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Successful solutions to trash in the car?

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What do you use to contain trash in the car? I've not found anything that has worked well and as a result, a lot of junk ends up on the floor. Can you recommend anything? I'd like something in the front, and in each of the two rows of back seats in the van. Thanks for any suggestions.

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We don't contain it in the car. Instead we collect everything (books, bags, trash, water bottles, etc.) and take it in the house every time we get home.

Sometimes it takes multiple trips, and sometimes I'd rather do anything else, but clearing it all out after every trip is the only way I've found to keep a clean car.

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Well, I don't know if this counts as a solution but I keep one of those plastic grocery bag holder thingies (you stuff it with a multitude of those plastic grocery bags that you never have on hand when you need one) and "installed" it on the the driver's side door. Now there is always a bag for:



something wet

something dirty

something I don't want to touch

vomit or possible vomit

a emergency crumb catcher if the kids just have to have a croissant or something gooey (they have to kinda eat over the bag)

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1. Wipes and plastic bags always in the glove box.

2. Nobody eats anything sticky or with gross-potential in the car. Nothing but water to drink (except for Mom & Dad).

3. You brought it to the car, you take it in (books, soccer shoes, etc.)

4. The KIDS clean out the car at least once a week, sometimes more. When they have to clean it out they are less likely to make a mess.

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Don't eat in the car. Will cut down on most trash!


We tried this - didn't last a week! Although I've just reinstituted a water-only policy on Sunday due to some spilled juice - we'll see how long that lasts :tongue_smilie:. I'm weak when it comes to my kids begging for food and drink - thankfully, they're skinny as rails.


We hang a grocery bag between the front seats - one handle over each arm. Seems to work pretty well. I've also started having the kids haul everything in as soon as we get home - - now if I could just figure out how to manage the car pile sitting inside the front door :lol:.


Mary Alin

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1. Trash bag hanging on arm of passenger seat (toward the back, accessible by all four of us).

2. Full-size trash can in garage very near where we park the van (easy to empty the trash bag).

3. VERY FIRM rule to gather all belongings EVERY time we come home. Yes, this is a royal pain, but we've made it so completely inevitable that they do it sort of on autopilot.

4. Nagging.

5. Water-only rule for drinks, and non-messy-food rule for meals on the go.

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We don't contain it in the car. Instead we collect everything (books, bags, trash, water bottles, etc.) and take it in the house every time we get home.

Sometimes it takes multiple trips, and sometimes I'd rather do anything else, but clearing it all out after every trip is the only way I've found to keep a clean car.


:iagree:I just got a brand new vehicle and have made a vow not to eat in it. It's been hard but we have succeeded. When I think about the mess my old car was, I am reminded that I don't want my beautiful new Acadia looking like that. So, no food what so ever. We stop if we're hungry or wait. And we do the above, everything out, every time.

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We don't contain it in the car. Instead we collect everything (books, bags, trash, water bottles, etc.) and take it in the house every time we get home.

Sometimes it takes multiple trips, and sometimes I'd rather do anything else, but clearing it all out after every trip is the only way I've found to keep a clean car.



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Thanks, everyone! I opted for a combination of your suggestions: Bought some hang-over-the-seat trash bags/organizers at Walmart and lined them with plastic trash bags, so I didn't have to wash them out all the time. I like the idea of emptying when I fill up with gas since I'm standing there doing nothing anyway. I think having the trash cans handy plus having some organizers other than one glove box will help.

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I used to keep a plastic milk crate between the front seats in addition to a bag for trash. I think my car was cleaner then. I would put books and other odds and ends in there.


I just hate when I clean out the car and then don't have what I need in there--like jackets for the kids when the weather turns cooler.

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I keep plastic shopping bags in the car in case of the need for trash removal. Trash is removed from the car at the end of the trip.


I don't allow eating in the car other than the 2 year old. I know, probably the messiest eater, but also the person that needs to eat most frequently. He gets something simple in the car like crackers to hold him over to a place where a meal can be had.


The only drinks had by children in the car is water. We bring water bottles with us everywhere.


Each person that enters the car is responsible for his/her own mess. I am not going to clean up after 5 people.


My husband is probably the worst person regarding trash in the car, but after 10 1/2 years together he's finally improving, somewhat.

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The only thing that really works is that every person in the car empties every single item in the car every single time you arrive home from somewhere, no exceptions, ever. Otherwise, you're just herding cats.:D


And you do need to have rules about eating and drinking in the car. Really.

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