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Did anyone else have that Hawaiian Punch game with the playdough and little pineapple mold?


That's what he gets for falling in love with the girl in the world!


I'm probably the only person who knows that song.:confused:

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I actually knew this one. (woo hoo! I's smart 2nite!) I was just being facetious. ;) Oh, I think I hurt myself trying to spell it correctly though.:tongue_smilie:

Ever since we did the Science in a Nutshell moon kit, I'm always talking about the phase of the moon, lol!


Apparently people who like to dress up in black face and do Jackson Five impersonations.


Ah, true.:tongue_smilie:

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I think it would be so interesting to build something on the moon where man could actually live--a base from where they would do more study of our universe and learn to live safely in space. I would assume that it will be like the International Space Station where several nations pool their resources to make it work. The innovations that have come from space travel have improved our lives in many ways--I can't imagine this would do any less.


The rocket they rammed into the moon was about the size of a school bus. It was not a bomb that exploded. The moon is hit daily by various sized objects--and this was not one of the bigger ones. If you look at the surface of the moon, you will see just how many craters and and marks there are from its constant bombardment. I don't think anyone can seriously worry about it affecting the earth.


I am concerned, however, and wonder how they will protect any station up there from this bombardment. Will they have to go underground? If they find water, a colony up there becomes feasible.


Now if I were younger, I think I'd be working on my science classes a bit more diligently. :) But for now, I'll have to be satisfied with my telescope, Hubble, and NASA.



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Recommended for third to sixth but easy to adjust. Have you used any of the Science in a Nutshell kits before? I LOOOOOOOVE THEM! LOVE!


link for the moon one here


Thanks. No I've never heard of them before your mentioning. That link looks really cool! I'll have to investigate their kits. I LOVE science and doing science-y stuff. :D Thanks so much for the head's up. :)

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You people just don't get it. It's all part of the plan. The rocket didn't crash like they want you to think. It's sitting there on the moon's surface waiting to strike. It will start targeting non-vaccinating people to embed tracking chips. The clueless conspiracy nuts will think it's merely moon dust from the bombing.


I'll blog about it. Then it will be fact and I can link you to it. ;)

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Is it just me, or does bombing the moon seem like part science, and in some measure a reminder to Ahmadinejad and Iran (and Russia, China, North Korea and others) that if we can bomb the moon that we can also...


Too cynical? :D






It wasn't a bomb.


You do know that...




It was a rocket that ran into the moon--a crash, perhaps, but not a bomb. The 2nd space craft collected info on whether there was water there or not--and anything else they could find.


We were collecting data on whether it is going to be feasible to put a base on the moon--if there is water, it becomes possible. Many nations have worked together on the International Space Station. I'm sure this will bring nations together to work on a peaceful mission once more. I hope they find water. It will be a reason to celebrate.


Who knows? If we find that we are going to be hit by a large meteor or other space debris, perhaps this base will be part of what keeps mankind from going the way of the dinosaur.



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You people just don't get it. It's all part of the plan. The rocket didn't crash like they want you to think. It's sitting there on the moon's surface waiting to strike. It will start targeting non-vaccinating people to embed tracking chips. The clueless conspiracy nuts will think it's merely moon dust from the bombing.


I'll blog about it. Then it will be fact and I can link you to it. ;)

Beam me up Scottie!


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You people just don't get it. It's all part of the plan. The rocket didn't crash like they want you to think. It's sitting there on the moon's surface waiting to strike. It will start targeting non-vaccinating people to embed tracking chips. The clueless conspiracy nuts will think it's merely moon dust from the bombing.


I'll blog about it. Then it will be fact and I can link you to it. ;)



that's not what I heard.

How I heard it is it's all a scam. No one has ever landed on the moon!


Haven't you people watched The Matrix or The World is not Enough?

None of it's real man!


This guy :hat: need to wrap that hat in foil.


On a more serious note, it's not the going in space that bothers me. It's the lack of doing so responsibly. For example. Are they cleaning up the crash debris? Yes I know we could do better on earth. But that's not a valid reason for trashing the moon.


I mean what if some space trash, like a toilet seat or something, comes into orbit and hits some girl on her lunch break in the head and kills her and she has to go about her after life as a reaper being made fun of as the The Toilet Seat Girl? Like what if ya know? We gotta start thinking about the future implications of our acts!






My finger hurts from typing this into my phone. I need a bigger phone! Why is everything barbie-sized?!:lol:

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Anyone else do a double take about this? Where do you ask for permission? Who has the authority to okay sending spacecraft spiraling into the moon in search of water? I am admittedly ignorant about such things, but I've seen no one question the wisdom of doing so. What do you think?


(Sorry, didnt read the whole message thread, just commenting on your first post).


Not sure why authority is an issue. The Moon is a dead ball, no one lives there, and the world theoretically shares it. Fact is, the issue of "water on the Moon" has been the Holy Grail of space science, and has been discussed for decades. Every potential space-faring nation in the world has an interest in finding water on the Moon.


