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Okay, I am hereby rededicating myself to a more vigorous education - Who's with me!

Joy at Home

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I realize, upon much self-reflection, that I have veered off course with my dc in recent years. When I read WTM eight years ago, a fire was lit in my belly to give my kiddos a vigorous education. Slowly, over the years, we seemed to have dropped the most challenging of subjects, opting for a more "relaxed" approach. As life took twists and turns - having babies, illnesses, college for me - we have diluted our original curriculum toward a road of least resistance, dropping Latin early on, then daily writing, formal grammar. \


I see now the deficits of my decision, as dd12 struggles with writing and grammar, and lacks perseverance in anything that takes much mental energy. She is a good student, willing to learn, but has not been stretched nearly enough.


Well, ladies, I am here to say that I AM BACK to my WTM roots, and some things are gonna be changing around here! I feel like I've had an epiphany and see that this journey these past years has taken me full circle. I'm excited to restructure our homeschool, apply the due effort and diligence to our studies, and challenge ourselves.


Anyone BTDT?




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:seeya: All the threads on lowered standards have really got me thinking and re-evaluating as well. I just placed an order with Rainbow and hopefully we will be upping our daily schedule as well. truly want what is best for my kids. I honestly believe we all want that. I am just trying to live up to my standards- not anyone else's. I hope we can all find the best fit for our families and children. I know I need to get my head out of my rear and really get grinding.

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I have vowed that my youngest, who is now the only one home with me, will get the education that my older ones didn't get. No more holes.

Now it's up to me to make it happen.

Thanks for the nudge.

I need constant encouragement; that's why I read this board.

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Although this is my second year of homeschooling and my oldest is only 7, I vow to always finish up what is in day-to-day homeschool to-do list this year.


Last year, science wasn't done for the most part due to the needs from me to put together science supply plus library science books to be able to conduct a lesson well (we used BFSU).


This year, I switch to MPH singapore science so that additional books are optional ...It's very easy to use, painless for me to teach, makes my son understand the concept and so far it gets done (it's only the fourth week, but it has been consistently done).


We love textbook so much we now switch my ds history to textbook (Galore Park) as well as his religious study. I like everything in one place. This will ensure things get done painlessly.


AS much as I like the idea of literature based study, it does require me to plan and get books (used or from the library). I do tell my son to read non-fiction regularly from library's readers or from whatever we have in the house. We just don't coordinate them with school anymore.

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I realize, upon much self-reflection, that I have veered off course with my dc in recent years. When I read WTM eight years ago, a fire was lit in my belly to give my kiddos a vigorous education. Slowly, over the years, we seemed to have dropped the most challenging of subjects, opting for a more "relaxed" approach. As life took twists and turns -



I have had to pull myself up, as art and music and daily science were eating up our time. Fine for K but now it is time to start getting that little brain to focus on the harder stuff. I'm making sure the three Rs are done before we move on. Harder on me than on him, I think! After we get those done, he still says "let's look at the world, Mama" (sit in the big chair and stroll through an oversized atlas and talk).

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I'm actually going along pretty well on our plans this year. We were slipping a bit the weeks leading up to DD's birthday, but I've got us back on track and we're only behind a week in 2 subjects we do weekly lessons in, so it should be easy to catch up. If we keep going with no more interruptions, we can finish before Yule!

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Anyone BTDT?


Me, me, me! :seeya: I went through this process last year when we had my daughter evaluated due to some concerns on my part, and found out she (probably) has ADD. (I say probably because we never actually proceeded with the medical part, long story.) I realized that all of my "relaxing" and waiting thinking things would just click when the time was right had done her much more harm than good -- just gotten her that much further behind her peers. So I went back and re-read WTM and LCC, as well as some reading about CM, and that re-lit the fire in me that I had had when we started Kindy, and which I had allowed to die down and fizzle out.


This year I focused a lot more on my planning, and that has helped tremendously. I planned in general terms what I wanted to get done for the year, then an outline of each term. On Sunday evenings, I sit down and plan the week out specifically. I don't like to do the detailed plans more than a week at a time, because then inevitably something comes up that messes up the master plan and gets me in a tizzy. But doing it a week at a time means I can plan around the dentist appointment on Wednesday afternoon and still make sure we have time for everything we need to get done. This is working really well so far. My schedule makes me accountable and keeps me on track, and that's exactly what I needed.


