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I need help assisting my son with an evolution vs. creation paper.(help not debate).

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The paper is for a creation based biology class. It's assumed and expected that the paper will embrace a non evolutionary model.


I signed him up for the class, I am not arguing with that.


But, I don't exactly believe in a straight Creation model. I mean, I believe that God created whatever science will ultimately be discovered as our history.


I also have not studied the issue enough to easily assist him in finding a topic he can use. He needs to use no fewer than 3 arguments against each of 3 current evolutionary theories and state 3 scientific reasons why he disagrees.


Are there evolutionary theories that are not literal, 7 day, young earth, dinosaours on the ark that we can refute? I don't even know what "evolutionary" theories might exist.


We are going to the library this evening. The other issue I *can* handle by myself is not waiting so long to attempt a high school level paper as a freshman in a high school level class as a freshman. He doesn't quite believe, however, that I know what I am talking about when it comes to writing a paper.


Joanne, leaves muttering under her breath about 2 college degrees, one with Honors in English, graduate school......

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I'm not sure I understand what you're looking for. He's got to refute evolutionary theories ? Because this quote of yours is getting me confused:


Are there evolutionary theories that are not literal, 7 day, young earth, dinosaours on the ark that we can refute?


All evolutionary theories are not literal, 7 days young earth, etc...

They all claim the world is gazillion years old.

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There are many theories of origins out there...


*Naturalistic Evolution - (Even within this you have varying theories about "how" that happened)

*Theistic Evolution - God used evolution in creation.

*Intelligent Design - (Could aliens fall into this category, too? LOL. JUST JOKING.)

*Young Earth Creation - literally 7/24 hr periods

*Old Earth Creation - God created the world but did it in 7 long ages

*Gap Theory suggests that God created dinosaurs & then started over between Gen 1:1 and 1:2.

*The theory that God could have created the universe in 7 literal days but chose to make it appear millions of years old.


Wow, and I'm sure I'm barely scratching the surface. I'd just pick a few and start hammering away.

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I'm not sure I understand what you're looking for. He's got to refute evolutionary theories ? Because this quote of yours is getting me confused:




All evolutionary theories are not literal, 7 days young earth, etc...

They all claim the world is gazillion years old.


Let me be more clear, and I do understand your confusion.


"We" don't believe in an absolutely literal, 7 day as we understand them creation.


"We" *do* believe in God and God as Creator.


Are there any evolutionary theories we can refute (and therefore satisfy the agreed upon topic) that do not require a literalist Christian perspective?

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I'm not sure if you could go this direction, but how about using Documentary Hypothesis theory of Genesis as a basis for showing the Genesis story is not meant to be used to explain the science of creation? It would kind of skirt the issue, sort of coming in the back door, so to speak.

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Joanne, it sounds like the assignment is to refute at least three evolutionary theories. And it sounds like the problem is that you and your son do not necessarily disagree with evolution?


In a case like this (where the conclusion is given as part of the assignment) I would expect the paper to be a regurgitation of what was taught in class. I wouldn't look to find an argument that I agreed with necessarily, just spit back what the teacher or the textbook had said.


(But then, I debated in high school and got used to arguing persuasively positions I didn't hold.)

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I'm not sure if you could go this direction, but how about using Documentary Hypothesis theory of Genesis as a basis for showing the Genesis story is not meant to be used to explain the science of creation? It would kind of skirt the issue, sort of coming in the back door, so to speak.


...being familiar with the documentary hypothesis, I don't think that its use would fulfil the intent of this assignment. Basically the argument you are being asked to make is that Genesis is literally true, and the documentary hypothesis does not support that.


If you really want to skirt the issue I have a few ideas:


1. Macro vs. micro evolution--there is undisputed evidence that animals adapt to their surrounding and evolve to fit their environment, with survival of the fittest coming into play. However, there is little or no evidence that animals evolve into different kinds of animals (macro evolution).


2. Steady state assumptions and their problems. If, for instance, C14 dating depends on a 'normal' ratio of C12 to C14 always having been present in living creatures, is there evidence that that was not always the ratio? That's just one example. I don't have the data to confirm or deny this specific one.


3. What if animals are symbiotic with other ones that are not believed to be present at the same time in history? I have heard it alleged that bees and flowers are an example of this.


4. Catastrophies and their sudden effects vs. gradual change over time. Consider the Flood or Mount St. Helens or Krakatoa or a large meteor hitting the earth--all would be examples of catastrophies that disrupt the natural processes of reproduction and population. Evolution depends to a great extent on a steady state of population and on the assumption that layers in the earth are due to gradual, steady laying down of debris with time. If a catastrophy causes many layers to deposit during a short time, then it would cause that area to have the appearance of a much greater age than reality.


I'm sorry that I don't have more examples that are specific, but I have not studied this thoroughly in a very long time. Do you own the Apologia General Science book? My recollection from reviewing it at a conference is that it had lots of examples of this kind of thing.

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...being familiar with the documentary hypothesis, I don't think that its use would fulfil the intent of this assignment. Basically the argument you are being asked to make is that Genesis is literally true, and the documentary hypothesis does not support that.


If you really want to skirt the issue I have a few ideas:


1. Macro vs. micro evolution--there is undisputed evidence that animals adapt to their surrounding and evolve to fit their environment, with survival of the fittest coming into play. However, there is little or no evidence that animals evolve into different kinds of animals (macro evolution).


