no shade on the house. I don't doubt there are lots of aphids - we have tons of lovelies for them to munch on, and there's lots of other critters and snakes and bugs around too, since they love the woods, and we've got lots of those.

Our problem is that the windows on the third floor are original windows (house is 150 yrs old). They were supposed to be replaced in the spring, but well... here we are still waiting for the owner of the house (we rent) and his maintenance man to get things together. We are supposed to renew our lease next month... we'll see if the windows are done. It wouldn't be so bad except for those windows. We just can't open the doors - as realized by dd3, as she opened the interior front door today, and in came a bunch that were hanging out between the doors.

For now, all windows have been sprayed down, as have all the doors.

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