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Diagnose this (please help)...Diarrhea after every meal...


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This started rather slowly....say after dinner in the afternoon.....to EVERY meal I eat now and has been going on for 5 days with every meal.


I had a piece of toast with a little butter this morning....and I don't think I even got it down good before I was in the bathroom. What happens is....after I eat....or while I am eating....my stomach starts making gurgling noises....then I start to bloat....then the diarrhea.


Usually I have to go to the bathroom within an hour of eating. I have also lost some weight...and I can't afford to lose much more. I weigh around 101-103....and am now down to 97.


Any ideas what this could be?



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I don't have the diarrhea, but I notice that my body cycles and sometimes I will have the bloating/gurgling and then gas after eating. It has been happening to me for the last week or so. Generally, if I just keep going, it subsides in a couple of weeks. I assume it is something my body just needs to worth through. If I had the diarrhea, I may feel differently. I'd probably consult a doctor on this. My ex husband had terrible pain and vomiting after every meal and he had an ulcer. Not sure if an ulcer could make it go the other way or not...

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Do you have any pain? If so, it might be a blockage within your intestinal track. Also, what type of foods are you eating and what did you eat five days before all this happened? Could be a food allergy or if you ate some bad meat - food poisoning. Keep a food diary - this might reveal some type of allergy to you. Good luck to you ... Terri

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I second the probios, you can get them in chewables (altough I believe yogurt / kefir is better) that you could take before you eat.


If that doesn't help maybe try an elimination diet. Google it....I think there is a top 8 elimination diet or something and instructions online. You take out the top 8 most offending foods then add them back gradually and if 1 causes your symptoms to return you know the offending food.



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I had almost the exact situation not too long ago. Very suddenly - without any change in diet or new medications - I started having really bad diarrhea multiple times per day. Several times I very nearly didn't make it to the toilet. There was no abd pn, just that ominous gurgling sound/feeling.


I talked to a colleague of mine who suggested trying an elimination diet. I only ate boneless, skinless chicken (usually poached or otherwise gently cooked and without many spices), sweet potatoes, spinach, and oatmeal. For almost 2 weeks this is what I lived on and eventually the diarrhea stopped. I've gradually added back almost everything in my diet that I was eating previously. Nothing seemed to trigger the diarrhea.


Now, I still have the occasional bout (as in once or twice per week instead of multiple times per day). I don't know what caused this or what made it stop. Although both dh and I cook from scratch almost every meal, we've made salads and vegetables the main portion of our meals and meats very secondary.


All this to say, I don't know what might be causing your problem, but have been through a very similar episode. It stinks! If an elimination diet doesn't help you, do consider seeing your doc.

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Get tested for parasites and celiac blood panel. If you have any antibodies on the panel even if it isn't positive, wait awhile and retest in a few months if symptoms continue regularly or on and off like that. Your antibodies should continue to climb if it is Celiac. Celiac can just suddenly appear and is often passed off as IBS and no two people seem to respond the same way. Hopefully you just have a bad bug but I wouldn't take a chance if it lasts beyond a few days.

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Celiac and IBS is what comes to mind. Eliminate gluten/wheat while waiting to see your Dr. Keep in mind that often Celiac is mistaken for IBS.


I was dx with IBS after a round of methaltrexate (sp), and that's what they put it down to, just recovering from having that poison in my body.


I've since discovered that my mother is Celiacs. I should get tested for it, but since I'm asymptomatic, I'm dragging my feet. Gluten free products are so freaking expensive that I wince just considering it. However, if I *do* have Celiacs, I'm damaging my body in the meantime, despite no symptoms. I concede to the possibility, and attempt to avoid wheat as much as I can.

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Sorry, I can't diagnose you. But, after every meal for the last few months, I would feel lightheaded, headachy, and my heart would race. Had the bloodwork for all kinds of things, including allergies. Nothing.


I went on an elimination diet almost 2 weeks ago and voila - all symptoms disappeared. Maybe I'm not officially allergic to anything, but I was not being good to my body. I think I just needed to cleanse all the junk out! I will gradually add things back in my diet.


I also starting taking probiotics and fish oil (among other vitamins).


It is extremely difficult to do the elimination diet, but I'm really glad I did.


Good luck to you.



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I had the same symptoms and after testing at my doctor it was determined it was a parasite. Kinda like food poisoning but a zillion times worse.


I would not wait and go see a doctor.


Have you drank any possibly unclean water (from a creek or something? Do you have a dog? If so, has said dog had any diarrhea issues? My dog recently had bloody diarrhea and the doctor told me that there was a very small possibility it could be a parasite - Giardia or Coccidosis. Both can cause diarrhea in humans as well. YUCK!

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