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We converted our dining room into our "school room". The room is 12'x12', so it is somewhat cramped with all of our bookshelves and furniture, but we make it work. We keep most of our picture books (the non-fiction) in our living room on bookshelves because we have hundreds of them and didn't have the room in our school room. I do have our chapter books in the school room, though. I have shelving for our games (we play a lot!) and art supplies. I use plastic storage drawers under the table to hold math & science supplies so that they are easily accessible when I need them. The language arts manipulatives are in a storage drawer under our printer. I have a rolling bin container for our school supplies, but it rolls around to hold our full size blue pocket chart that is fastened to the back (hard to see in the photo). We have 4 different colored chairs, and each child "owns" their own color and that keeps us from arguing over who sits where.;) Sorry so big... I couldn't get it right!






and here I am :)


Edited by babysparkler
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You seem extremely organized! :)


I am, but not naturally... I have had to train myself to be :) My homeschooling is very organized from materials to curriculum planning... but my housekeeping is quite another story :) That is what I am currently working on. Dh is the organized one, so he "keeps" the family calendar and pays the bills. (I am so grateful for him!)

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Not sure if this will work, oh yeah, it's HUGE!! I shrunk it on photobucket but it keeps coming out huge!! I'm horrible at this...okay, bookshelves on the left wall (not pictured) and a large walk in closet where I keep all of our supplies, world maps and organization shelves on back wall...hth!




Edited by ma23peas
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I wish we could have a dedicated room for schooling. We just use the kitchen bar or the dining room table. Our kitchen and dining area are open to one another, seperated by waist high cabinets-so I use those to store all the books and bought some storage bins with lids to put all the pencils, flash cards, markers, etc.

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Cool! Thank you!


The room with our computer is about 10' by 10'. Rather tight. I have been arranging and rearranging, and I am working up a sweat! I need walls, open walls for time-lines, maps, art work etc. I miss my old, larger home! Wha!


I think this is working. I hope it is. I care for, and will hs, my sisters 4 yr old as well, so I need little kid spaces and big kid spaces. It's one thing to say "We work and learn everywhere in the world!" (That's a given!!) but it's quite another to create user-friendly spaces where one can store art supplies, books, games, little manipulativea, puzzles, and have a place to work on the computer without massive disruption. Not to mention having a place for paintings & art work to dry, clay models & maps to display etc.


It's also important that people be able to find and use these supplies. lol

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Cool! Thank you!


The room with our computer is about 10' by 10'. Rather tight. I have been arranging and rearranging, and I am working up a sweat! I need walls, open walls for time-lines, maps, art work etc. I miss my old, larger home! Wha!


I think this is working. I hope it is. I care for, and will hs, my sisters 4 yr old as well, so I need little kid spaces and big kid spaces. It's one thing to say "We work and learn everywhere in the world!" (That's a given!!) but it's quite another to create user-friendly spaces where one can store art supplies, books, games, little manipulativea, puzzles, and have a place to work on the computer without massive disruption. Not to mention having a place for paintings & art work to dry, clay models & maps to display etc.


It's also important that people be able to find and use these supplies. lol


Before using my Family room, I had about a 14 x 9.5 ft room. 10x10 has to be rough. In mine I at least have a good sized closet. Do you have a closet? Having the wrong shelving will waste space. I had mine shelved out. But I still had a rough time in it my room. Using short shelf units, maybe two shelves to keep manips/puzzles, etc on there works really good, because you can use all the wall space above it, the top of the shelf unit as well. If they're all the same you have a sort of long shelf across the wall. Do it on one entire wall and if the shelves are all the same it really makes it not so busy in a small room.


Older kids can really go off and do their work, whereas the little ones need the space more. Use a high shelf around the room as well, like directly above the doorway for things you want kids to ask for, huge mess items, but yet you can still "see" them and they're still accessible. At one time I hung a clothesline and clothespinned artwork to dry and to see on one wall. I also have a back of door shoe hanger on the outside of my door for supplies. Use rolling carts that will fit under the work table. You could have a huge room with all the wrong infrastructure and a small one with the right infrastructure and the small room will be better.

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Cool! Thank you!


The room with our computer is about 10' by 10'. Rather tight. I have been arranging and rearranging, and I am working up a sweat! I need walls, open walls for time-lines, maps, art work etc. I miss my old, larger home! Wha!


I think this is working. I hope it is. I care for, and will hs, my sisters 4 yr old as well, so I need little kid spaces and big kid spaces. It's one thing to say "We work and learn everywhere in the world!" (That's a given!!) but it's quite another to create user-friendly spaces where one can store art supplies, books, games, little manipulativea, puzzles, and have a place to work on the computer without massive disruption. Not to mention having a place for paintings & art work to dry, clay models & maps to display etc.


It's also important that people be able to find and use these supplies. lol


Pic? Maybe we can help!:001_smile:

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We use the formal dining room as our school room. The table we have basically fills it up. Since we didn't have a lot of storage, we had custom floor-to-ceiling built-ins installed downstairs. One set in the actual school room and then another at the foot of our stairs. I attached the before and after pictures.


The first one shows our school room (with the entryway and front door). The second is with the table in the room. The third is the wall at the foot of the stairs and the last two are the cabinets in place (since I couldn't get them in one pic).


Each child has their own section of a shelf and there's a shelf for my teacher's manuals. I'm still trying to find a home for everything else.


Our school table is big enough for eight people while our dining room table seats six. We need more room for our school work than we do for meals. :001_smile:


Not sure if this helps anyone, but it's nice to have an excuse to show off our first major home improvement. :001_smile:











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I love looking at school rooms! Ours is all over the house, unfortunately. We school at the kitchen table, mostly, so I have a shelf in there for books used daily. That's the first picture, taken in May.


However, our binders don't fit there, so they are in the dining/room office. That's the second picture. The computer is here so we use it right now for typing, writing and Latin vocab review. I;m afraid I didn't have a decent picture of this.


The dining room also holds over-flow curriculuum and I do my marking and planning in here.


The living room has books, too and we go in there for our read-alouds. This picture is from my daughter's Birthday party last month, lol!







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We turned part of our basement into a school room. The last picture of the bookshelves in in our sons' room. My husband made it cheaply in just a few hours using trim from Lowes.

Creekmom...do you have windows in your basement? What kind of lighting do you have? I originally thought of making a schoolroom in our basement, but it seems so gloomy down there. I don't have windows. It feels like a dungeon. :glare:


ETA: I was also wondering about the ceiling height.

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Our school area is much too messy to be photographed at the moment. You can't even see the desk, as it is covered in books. We were both REALLY amazed at some of these school rooms, though. Would be great if more people posted pictures.

Right now we're in a TINY house. The three of us share a largish bedroom that also serves as computer room, school room, and general living area. I wouldn't know what to do with a whole room just for school! For now we function with a small secretary, an upright set of plastic drawers, and a book case. I am so jealous. =p

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Creekmom...do you have windows in your basement? What kind of lighting do you have? I originally thought of making a schoolroom in our basement, but it seems so gloomy down there. I don't have windows. It feels like a dungeon. :glare:


ETA: I was also wondering about the ceiling height.


Unfortunately we don't have windows, which is why you see the bright yellow and blue on the walls. I was hoping it would remind me of a sunny, blue sky day! Although you can't see it in the picture, I have one light fixture in the middle of the room and track/spotlight lighting all around the room shining on different areas (you can see the type of track lighting in the photo of the art area). I wish I had taken before/after pics of the basement. It was incredibly gloomy and depressing before we worked on it (it took us all summer last year). Ceiling height is standard (maybe 8 or 9 feet?).

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