It can be hard to re-adjust, but the rewards are worth it! My dd resisted the change at first (of course) but really she is the kind of kid who needs to be challenged, because she rises to the occasion.

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I am with you! I have a problem with consistency. I just can't seem to persevere with our plans. I was determined at the start of our school year that this year would be different. I wrote down a few goals for each child to concentrate on for this year. I was so pumped about this year. I was so sure that it was going to be different this time around.


Then 3 days into our school year, I found out I had cancer. :blink: That threw us for a loop, needless to say. My head just wasn't in the game for all of the plans that I had. With all of the dr's appts, tests and surgery, our days have only been filled with best intentions. I have let everything slide by.


I find out tomorrow if our cancer drama is behind us (I am going with this assumption right now) but I am ready to get back into the saddle. I have seen some bad habits take root in the last few months and I am ready to squash them. :D


We are starting back this week into more of a routine. We will be doing school in my bedroom (as I am still recovering from surgery and can't sit on a chair yet.) but it will be done. I am determined.


I also wanted to say that I appreciate your using the word 'vigorous.' I like that word much better. To me, it means filling up and life inspiring. I need filling up right now.

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Count me in! I finally splurged on a copy of TWTM. I've been checking it out of the library annually but there is so much information in there that it is impossible for me to recall everything after my renewals have run out :D I just placed another TOG order last night and I'm revamping my oldest ds's history notebook. I already gave my first grade plans an overhaul. We're making our way back, slowly but surely...

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Me too! I just did this over the summer - pulling my copy of TWTM off the shelf, dusting it off :o , and reading it again. I also found stuff on CM at the library and read that too. I started out wanting to homeschool based on WTM when ds#1 was 5. Then, I found the world of Enki and Oak Meadow, veered that way for a while, realized it didn't work, veered towards unschooling because ds#1 was resistant to me-led teaching, and finally last spring had enough of it all. So, back in March, we started a relaxed pace of math, phonics/spelling, and a bit more structure. We continued through the summer with adding daily penmenship and copywork, and by the September, had moved much closer to what I wanted. Now we have Latin in there, nature study in there, I just bought CW Primer to make our daily writing a bit more "formal", and I've ordered some simple machine kits from Lego Science so we actually get a bit more frequent with our science (we thought physics would be fun this year as it is hands-on). Oh, and we at least get art done once a month with our friends. I feel much better about our focus and some day actually feel accomplished! :) I agree with liking the word vigorous - it has an inspiring feel to it. :D

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It's so easy to stray. I have grown into our rigor, but daily have to force myself to maintain the stride. Sometimes I hear Dori, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" I want to get to the other beach some day...and stop all the swimming, but I figure on the way, we'd better be ready for anything we find on the other side, so the rigor has to stay.


You can do it! I can do it! We just need....to do it! :)


Loving PR by the way! Having a great time with in.

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I decided last year that we needed to get on track. I needed to really prepare my dd for the school she is attending this year. I also realized that history and science (the fun stuff for me) had taken precedence over the basics. Last year was the year of writing. We really focused on reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and also math. I ditched my lovely lit based history study for a textbook from Rod and Staff. Science became a once a week affair. I was able to see so much growth in my kids in that years time. This year I have added back in all of the extras---science, history, foreign language, music, and I'm still waiting for our art program.


Now when its time to write a paragraph for history, it's no problem. I say write a paragraph and voila there it is. We started out the year writing five paragraph essays and my kids didn't even blink. No problem. This week we started outlining and although painful for me--my dks were able to work through it without any problems. In the past I most likely would have skipped alot of writing because its hard. It is tedious to teach.


So, I'm with you. I'm really working hard to plan ahead and make every school day count.

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Well, ladies, I am here to say that I AM BACK to my WTM roots, and some things are gonna be changing around here!




I'm always looking for ways to improve. I think I've got enough understanding of the language arts side of things (up to where my oldest is now, anyway), that I am forcing myself to look at the science/math side of things. Daunting, but I know there will be satisfaction on the other side of it. Trying to stay committed to a science experiment per week now, and learning to apply the scientific method and to compare different readings in science.