If water can be found on the Moon, the likelihood increases of establishing manned lunar colonies. It would be prohibitively expensive to haul water from the Earth to use on the Moon. It costs about $10,000 a pound to haul cargo into space, and water weighs 8 lbs/gallon. Humans use several gallons of water each day, so do the math. Meanwhile, lunar water can be had almost for free. Plus, water can be used to make more rocket fuel, which can further offset the costs of space travel.


People seem to be concerned about some sort environmental consequence to this. This was posted today on my Facebook page:


"Since NASA just "bombed" the moon, is there any chance that will effect our tides or anything else?" Not at all. In the Apollo era, NASA crashed the third stage rocket into the Moon to create a simulated "moonquake" for measurement purposes. The Moon is so large and massive that we could not deliberately affect the Moon's orbit even if we hit it with all our nukes.




Anyway, there is nothing new about crashing stuff into the Moon and planets, NASA has been doing it for 40 years with no ill effects. If it tiurns out that sufficient water is discovered on the Moon, there will be renewed talk of establishing Moon colonies, from the US, Russia, China and India.

Edited by jayfromcleveland
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No, no, no. You people aren't in the loop obviously. Both of today's odd happenings can easily be explained.


With the infinite power the United Nations holds, they were finally able to decode the messages that were on board the spaceship that landed in area 51. Those messages told of an alien invasion to take place in 2010 (not in 2000 when many people panicked). The message also told the location of the alien forces. Yes, the moon... Our president, unknown to the masses/but known to the UN, has saved the world.




(Explanation courtesy of my dsis.)

Edited by Lolly
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(Sorry, didnt read the whole message thread, just commenting on your first post).


Not sure why authority is an issue. The Moon is a dead ball, no one lives there, and the world theoretically shares it. Fact is, the issue of "water on the Moon" has been the Holy Grail of space science, and has been discussed for decades. Every potential space-faring nation in the world has an interest in finding water on the Moon.


If water can be found on the Moon, the likelihood increases of establishing manned lunar colonies. It would be prohibitively expensive to haul water from the Earth to use on the Moon. It costs about $10,000 a pound to haul cargo into space, and water weighs 8 lbs/gallon. Humans use several gallons of water each day, so do the math. Meanwhile, lunar water can be had almost for free. Plus, water can be used to make more rocket fuel, which can further offset the costs of space travel.


People seem to be concerned about some sort environmental consequence to this. This was posted today on my Facebook page:


"Since NASA just "bombed" the moon, is there any chance that will effect our tides or anything else?" Not at all. In the Apollo era, NASA crashed the third stage rocket into the Moon to create a simulated "moonquake" for measurement purposes. The Moon is so large and massive that we could not deliberately affect the Moon's orbit even if we hit it with all our nukes.




Anyway, there is nothing new about crashing stuff into the Moon and planets, NASA has been doing it for 40 years with no ill effects. If it tiurns out that sufficient water is discovered on the Moon, there will be renewed talk of establishing Moon colonies, from the US, Russia, China and India.



Oh my, I really hope you read the thread. You obviously have no clue what is really going on...:lol:

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Well, like I said, I was replying to the original post. I skimmed the thread and it looks like most of you folks got waaaay more time on your hands for goofing around than me! :001_smile:


Aw - c'mon - it's Friday :biggrinjester: Kick back and laugh a little and join in the fun. Just watch out for any falling toilet seats ;)

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Aw - c'mon - it's Friday :biggrinjester: Kick back and laugh a little and join in the fun. Just watch out for any falling toilet seats ;)


yeah, we're too old to get our jollies tping houses now. So, we come here and get silly. Far less clean up required.

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The rocket they rammed into the moon was about the size of a school bus.



Hey, maybe we could take another 79 million bucks and buy some school buses for children in poor countries. Or maybe even half that amount and actually build some schools in South America or Africa????

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Oh. my. word. What have you people been DOING while I was away?!? Tang, kool-ade, Hawaiian punch, toilet seats....geez. Yes, I do know we were not setting off bombs on the moon (used term that was all over the news yesterday morning, sorry), I do know the purpose, I do know that the moon has no atmosphere, it's a LONG WAY from us, and so forth. Glad you guys had fun. You are VERY silly people. I like it. But I still don't like bombing/crashing/impacting/kicking up debris on the moon to maybe find evidence of water and spending 79 million to do so. So there.

Oh, and I'd be thrilled if my little guy made a connection between something he saw in the news and something he'd studied, even if the facts weren't all there. Good job, Mom. He's thinking.

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We don't know where this might lead us. I can't help thinking about our early explorers. Can you image? We could still be thinking the world is flat without them. This is the next step for our modern day explorers.


That is exactly what I was thinking.


Also, like another poster said, we just studied the moon in science and the book says it is hit constantly with meteors because of the lack of atmosphere. Somebody also spoke of the earth being hit all the time and not wanted to bomb it. Actually, the earth's atmosphere protects from most meteors, etc. Some do get through, but nothing like the moon.


Yes, I had to get to be 37 years old, homeschool my children and FINALLY learn something because I am using Apologia's Astronomy book! LOL!

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