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Do you have high blood pressure? Would you please tell me I don't?

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So, my mom has been telling me since I was 25 that I would get high blood pressure and diabetes when I entered my 40's because that's what happened to her.

Cocky young thing that I was, I laughed at her and said that would never happen because I was a fitness freak and had a very healthy diet (she has always been overweight and eats terrible.)

Well, now I'm 45, 30 lb.'s overweight, my exercise consists of chasing a naughty three y.o., and our family diet is embarrassingly awful.


Now for my symptoms: I constantly have that feeling you get at the top of the rollercoaster before you descend to certain death. Know that feeling? And I have a persistent headache that really gets bad once a month.

Are those high blood pressure warnings?

It seems like nothing as I write it, but these two symptoms make me feel awful all day long; almost as hyperventilating is just moments away.

I've though about anxiety, but I'm really not anxious about anything...well, y'know...nothing out of the ordinary. Other posters certainly have tougher life situations than I do.

So, what do you think?

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When was the last time your blood pressure was checked? You could always walk in to a pharmacy and take it. If it's a little high, I'd stay and rest a minute, and take it again. High blood pressure runs in my family. I know headaches can be a symptom, but I also know it can have no symptoms.

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I have I blood pressure. When I was younger I actually had lower than average blood pressure. I don't feel any difference between when my blood pressure is high and when it is low or average. Silent killer is accurate. Some people just don't know if they do or don't until they get tested. I began with it when I hit my 40s which is what happened to my dad and my gm.

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Just a warning. Those drugstore/Wal-Mart BP machines are enough to send you running to the ER. I checked mine at Wal-Mart and at CVS and one told me I had a BP reading of 162/101, and the other said 158/95. OMG!!!


Well, digital BP machines can be very innacurate. I have a regular BP cuff here at my house and I check mine regularly.


My father had undiagnosed high BP, and suffered a brain aneurysm at the age of 48.(I am 42 now). He survived, but with permanent brain damage and paralysis.


My mother was the same way. Last year she finally went in for a check up and her BP was 210/110!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So mine runs up and down, the "high" end has been 158/90. And then it will run as low as 128/80.


At one time, years ago, the BP "norm" was 140/90. But the AHA lowered it to 120/80.


Nobody should take BP meds if you are borderline. If your pressure consistently runs high, such as top number being greater then 160 and bottom number(which is the most important since this is your resting heartbeat) runs over 90, then a change in diet and/or meds might be in order.


Also, just because your pressure is high at a Dr's office, doesn't mean it is that way at home.


There are just way to many variables that can effect your BP. Which is why if you are borderline(like me), you should have a cuff at home and monitor it every day.


Please get it checked. It takes 2 minutes.:D

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Now for my symptoms: I constantly have that feeling you get at the top of the rollercoaster before you descend to certain death. Know that feeling? And I have a persistent headache that really gets bad once a month.

Are those high blood pressure warnings?



Good Lord, you better see a doctor! With the exception of the headaches you mentioned above, I didn't even recognize my symptoms (at the age of 28, by the way). My doctor picked it up on an annual visit and I was eventually put on medication I would "probably have to take for the rest of my life".


Well, I lost 25 lbs and no longer have a blood pressure problem. Yay! And of course there are tons of other benefits to being healthy. I worked in the gym with a trainer who was very knowledgable in diet and nutrition. I highly recommend that approach. It requires a lifestyle change.

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I would go for a check up and mention what you said to your dr. Blood pressure and a thyroid panel would be a good idea. I found I have mild hyperthyroidism at the beginning of my current pregnancy - among the symptoms were anxiety and higher blood pressure (that top of the roller coaster feeling is what causes me to mention this) After being on meds for a few months my blood pressure is much lower and I feel better than I did before - I had no idea! And really, it was a mild issue.....


No one likes to go to the dr but you might feel better if you did.

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Well, digital BP machines can be very innacurate. I have a regular BP cuff here at my house and I check mine regularly.


This is true. The ones in the drug stores and such will give a higher reading.


At one time, years ago, the BP "norm" was 140/90. But the AHA lowered it to 120/80.


Nobody should take BP meds if you are borderline. If your pressure consistently runs high, such as top number being greater then 160 and bottom number(which is the most important since this is your resting heartbeat) runs over 90, then a change in diet and/or meds might be in order.


This however, is not neccessarily true. I really depends on your overall medical picture. I have several immediate relatives that have dies or heart attacks due to high blood pressure, all before the age of 54. My mother died at the age of 60 and I have one younger brother who has had several heart attacks already. So even though my blood pressure runs between 130/90 and 140/100 they still have me on high blood pressure meds due to family history.


