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"I will shove this racquet down your throat"

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So, what was the context?? Who was she speaking to? Not that it was appropriate... but sometimes she and her sister have felt unjustly treated... meaning... bad line calls and it seemed like the umps didn't want them to win (that was several years ago)... so I could see if she felt like she was being discriminated against by bad line calls she could get really angry and lose it...


So, what happened??

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Wow. Sounds like it may have been a questionable call but sheesh, much worse calls happen all the time in sports at every level. It's part of the game. I think they did the right thing penalizing her for her cussing and threatening words. I would be horribly ashamed if one of my children reacted that way in a rec league game, much less on national television. And then she has a press conference and doesn't apologize, or take an ounce of responsibility?!? UGH.

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Serena?!?! I think the "f" word was interspersed in there as well. Wow, I've never seen anything like that in all my years of watching tennis.


Well you've never seen it from a woman, but John McEnroe certainly said things close to that, didn't he?


I've never been a fan of the Williams sisters.

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Yea I guess. I began watching after his time. Agassi on the cover of Sports Illustrated and then the famous Conner's match in 1991 had me hooked.


I'm a little troubled, because me and my dh are really suspecting she did this on purpose knowing she'd probably been beat. Everything had been settled, she was ready to serve again, and then decided to again verbally attack the lineswomen, knowing full well she already had 2 warnings. I'm going to try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but circumstances are definitely fishy.

Edited by Rebecca77
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I have to say that even though it is noble to take the high road and give the benefit of the doubt... it seems like time after time these sisters demonstrate poor sportsmanship. If they lose and have had any injury the previous year, instead of congratulating their opponent and giving them credit, they complain about their injury. And it isn't just once. They are not gracious unless they lose to each other. Looks to me like another display of this same nonsense. Yeah, players lose thier tempers... But, her actions come at a time when she doesn't want to lose the match. I'm not in her head, so I can't claim her motivation... just saying that based on years of watching, it seems like this would be her way... (I use the pronoun "they" here because although I watch tennis year after year, I get the sisters confused regularly... IF for some reason Serena has never done the above and it was only her sister who ever acted in these ways, my apologies are extended)

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Poor sportsmanship is happening more and more and is everywhere - not just tennis. Been to a little league game lately? Some sports it is almost expected - hockey comes to mind. Remember the baseball game a few years ago where players on both sides stopped the game to remove their families from the stadium due to hecklers harassing them? Basketball fights? These players get paid so much money, are role models and hero figures to many children and youths.

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I love Serena. She has more personality in her little toe than any other female player I can think of. She's a great champion, and she's tough. She is brave. She is best friends with a sister that she has trained with, played championship matches against, and played doubles with. I think they set a beautiful picture of what sisters can be for each other.


She's withstood so much obnoxiousness from the tennis world. How many articles, really, did we need about whether the Williams sisters are "good" for tennis? She's been the victim of really bad line calls before, losing in the 2004 US Open because of poor judging (the line judge lost her job, it was that bad, but that did no good for Serena). She been relegated to the back courts at Wimbledon because she wasn't as pretty as other players. Recently a Fox reporter wrote a scathing article about how "fat" she is and what an underachiever she is (okay, so she's only won ELEVEN grand slam tournaments). Ouch.


She was awful last night - truly bad behavior. And I felt sorry for Clijster. She would have won if they had finished the match. No one wants to win on a penalty that way.


It was a bad night. It felt like a train wrecking. And there is no excuse for William's behavior, and while it's hard to say for certain, I do think she foot faulted. What I find interesting is that you see foot faults all the time and judge's don't call them. In fact, John McEnroe's immediate response what, "You can't call that there."


Anyway, yes, terrible behavior. Bad bad bad. But I still can't help but like her.

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I love Serena. She has more personality in her little toe than any other female player I can think of. She's a great champion, and she's tough. She is brave. She is best friends with a sister that she has trained with, played championship matches against, and played doubles with. I think they set a beautiful picture of what sisters can be for each other.


She's withstood so much obnoxiousness from the tennis world. How many articles, really, did we need about whether the Williams sisters are "good" for tennis? She's been the victim of really bad line calls before, losing in the 2004 US Open because of poor judging (the line judge lost her job, it was that bad, but that did no good for Serena). She been relegated to the back courts at Wimbledon because she wasn't as pretty as other players. Recently a Fox reporter wrote a scathing article about how "fat" she is and what an underachiever she is (okay, so she's only won ELEVEN grand slam tournaments). Ouch.


She was awful last night - truly bad behavior. And I felt sorry for Clijster. She would have won if they had finished the match. No one wants to win on a penalty that way.


It was a bad night. It felt like a train wrecking. And there is no excuse for William's behavior, and while it's hard to say for certain, I do think she foot faulted. What I find interesting is that you see foot faults all the time and judge's don't call them. In fact, John McEnroe's immediate response what, "You can't call that there."


Anyway, yes, terrible behavior. Bad bad bad. But I still can't help but like her.


The replays I saw show no foot fault. Serena was losing anyway. I saw Serena shake hands in a friendly manner with her opponent. She did deserve to be penalized. She did deserve to be chucked off the court. I detest professional sports because of bad sportsmanship but I cannot find it in me to hold this against Serena, YMMV.

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