2. Steady state assumptions and their problems. If, for instance, C14 dating depends on a 'normal' ratio of C12 to C14 always having been present in living creatures, is there evidence that that was not always the ratio? That's just one example. I don't have the data to confirm or deny this specific one.


3. What if animals are symbiotic with other ones that are not believed to be present at the same time in history? I have heard it alleged that bees and flowers are an example of this.


4. Catastrophies and their sudden effects vs. gradual change over time. Consider the Flood or Mount St. Helens or Krakatoa or a large meteor hitting the earth--all would be examples of catastrophies that disrupt the natural processes of reproduction and population. Evolution depends to a great extent on a steady state of population and on the assumption that layers in the earth are due to gradual, steady laying down of debris with time. If a catastrophy causes many layers to deposit during a short time, then it would cause that area to have the appearance of a much greater age than reality.


I'm sorry that I don't have more examples that are specific, but I have not studied this thoroughly in a very long time. Do you own the Apologia General Science book? My recollection from reviewing it at a conference is that it had lots of examples of this kind of thing.

I think this response will get your wheels turning. In addition, I want to mention the concept of "irreducible complexity". It's the term used to explain certain biologic processes that are unable to be reduced any further and still function (ie bacterial flagellum). Basically it supports the concept of "something" out of nothing which was created by a "designer" as opposed to "something" out of "nothing" which was nothing.

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If you go to answersingenesis.org and click on Get Answers at the top, and then Evolution in the left side bar, you should get a lot of information for your student to use.


I was going to suggest this site. But Answers in Genesis DOES advocate a young earth Creation. Still, it has a wealth or archived articles that might benefit you.




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If you go to answersingenesis.org and click on Get Answers at the top, and then Evolution in the left side bar, you should get a lot of information for your student to use.


Except that (not to debate he facts) AIG does not portrait a "real" version of the Theory of Evolution. They make up a "straw-man" version.


The teachers for this assignment might not mind, but Joanne wouldn't be doing her son any favors by going to a site that seriously misrepresents the Theory of Evolution.



Edited by Spy Car
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Except that (not to debate he facts) AIG does not portrait a "real" version of the Theory of Evolution. They make up a "straw-man" version.


The teachers for this assignment might not mind, but Joanne wouldn't be doing her son any favors by going to a site that serious misrepresents the Theory of Evolution.




She did say, "Help, not debate."

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There are many theories of origins out there...


*Naturalistic Evolution - (Even within this you have varying theories about "how" that happened)

*Theistic Evolution - God used evolution in creation.

*Intelligent Design - (Could aliens fall into this category, too? LOL. JUST JOKING.)

*Young Earth Creation - literally 7/24 hr periods

*Old Earth Creation - God created the world but did it in 7 long ages

*Gap Theory suggests that God created dinosaurs & then started over between Gen 1:1 and 1:2.

*The theory that God could have created the universe in 7 literal days but chose to make it appear millions of years old.


Wow, and I'm sure I'm barely scratching the surface. I'd just pick a few and start hammering away.


Can I add my personal favorite evolutionary theory....always laughed at, but I adore it....


The Aquatic Ape Theory.


I am a strange person though. :D


Also, we are obsessed with fractals in our house... that seems to explain a certain amount of evolutionary cohesiveness to me, but your assignment is to "debunk" not explore. oh well.

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I am not sure if I know exactly what you are looking for. I think you are looking for a Christian science site or resource that allows for an older earth. If that is the case I would look at these sites.








I have not looked closely at these sights. I just bookmarked them so that I could do more research on this subject.



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Here are the Hugh Ross/Reasons to believe articles on evolution. They take a scientific creationism approach. It's old earth among other things. But I think the links they have will be most helpful in finding ways to refute evolution (macro) and support creation that don't contradict science.

Edited by sbgrace
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Can I add my personal favorite evolutionary theory....always laughed at, but I adore it....


The Aquatic Ape Theory.


I am a strange person though. :D


Also, we are obsessed with fractals in our house... that seems to explain a certain amount of evolutionary cohesiveness to me, but your assignment is to "debunk" not explore. oh well.


I ove the aquatic ape theory. I have all of Elaine Morgan's books. :)

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He is going to have to play devil's advocate on this. It is standard practice on debate teams to argue against your own POV. Some books to get him started are:


Darwin's Black Box

Of Pandas and People

Shattering the Myths of Darwinism by Richard Milton.


The last book attacks evolution from a strictly scientific secular point of view and may be helpful. Unfortunately, all the books have been debunked but he could argue as if they had not. Another option is to find some of the legitimate questions that we still have not answered regarding evolution and then use a wedge to pry open those cracks. Think more along legal lines of reasonable doubt that trying to difinitely disprove. Oh, and good luck.

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One would also write about a pre-Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis put forward by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (Lamarckism) that held that acquired traits could be passed to offspring.


So an animal, by this theory, who stretched her neck to reach (and eat) leaves could have longer necked children. And eventually you get giraffes.


Or that a body-builder (because he worked out) will have stronger kids as a result.


This hypothesis was largely disproved, but if memory serves, there have been some recent studies with insects that show if a "mother" insect is startled she can release chemicals that will "turn on" genes in future off-spring that change their fight-flight responses to danger stimuli.



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