Also, just because your pressure is high at a Dr's office, doesn't mean it is that way at home.:D


This is also true especially if you are seeing a doctor the first time or someone that you are not particularly comfortable with. There is actually something called "white coat syndrome". Most people are natually apprehensive about seing a doctor and therefore their blood pressure goes up. My nurse takes my blood pressure during triage, which is standard practice, but my doctor always takes mine again towards the end of the appt. and he always gets a lower reading.

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You should go see your doctor -- the cuffs at the stores are notoriously inaccurate. Invest in a cuff for use at home BUT do not use it unless you must -- never take your pressure without waiting at least 30 minutes between readings. I've stopped checking mine at home (doctor's orders) because just the thought of checking it would add points to my bp.


I walked around with numbers of 180/100 for weeks and didn't know it -- i felt tired, and like my head was wrapped in cotton and like I was in a fog. The doctor's office sent me to the ER immediately --


Get this checked! I am not being an alarmist - but you must be your own advocate here and take a pro-active position AND walk into the doctor's office under your own steam.


Pls let us know what happens! BTW, I take two bp meds and have for the past 9 years, my pressure is good, I don't worry about it, I don't check it at home, I see the doctor every 3-6 months, I 'try' to get enough rest, and I make an effort to eat well, do some exercise - even if it's only walking the dog for an hour. Ten years ago, I was a distance runner, and perfectly fit -- then the twins were born. The past is nice, but it is what is going on today that matters. Pls take care of yourself. Oh, and yes, I have a family history of hypertension.

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I'll tell you that you don't have HBP if you'll tell me I don't have cancer. Ugh. Isn't it amazing that once you get something in your head, you can't get it out?


I haven't read everyone's responses. But, I bought a cuff to use at home. My blood pressure is VERY high at the doctor's office. I am VERY nervous around doctors. But, at home, my pressures are actually quite low. My doc knows this and never bothers me about my blood pressure. It might help ease your mind!

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I hate to drive, and I always have high blood pressure when I first get to the midwife's office.


We check it again at the end of the visit, and it is always low/normal.


I also need a wider cuff to get an accurate reading. The narrow one is always inaccurately high.

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I have several chronic conditions and am followed by a few doctors for them. None of the conditions is high blood pressure and I don't have that. None of my doctors have said anything about 110/70. I normally have something like 124/80 and I am considered to have no blood pressure problems. My dd has 110/60 and she has problems with low blood pressure. I would refuse medication unless my top number was routinely over 140 or my bottom was routinely over 90. When I was living in Belgium, I once had a doctor go nuts because my bp was 142/94. Well, that was with the automatic cuff and it triggered intense pain because it affects my ulnar nerve when they squeeze to tight. When I saw my regular Belgian internist, he measured it with a normal hand pumped cuff and my blood pressure was normal. It has been normal ever since as long as they don't torture me with automatic cuffs. Even then it is not always that high but that clinic had badly set monitors.


To the OP, get yourself checked. While headaches aren't usually caused by high BP, you need to know what your bp level is anyway.

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I have High BP and Diabetes, type 2. I went without my BP medicine for over a month and without it I hover at about 153/91. I am back on it and won't go off again.


Goto the local Walgreen's and other stores everyday for about a week and record the readings. Don't go to the same machine everyday, alternate. Then take your findings to your doctor. Sometimes it is higher in a doctor's office because people get nervous etc.


If you do indeed have High BP you don't want to mess around. I take Cozaar 50 mg. It is expensive, but it is one of the medications that helps protect heart and kidney's and I don't experience side effects. The other one I tried caused me to have coughing fits. Of course that one was the $4 one.

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I have several chronic conditions and am followed by a few doctors for them. None of the conditions is high blood pressure and I don't have that. None of my doctors have said anything about 110/70. I normally have something like 124/80 and I am considered to have no blood pressure problems. My dd has 110/60 and she has problems with low blood pressure. I would refuse medication unless my top number was routinely over 140 or my bottom was routinely over 90. When I was living in Belgium, I once had a doctor go nuts because my bp was 142/94. Well, that was with the automatic cuff and it triggered intense pain because it affects my ulnar nerve when they squeeze to tight. When I saw my regular Belgian internist, he measured it with a normal hand pumped cuff and my blood pressure was normal. It has been normal ever since as long as they don't torture me with automatic cuffs. Even then it is not always that high but that clinic had badly set monitors.


To the OP, get yourself checked. While headaches aren't usually caused by high BP, you need to know what your bp level is anyway.



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