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"D Gibbons is a bad man"

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The show is called Flash Forward, for those wondering.

Your title gave me chills! LOL. I went to bed after watching it and it kept coming into my dreams - didn't sleep real sound that night! But yes, it is addicting & I'll be watching it next week (and maybe missing more quality sleep).

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We just watched the new episode last night. I think the show has a lot of potential. You really have to wonder what Charlie and Dillon saw in their flash forwards. I also wonder what Dillon's father saw.


I think the person who the suicidal doctor saw in his flash forward was the agent who was pregnant in the future. The drawing he was working on looked like her.

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I think I should warn you all that this show will likely not be on long. Me liking it is usually the kiss of death for any new show, except for Lost. ;) And I really like it ...



I know, but maybe it will rally back to life for a few seasons at least like The Unit did. :001_smile:

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I think I should warn you all that this show will likely not be on long. Me liking it is usually the kiss of death for any new show, except for Lost. ;) And I really like it ...


Then it's doubly cursed, because I like it too. Let's hope it doesn't go the way of My Own Worst Enemy, Life, Life on Mars, The Unusuals. . .


And OP - as far as cloning yourself - Hulu is your friend! (Now if they would only get Criminal Minds!)

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Then it's doubly cursed, because I like it too. Let's hope it doesn't go the way of My Own Worst Enemy, Life, Life on Mars, The Unusuals. . .


And OP - as far as cloning yourself - Hulu is your friend! (Now if they would only get Criminal Minds!)


I think we are really in trouble, because I watched ALL of those! And Life on Mars was an all-time favorite! :D

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Oh, I watched this because of this thread. Really good show so far!


My predictions:


Lloyd Simka is D. Gibbons.


Agent Noh is the father of the other agent's baby. Or will be the father I should say. :001_smile:


Oh, I bet you are right about Agent Noh. Which one is Lloyd Simka???

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Thanks guys!


My daughter commented that when the little boy was in the hospital and his father comes in, and Dr. Bryce is sitting by the boy, Dr. Bryce says that Dr. Beneford will be in in the morning to see him. Then Mr. Simka says "I'll wait for her" How did he know Dr. Beneford was a her? Dr. Bryce didn't say it was a her...

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I am thinking Lloyd is the guy in the stadium, since Olivia, Charlie and Dylan all have memories during the blackout, but he doesn't seem to. And he had to be called in from somewhere else when Dylan was hurt and his mom was killed. I guess he could be D. Gibbons, but wasn't he still at the hospital with Dylan when the doll factory went up?

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My predictions:


Lloyd Simka is D. Gibbons.


Agent Noh is the father of the other agent's baby. Or will be the father I should say. :001_smile:



Has anyone noticed that Lloyd is the same character/name as in the original novel? And Noh is like Lloyd's friend who also (in the book) discovered he was doomed to die? I like how they switched it up a bit. The book has 2 scientists racing to find out what is going on with a 21 year "gap" -- on TV it is 2 FBI agents with a 6 month "gap".

Edited by tex-mex
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Has anyone noticed that Lloyd is the same character/name as in the original novel? And Noh is like Lloyd's friend who also (in the book) discovered he was doomed to die? I like how they switched it up a bit.


I guess I should go read the book. Would that spoil the show though?

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I guess I should go read the book. Would that spoil the show though?


Ummmmm... lol... so far, based on what I've watched yes AND no. If the scriptwriters are keeping to the true plot... don't read it. If they are basing it on the book and launching into their own storyline... read it after season one. I'm thrilled!


(Please no spoilers on the thread... PM me if you need to know. Thanx!)

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Ummmmm... lol... so far, based on what I've watched yes AND no. If the scriptwriters are keeping to the true plot... don't read it. If they are basing it on the book and launching into their own storyline... read it after season one. I'm thrilled!


(Please no spoilers on the thread... PM me if you need to know. Thanx!)


Thanks so much. I was thinking I would wait until after this season to read it.

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I was not. going. to. watch. this. show.


I wasn't.


I knew it would be a thing like LOST. And I wasn't interested in being sucked in. I avoided LOST pandemonium by not having a TV when it started.










I did watch.


And it's got me hooked thus far.


tsk, tsk, tsk! I don't know I'm gonna do with myself.

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I was not. going. to. watch. this. show.


I wasn't.


I knew it would be a thing like LOST. And I wasn't interested in being sucked in. I avoided LOST pandemonium by not having a TV when it started.










I did watch.


And it's got me hooked thus far.


tsk, tsk, tsk! I don't know I'm gonna do with myself.


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Oh, I watched this because of this thread. Really good show so far!


My predictions:


Lloyd Simka is D. Gibbons.




Well you were right that Lloyd is neck deep in the Flash Forward group of bad guys, after he got that call from Simon. So I guess we will have to see if he is indeed D. Gibbons.... (you are good at picking bad guys)


Man and he seemed so nice :confused:

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I think they're ramping up for the end of LOST--right before the last season, but in between seasons, they pull us in, even going so far as to recycle actors. My goodness, Richard Alpert in the lead? How cool. And Sawyer's ex running the bar? You know she was just yelling at her poor ex husband while she waited for Sawyer so she could yell at him in person.


This is the future of LOSTies. They know what we want.


(I hope.)


Does anybody know if this show, too, has a set # of seasons? Because I'd like some reassurance that they know where they're going, so I can enjoy the ride.

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I think they're ramping up for the end of LOST--right before the last season, but in between seasons, they pull us in, even going so far as to recycle actors. My goodness, Richard Alpert in the lead? How cool. And Sawyer's ex running the bar? You know she was just yelling at her poor ex husband while she waited for Sawyer so she could yell at him in person.


This is the future of LOSTies. They know what we want.


(I hope.)


Does anybody know if this show, too, has a set # of seasons? Because I'd like some reassurance that they know where they're going, so I can enjoy the ride.


Well, I noticed Sawyer's ex but I didn't see Richard Alpert and I just checked IMDB and didn't see him listed. Was he only in tonights show?

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I think they're ramping up for the end of LOST--right before the last season, but in between seasons, they pull us in, even going so far as to recycle actors. My goodness, Richard Alpert in the lead? How cool. And Sawyer's ex running the bar? You know she was just yelling at her poor ex husband while she waited for Sawyer so she could yell at him in person.


This is the future of LOSTies. They know what we want.


(I hope.)


Does anybody know if this show, too, has a set # of seasons? Because I'd like some reassurance that they know where they're going, so I can enjoy the ride.


Hmm. After tonight's episode, I may have to recant. This show seems to be stalling out.

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Hmm. After tonight's episode, I may have to recant. This show seems to be stalling out.


I agree, I may back out too out of watching anymore. I'm glad I had it recorded and could fast forward through several of the scenes. It was way to much for me and DH. Why do they have to make everything so sexual? so violent? ug...

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