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I do like the word vigorous very much, and I'm always watching that we don't slip into idleness. So far so good, but sometimes it seems it's a struggle as life gets in the way of teaching..


Thanks for the (gentle) kick in the rear! I'm with you!


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Count us in!


I realized right away this year that our recent changes to a more relaxed homeschool are really not working for us. I would wonder each night- Gee, did we really LEARN anything today? I thought after reading all of these wonderful books this summer on relaxed school and unschooling that I could "do" that. No more repetition with lessons and trying to teach ahead of the standard. Simplify, relax... Then my children would, as most of the books say, just learn naturally and have this ignited fire lit within them. Um, ya right.:001_rolleyes: My boys learned quickly how to avoid books and pencils like the plague, but, on the flip side, they really got good at playing James Bond on the Wii.:glare:


Real life is NOT relaxed- at least not where I come from. Real life requires duty and discipline. If I don't instill this in my boys now, I will fail them for what lies ahead. There are always going to be things we do not want to do, that will challenge us, and I will not be the example to them that well, if it looks too difficult, just move away from it and find something "fun". I want them to seek out the challenges and realize the reward that follows. There is plenty of time for play after you accomplish the hard stuff.:001_smile:

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I am with you! I have a problem with consistency. I just can't seem to persevere with our plans. I was determined at the start of our school year that this year would be different. I wrote down a few goals for each child to concentrate on for this year. I was so pumped about this year. I was so sure that it was going to be different this time around.


Then 3 days into our school year, I found out I had cancer. :blink: That threw us for a loop, needless to say. My head just wasn't in the game for all of the plans that I had. With all of the dr's appts, tests and surgery, our days have only been filled with best intentions. I have let everything slide by.


I find out tomorrow if our cancer drama is behind us (I am going with this assumption right now) but I am ready to get back into the saddle. I have seen some bad habits take root in the last few months and I am ready to squash them. :D


We are starting back this week into more of a routine. We will be doing school in my bedroom (as I am still recovering from surgery and can't sit on a chair yet.) but it will be done. I am determined.


I also wanted to say that I appreciate your using the word 'vigorous.' I like that word much better. To me, it means filling up and life inspiring. I need filling up right now.




I can't imagine trying to concentrate on anything else while dealing with this. How difficult it must be for you!!


I truly hope you have good news and can put this behind you. Please keep us updated?




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Julie, Keep your chin up. One of the reasons that we homeschool is for times like these. That is real life. People get sick, there are dr. app., jobs to do, life to live to the best of our abilities. Grammar, Math, History, etc... are all important. However, none of it is as important as teaching our kids how to deal with lifes upsets and appontments or how to lean on and trust on God. I pray that you get a good report and that all will be looking up. If by chance you don't, prepare yourself to teach the basics and teach your kids that here is a time in our lives that we will do the best we can and lean on each other and God. We will get through this and believe me your kids will learn a life lesson that will never be gained by reading a book. Love to you and your family and my heart goes out to you!


Vearing to another topic. I have gotten this feeling so many times. This is the year I will do better........! I start off good then fizzle out. My kids somehow manage to talk me out of this or that. Therefore, I resigned myself to a "boxed curriculum" even typing it makes me cringe! However, my 12 yr old is loving Bob Jones and is doing well. It gets done everyday and nothing gets left out. But I did add Writing Strands 4 and Vocabulary from Classical Roots. He is beginning to try and talk me out of both and I am remaining strong. So, I too am jumping on the banwagon with my 6 yr old and making sure that there aren't any gaps or being talked out of things. It is hard not to buckle.


Thanks for the encouragement to get back to a more 'vigorous' school day. Take care all!


Jeana O'Donnell

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Me too! I just did this over the summer - pulling my copy of TWTM off the shelf, dusting it off :o , and reading it again. I also found stuff on CM at the library and read that too. I started out wanting to homeschool based on WTM when ds#1 was 5. Then, I found the world of Enki and Oak Meadow, veered that way for a while, realized it didn't work, veered towards unschooling because ds#1 was resistant to me-led teaching, and finally last spring had enough of it all. So, back in March, we started a relaxed pace of math, phonics/spelling, and a bit more structure. We continued through the summer with adding daily penmenship and copywork, and by the September, had moved much closer to what I wanted. Now we have Latin in there, nature study in there, I just bought CW Primer to make our daily writing a bit more "formal", and I've ordered some simple machine kits from Lego Science so we actually get a bit more frequent with our science (we thought physics would be fun this year as it is hands-on). Oh, and we at least get art done once a month with our friends. I feel much better about our focus and some day actually feel accomplished! :) I agree with liking the word vigorous - it has an inspiring feel to it. :D


Wow, sounds like you're doing great! Doesn't re-reading WTM inspire you? I'm so glad I bought the revised edition, also. Just the section on outlining for middle school was worth it for me.


Good luck!


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It's so easy to stray. I have grown into our rigor, but daily have to force myself to maintain the stride. Sometimes I hear Dori, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" I want to get to the other beach some day...and stop all the swimming, but I figure on the way, we'd better be ready for anything we find on the other side, so the rigor has to stay.


You can do it! I can do it! We just need....to do it! :)


Loving PR by the way! Having a great time with in.


You're definitely right about disciplining yourself to stay on track. I find that I'm realizing that even very slow steps in a CONSISTENT manner make the difference. Also, you inspired me to go with Phonics Road, and we are soo loving it here. I think it will provide the perfect foundation to begin Latin when we are through. Are you planning on using The Latin Road? I see it was a recommended resource in WTM.




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Count us in!


I realized right away this year that our recent changes to a more relaxed homeschool are really not working for us. I would wonder each night- Gee, did we really LEARN anything today? I thought after reading all of these wonderful books this summer on relaxed school and unschooling that I could "do" that. No more repetition with lessons and trying to teach ahead of the standard. Simplify, relax... Then my children would, as most of the books say, just learn naturally and have this ignited fire lit within them. Um, ya right.:001_rolleyes: My boys learned quickly how to avoid books and pencils like the plague, but, on the flip side, they really got good at playing James Bond on the Wii.:glare:


Real life is NOT relaxed- at least not where I come from. Real life requires duty and discipline. If I don't instill this in my boys now, I will fail them for what lies ahead. There are always going to be things we do not want to do, that will challenge us, and I will not be the example to them that well, if it looks too difficult, just move away from it and find something "fun". I want them to seek out the challenges and realize the reward that follows. There is plenty of time for play after you accomplish the hard stuff.:001_smile:


Yes, yes, and yes!


It was very comforting for me to believe that my dc would be just fine, learning all they needed from real life and just covering the basics. When life happened and we started slacking on our schoolwork, I would reach for those John Holz books or relaxed homeschooling book to make myself feel okay. But I've been homeschooling long enough now that I actually SEE the result.


Go team!!



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Wow, sounds like you're doing great! Doesn't re-reading WTM inspire you? I'm so glad I bought the revised edition, also. Just the section on outlining for middle school was worth it for me.


Good luck!


Thanks! Yes, it totally inspired me; I'm hoping that I might get some money at Christmas to buy the revised edition. I think overall, though, I feel best about actually knowing what I want to do in regards to homeschooling, and actually doing it. :D

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You're definitely right about disciplining yourself to stay on track. I find that I'm realizing that even very slow steps in a CONSISTENT manner make the difference. Also, you inspired me to go with Phonics Road, and we are soo loving it here. I think it will provide the perfect foundation to begin Latin when we are through. Are you planning on using The Latin Road? I see it was a recommended resource in WTM.





I am currently using it with the older half of our gang. I love it! I am actually thinking of using the model in LR to teach dc spanish by simply following along exactly, only using spanish words. We are using Rosetta Stone right now, but I'm never sure how well it is sticking and its too easy for me to ignore it b/c they do it on the computer.


I just finished year one with the little boys, so we started year 2 and since we can go at regular pace and not super speed (to catch up my new student), life is a breeze! It's so much easier in Year 2 cuz the tough part of learning phonics is mostly learned.


I'm glad PR is a success for you! Woo hoo!

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